Days of Our Lives - Wed., Jan. 3, 2017


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Good show! Eve wakes up, sees Brady laying next to her, and flashes back to the prelude to their special way of welcoming in the New Year. Brady wakes up, they go back and forth on the why and wherefores of their little rollathon. She figures he is up to something, and this is never going to happen again, he denies it, saying he was planning on taking a trip around her world. She is puzzled, he is doing something with his hand under the covers, she is telling him to stop, stop that, he does, she ponders, oh, what the hell, and bam, she is on him like a fly on honey.

Over at the club, Chloe is cleaning up, and in walks Stefan. She is saying they are closed, doesn’t deter him. She notes he is the guy claiming to be Stefano’s son, says she never cared for Stefano, hates Vivian’s guts, so hope the apple falls far, far from the tree. She remarks that he, himself, should watch his step with Viv, that while her own parents were no Ozzie & Harriet, some of the things Viv has done make Stefano look like a saint. He asks who she is, the manager? No, the owner. He asks something about Doug, she laughs, saying her business partner’s husband, and does say her own name, simply, Chloe. He is glad to meet her, only civil person he has met in Salem…..and leaves.

At DiMansion, it is fun and games. In their bedroom, Abby sits on the bed, as Chad tries to reason with an unreceptive Mr. Shin. He starts to lose his temper, hard to believe the board would take the word of that delusional woman and her fake son. Nope, the board is adamant. Chad hangs up, Abby looks up Stefan on the internet, soon learns he is a successful businessman, their work is cut out for them.

Downstairs, Kate is having a big rant about Vivian to Andre, is really dissing her big time, and of course, Viv walks in, having overheard most of it. And now the two women engage in a delicious snark match. Must admit it was fun. Viv has obviously kept tabs recently, knows everything they all have been doing, including the marriage of convenience between Kate & Andre. Viv wonders why Kate claims to love Chad like a son, when she ignores her other sons, Lucas, Austin, Philip. Kate comments that Viv never mentioned another child when she stole her son, Philip to carry. They exchange barbs about each being married to Stefano, whether they cared about him, until finally Kate has had enough and slaps Vivian. Just then Stefan comes in, rushing up to Viv, stopping her from anything further, asking what she thinks she is doing, to stop it now.

In walks Abby & Chad, yep, looking a bit smug. Oh, they looked it all up, know all about Stefan. Name is Sam Maitland. Stefan says it was the name his adoptive parents gave him, he changed it last year when he learned who his bio father was. He talks of wanting to get DiMera business back on track, that the sharks are circling. Chad is still unbelieving of that DNA test, Stefan says fine, take another. Abby says not time like now, pulls a hair from his head, and they will have Kayla do it personally. Andre take charge, is going to watch every step of it. Viv is going to watch, too, Kate is going to make sure they do not kill each other.

At the Kmansion, Will comes down to find Ari there, with Sonny and breakfast. She hugs Daddy, Happy New Year, she made muffins, Maggie helped her. She is then gone to make cookies with Maggie, and Sonny is all kissy face, Will pulling away. It takes Will a while, and the conversation is really a good one. But he mentions talking with Marlena last night, tells Sonny of having kissed Paul, and being the one who did the kissing. He say Paul looked so sad, was upset over missing Sonny, etc. The clock struck, and Will kissed him. Will is trying to put it gently, that he cannot be with Sonny, who is protesting about them being a family with Ari, etc. Will says she will still have them both, just not together. He doesn’t want to hurt Sonny, but he doesn’t remember anything with Sonny, and he wants to be free to be with other men. He wants a divorce.

Chloe shows up at the Kmansion, interrupts them, but is looking for Brady, sorry to bother them, will look around the place herself, welcome back, Will. She goes upstairs, knocks at the door, calling out Brady’s name, saying “it’s me”, as she opens the door, getting quite the shock at Eve & Brady in the midst of….with Eve saying…Brady is busy. Chloe quickly leaves, and outside the front door, the shirtless Brady comes after her, in what he claims is “20 degrees out here” (even tho grass is green, and green leaves on trees, lol). She only came to tell him about Vivian being back, tells him the entire story of the party, Stefan, etc. She only wanted to give him a heads up as she might want revenge on Brady for what he did to her. She makes a crack about Eve, (who has come down and is eavesdropping on other side of the door) but Brady is saying how Eve is beautiful, smart, fun, blah, blah. Chloe protests that she knows Brady, he is up to something, but she doesn’t care about Eve. Just wanted to warn him. Inside, the smile is wiped off Eve’s face, as she turns away, so……Brady is playing me. Hmmmm.

Andre, Kate & Viv exit the elevator at the hospital, he tells the nurse he called for Kayla to do this DNA test. The nurse says she will take the sample, Kayla will call him with results. Nope, he is not letting go of the sample, he stays with it. O.K. the nurse will show him where to go. Vivian goes along. Andre tells Kate to stay there, keep an eye out, Viv always has her minions hanging about. Kate stands alone by the nurses’s station. Hmm, so I am the guard now.

Back at DiMansion, Chad tells Stefan he is not interested in working with him, and it is time for him to get out of “my house”. Stefan replies that the house is his, he technically owns it now.
I am enjoying Stefan. It's nice to have a new character and with such ties. I look forward to his story after the shock of his arrival wears off. Just hard to nail down how old he's supposed to be. The actor is 45, and for Viv to be a young girl, he'd have to be at least that.

Wow Ciara was almost human when she felt such remorse for saying those things to Jen and Eric. But once again, Hope says sorry honey, something more important than you just came up. And Jen and Eric weren't the least bit curious about Stefan O. DiMera?

Love that Will is breaking Sonny's heart. How's it feel Sonny? Now you know how Paul felt. But Will just moved in like 2 days ago and he's already leaving? I definitely think he should. He is right, he needs to find himself. Heck til just a few weeks ago he thought he was straight!
A good episode. I'll concur with those saying it was nice for Will to request a divorce from Sonny. I do think it was silly of him to move in there in the first place. But at least he was honest about kissing Paul and wanting to explore things. Plus, Sonny deserved it. How much you wanna bet he's gonna go begging Paul to take him back? I just hope Paul turns him down and goes for Will instead.

I'm intrigued by the idea of Stefan and Chloe. I always wanted to see Chloe married to a DiMera or get back with Brady. Plus it seems she might finally be doing something on the soap if she gets with him. However, I'm still grossed out by Brady's tryst with Eve. Wait till Theresa finds out about this one.

The Kate-Vivian snark sounds fun. But boy, sure seems that all is forgotten with Theo.
I will need to watch tonight. But given the fact DNA testing takes a while in the best of situations, I guess they will all stand and stare at the machine. What does it say about a town where they don't have to take a sample in of the person they are trying to match? They must run EVERYONE against Stefano. He is the default?

I won't even go into the entire Sam is so business savy that he was able to purchase a house out from under the residents and that the board of DiMera is thrilled at the idea of him taking over and running the business. They should know by now that anyone with a DiMera bloodline will be so easily distracted that Nicole's dog Pookie could do a decent job running the company.

Maybe I'll add more after seeing the show. I could retract my comments or add to them.
Yep, entirely too easy for Stefan to slide into that position of authority, no matter how many companies he has "rescued".

That said, I did like the interaction between Stefan & Chloe. The actress, Nadia Bjorlin (Chloe), gave birth to her baby on Sept. 3rd. So...we are not going to be seeing much of her until maybe April or May.
Thanks for posting, Poirot. My town (Charleston SC) is snowed in and all day the local channels have interrupted regular programming. :love:
Just curious......I know Stefano did not raise any of his children, but was he aware of their births at the time? (Speaking of early days......not Chad, Andre, Lexie, Benjy)
He was present in Tony's life from birth, but not Renee (Lee kept Renee hidden from him, and Renee was raised to believe Lee was her older sister). And we don't know the circumstances of Megan's birth or how she came to be raised by Maxwell Hathaway. It was never said if Mrs. Hathaway (who was dead) was her biological mother or not. But it seemed she always knew Stefano was her real father. The created backstory was that she and Bo went to school together.

But I believe he was with Benjy's mother when he was born.
I'm still grossed out by Brady's tryst with Eve. Wait till Theresa finds out about this one.
Theresa has no reason to be upset by what Brady does. She left her son and Brady high and dry to go off with an ex-boyfriend. Yes, I know she felt she had to do it and couldn't tell Brady, but he won't see it that way. Besides, I'll bet she's been sharing a bed with the man she left with since day one.

Where is Brady's open heart surgery scar? Geez.
It's in Salem museum with Jennifer's scar, Johnny's eye and Philip's leg.
I won't even go into the entire Sam is so business savy that he was able to purchase a house out from under the residents and that the board of DiMera is thrilled at the idea of him taking over and running the business. They should know by now that anyone with a DiMera bloodline will be so easily distracted that Nicole's dog Pookie could do a decent job running the company.

Maybe I'll add more after seeing the show. I could retract my comments or add to them.
Don't papers have to be signed by all parties when a house is bought/sold? DiMera Enterprises board must be a bunch of idiots to let anyone waltz in and take over.
Thanks, Poirot.

I enjoyed what Vivian said to Kate about caring more for Chad than
her own sons.

I'm surprised Kate didn't follow Andre and Vivian to the lab to make
sure the test was on the up and up. Especially since this is where Sami
Brady had her "test" results done.
But I believe he was with Benjy's mother when he was born.
I thought Benjy's mother was hiding from him, and on the run in Australia or something?
I enjoyed what Vivian said to Kate about caring more for Chad than
her own sons.
Me too.

Phony DNA test. Phony power struggle at a fake company. The episode at least moved quickly. I liked Chloe interloping. Sonny is pathetic. Will's a dope and I'm already wishing he'd stayed dead if this is the crum-bummery of a story we're going to get.