Days of Our Lives - Thu., Feb. 8, 2018


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Jan 20, 2012
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Western Wisconsin
In the Square, JJ asks Abe (who's with Valerie) for his blessing to marry Lani. Abe hopes he's thought through this decision. There are pregnant pauses of hesitation from the grownups as JJ stumbles through reasons Abe might not be OK with this. Valerie admits she has reservations, wants to make sure he and Lani are marrying for the right reasons. JJ loves Lani, wants to be an "official" family so the baby has his name. He continues to seek Abe's approval, gets it after Abe blows some hot air.

In the police multi-purpose room, Eli deals with Lani's admission. He admits he was quick to believe it because it was what he wanted to hear. They review the circumstances leading to their encounter (which was 6 weeks ago mind you) and Eli is angry he was "kept in the dark" about his "child." Eli wonders why the change of heart, Lani says it was because of Valerie. She reviews Val's illicit actions that led to her discovery, and ultimatum. Eli realizes it was because of him and his "dad". Lani continues to believe it will be best if the truth is kept to them. Eli is furious, Lani reveals that JJ's learning of the pregnancy was accidental. She doesn't want to break his happiness, and suggests the four of them live a lie ad infinitum. They take 30 seconds to talk about Gabi's guilt or innocence before segueing back to concealing Lani's misdeeds forever. Eli won't agree to Lani's terms.

In Kayla's office, she brings him the results some blood tests. No news. He's angry and has an attack.

At the hospital/nurse station, John arrives to pick up Marlena. Will and Paul are spying on him, and still arguing about whether or not to involve the cops. The guy John met in the park approaches them, claiming it's about a case. John sends Marlena away, and she runs right into Will & Paul. They claim they're here to see Derrick, who works in administration. They zip off; Marlena has a one-shot which suggests she doesn't believe it.

At the Teen Loft, Claire raves about Tripp's cooking. She asks about the secret he shares with Ciara. Tripp can't say. Blah blah. (The most noteworthy thing about this is Claire says "[Ciara]'s mom and my grandma's wedding" which Tripp is attending as a plus one.) She is needy, doesn't want to lose his friendship. Later, they talk about her "uncle Brady" and Eve who want her to enter a contest for models to re-launch Bella magazine. She thinks she's a shoo-in and not just because her "pop pop" owns the Company. (I would pay $10 to hear her call Victor that, LOL.)

In the Private Area, John meets with the as-yet-unnamed goon (even CC didn't list a name, and they usually do even if it's not been said on screen yet). The upshot is they have been watching him, know he smashed the vial, have more drugs for him to give Steve. They threaten his family and the ISA "muckety-mucks" want Steve Johnson dead. A few more doses will kill him. Paul and Will are eavesdropping. Will will follow John, but isn't allowed to call the cops, per Paul (who will tail the unnamed guy). John calls Steve, says they need to meet about a case, he'll grab coffees on the way.

Later, Steve and Kayla are near the nurse's station when Marlena happens upon them; she's been looking for them. They say Steve's okay and then talk about how great John is. Later, Steve takes the call from John (above) and Kayla and Marlena worry that their beaus will tie one on.

Val and Abe are eating in the Square as she waxes dramatic about "no child being kept from his father" "despite the good intentions of" a mother. Eli happens by, Abe takes a call. Eli says he knows about the baby, but doesn't know what he's going to do. Eli is not sure what he will do.

JJ goes to the police station, gives Lani a rose for "carrying my baby," and wants to take her to Chez Rouge. She doesn't feel like it, he goes on and on, I almost retch. Lani has something to tell him NOW. Gabi's been arrested.

Unnamed guy has gone to an alley. Paul is in pursuit. Guy pulls gun on Paul.

Outside the Pub, Will watches as John pours the vial into one of two coffees. He is halfway through texting Paul when John comes out, Will tries to keep him, says he can't let him hurt Steve.

Steve tells Kayla he'll be home shortly, the case won't take long. He collapses by the Nurses' Station.
Thank you, Jason.

All of the baby stuff is just blah for me.

At least we're getting some movement on why John is poisoning Steve. Very strange that it is the ISA doing the threatening. There has to be a lot more to the story, and Days will drag it out for a L - O - N - G time.

I never liked Will and Paul together pre-amnesia, but like them better as a duo now than either one with Sonny.
I just hate how they act like Theo was Ciara's one true love. She never wanted him until he wanted someone else!

It appears the baby truth is going to come out but I'm thinking though probably not. The truth could be good story too!! I can't imagine Eli agreeing to lie about the baby.

I have no idea what is going on with John. He recommended the poison but didn't really know what it would do? What was he expecting? I hope this ends up being good story because right now it is just unexplainable. Who is Pamela Van Damme and why does the ISA want Steve dead?
Pamela VanDamme is the Director of the ISA. Also wondered why she would want Steve dead. It might stem back to a storyline in April 2016...Steve was on trial for something or other, Pamela came in and evidently was able to "dispose" of the case.
Pamela VanDamme is the Director of the ISA. Also wondered why she would want Steve dead. It might stem back to a storyline in April 2016...Steve was on trial for something or other, Pamela came in and evidently was able to "dispose" of the case.
Wasn't that when Steve "admitted" he killed Ava, then John had Pamela came in to say it was part of an ISA mission to have Ava disposed of?
Not sure it was John who had Pamela come back then, or her own idea. I really don't want this thread turned into a discussion about what went down 2 years ago, instead of what happened today, though.
Sorry, but I cannot imagine John agreeing to kill anyone he's close to because of pressure from ISA. I mean, this is John BLACK, for crying out loud! Since when does he give into threats and cowtow to the muckity mucks at ISA? Looks like he could tell Steve what they want him to do and together they could bring them down. That would be exciting to watch.
The Baby saga: I'm surprised that Eli knows the truth so soon because I was sure that part of story would have been dragged out for a couple of months at least. Aw well, I have faith they'll find some other way to push this tale past expiration date. :)

I couldn't help notice how it's kind of fortuitous for Lani that someone is framing Gabi for Andre's murder because what other cover story could she have used when she needed to come with a reason why she was upset?

The things that gave me a chuckle:

Paul and Will spying on John and Marlena

Will: We can't just keep letting John hurt Steve. *paraphrasing*
Paul: Shhh!
Will: You shhh!

They were like a couple of bickering kids LOL.

Claire making mention of "Ciara's mom and my grandmother's wedding", Tripp knows that Ciara's mom and Claire's grandmother are the same person. So why couldn't have Claire just said "my grandmother's wedding?" Because the way it came out it, sounded like Ciara's mom and and Claire's grandmother were getting married. LOL
John: Somewhere, Stefano must be chuckling. If John has really submitted to being part of some sick ISA plot to dispose of best friend Steve on the installment plan, he's still a pawn. Not "the Pawn," but a pawn nevertheless.

The ISA: This is one truly sick organization. In the past, it's been shown to be the inept proprietor of highly unsafe safe houses, but now it's exposed as an essentially criminal organization. Murdering American citizens on American soil is as far out of bounds as any government organization can go.

Claire, Ciara & Little Trippy: Can't the viewers get this bunch off screen by sending them to Capetown to visit Theo until they can come up with some decent story lines for them?

Lani, JJ, & Eli: Lying, weeping Lani had better come clean soon. It's worth the risk of short-term heart-ache to avoid a lifetime of lies and deception. Besides, how much longer do the viewers want to watch Lani's anguished expressions, Eli's harsh looks, and JJ's performance as the world's most over-involved baby-daddy?
The truth could be good story too!!
Hear, hear. I've been saying this for awhile. Having everyone "in the know" and working together for the baby would still provide lots of story, while also being original.
It was definitely John; found the thread, April 6, 2016:

So it's interesting that Pamela supposedly wants Steve dead after she helped clear his name back then. I'm curious to see how this plays out.
Thanks for tracking that down. I was bored to tears by this episode, and had thought about that when the name was dropped, then forgot about it by episode's end. LOL