Days of Our Lives - Fri., Feb. 23, 2018


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Friday, February 23, 2018

Hard to believe this was a Friday episode, and nearing the end of sweeps month. Replay of Chad walking into DiMansion study, calling out Abby's name, only today right behind him comes Gabi, storming in, no coat, as she goes on and on, mile a minute dialogue, how she cannot sit still at home, wants to clear her name, clackity clack, clack, clack. Chad spills the bean that Abby let it slip to Stefan they suspected him, that sets her off again. She wants to search Stefan's room, find the coat, pass, and lid. What if he is there, oh, she will make some excuse. The conversation is endless, goes round and round and round. Chad figures they have to find the woman who was in the footage, figuring Stefan got her to do the impersonating. He even has an idea who it was, as he talks of Stefan & Melinda Trask chatting it up at Doug's Place on Valentine's Day. Gabi finds it hard to believe Melinda would actually take part in framing her, must hate her a lot. (and this viewer find it even harder to believe Chad would even suggest this)

Upstairs, Stefan removes his shirt as Gabby/Abby walks in, commenting how he must be working up a sweat. Stefan is still confused, talks of how a few minutes ago downstairs she claimed not to have even remembered last night, now she is talking about it. He knows Abigail was ill in the past, thinks she is again, needs some help. But Gabby/Abby insists she is Gabby Hernandez, that nothing is wrong with her friend Abigail, and yes, talks very fast, making excuses, babbling away. She comes on to him, he resists a bit, then just grabs her, kissing her.

Meanwhile, Brady is explaining to Eve how Maggie ripped him up and down, Eve's name not mentioned. He goes on and on about the women he has been with, how they let him down.......Theresa, Nicole, then makes a huge thing over how he has treated brother Eric, and forced Nicole out of town because he could not stand to see them happy together. He says he had something big on Nicole, said he would use it to get her in huge trouble, unless she left with Holly, which is what Nicole did. He doesn't tell her what it was, but is definitely painting himself as terrible person. However, she sees past that, and thinks she is very lucky that Brady seems to be caring for her. He gives her a quick kiss, leaves the room ...before he might not be able to leave.

Hope & Rafe visit Tripp & Ciara, tell them about the Friday festivities being cancelled, but wedding still on. There is some chatter about Van Damme, & the trauma they all went through, but everyone is o.k. Ciara promises to tell Claire of the change in plans, Hope & Rafe leave, Tripp & Ciara exchange a few words, decide they are hungry and leave to get takeout. Claire comes out, grabs her phone, starts listening to the recording, which doesn't give her anything. She shuts it off abruptly as Tripp & Ciara return, claims she was listening to the song she wrote. Ciara wants to hear it, Claire claims not finished, and they can hear it at the wedding with everyone else. Tripp leaves as he promised Kayla something, so takes his food, Ciara is about to settle in downstairs, Claire has a minor fit, Ciara decides she will do her montage at Gramma Julie's, leaves. Ahhh, Claire gets to turn her stupid phone back on, and eventually, hears that Rafe cheated on Hope with Sami.

Eric is at the Pub with Dad, talks about Brady hating him, how he treated him & Jen, he is over Nicole, etc. etc. Etc. Roman tells him how he & brother Bo used to fight all the time, but eventually made peace with each other, and how glad he is they did when they did. Tells Eric that Nicole may go, Jen may go, but Brady will always be his brother, will always be in his life. And one never knows what will happen.

Hope & Rafe enter the Smith Island cabin, soaking wet, as it is pouring rain, despite being mid Feb. and in most places there is snow. He tells her to go take a hot shower (amazing in a cabin empty for months that the hot water heater was not turned off, lines drained, etc. ) and he will get a crackling fire going. She is all upset because they were supposed to be outside, under the stars. She returns, evidently having had the shower, he has a tent set up inside the cabin, and managed to find some strings of patio lights , which will have to do for stars. She is surprised, and pleased. She claims she will make some hot chocolate, but uses her phone, telling Rafe she was just checking with the station. He is alone in the room, sees something outside, grabs his gun, and later is hustling some old fellow inside the cabin. Hope comes, Rafe says he caught the guy snooping around outside, the man says he was only trying to make sure he had the right cabin. Hope says she asked the fellow to come there, and marry them.

Back at DiMansion, Gabby/Abby & Stefan break from the kiss, she seems almost about to go back at it again, when there is a knock on the door. Stefan, it's me, Chad. Got a minute?
Brady and Eve bored me to tears.

Abibby and StefanNo need to stop!! This is so many kinds of gross.

I remarked on twitter yesterday and I reiterate here that if Marci Miller (Abby) wanted to stretch, couldn't they have made an Abby doppelgänger? That I might have liked at some point. I can't imagine any development in this incest-y (don't bother telling me it's not blood, I know that, but going after your brother's wife?) rape-y story becoming something I like.

I don't recall anything of Roman and Eric's relationship other than a joke I made on twitter.

News interrupted me at the halfway point. Thanks for a terrific summary of a painful episode. I imagine if I'd seen the last half, I'd be in a John Black-style coma.

I did like how when Rafe & Hope were at the loft, they talked about more than just their own story. That's the big thing that's stayed consistent since the new writers took over.
How did you stay awake for this?

Guarantee you, it was very hard...........

Brady and Eve bored me to tears

News interrupted me at the halfway point. Thanks for a terrific summary of a painful episode. I imagine if I'd seen the last half, I'd be in a John Black-style coma.
You were fortunate.........! As I said in the beginning, hard to believe it was a Friday episode. There was nothing at all, to me, that would have me waiting breathlessly for Monday.
I just love how clean, dry and ready for action the cabin was. Like you said, Barb, in the real world, there'd have been no water and possibly the electric turned off.

Wish this is what Rafe would've encountered outside:

The DiMera Mansion hijinks: Abigail's alternate version of Gabi is nice enough, I suppose, but in my very humble opinion, today's show proved she just can't hold a candle to the genuine article. :)

With that being said, as much as I enjoy simply seeing Gabi, I'm going to need for them to give her more to do in this story than worry about going to back to prison. While that is certainly a realistic and understandable reaction on Gabi's part, those scenes are becoming more than just a bit repetitive, I fear. So I'm hoping that she is given a more active role in this story before too much longer.

One thing that has struck me, is that many ways, this is a story that Gabi should have had when she was released from prison three years ago. I don't necessarily mean being accused of another crime but rather just being met with some suspicion and having the D.A. on her back, waiting for her to screw up. Just dealing with the repercussions of what she had done and being released so early. As happy as I was to have her back, I've always felt her transition back to the bosom of Salem society was a bit smooth.

I'm not hating the Abigail's alternate personality story, but I'm not getting the show's seeming insistence on pushing Abigail with Stefan in what iteration they came up with. In other places, I've seen people talk about their "chemistry" and how they are "hot" together. During their scenes today, I found myself distracted by a piece of lint on my sock. I'm just not getting it. :confused:
Troy.........eye of the beholder. There are those who loved EJ & Sami, when so many could not stand even the idea of them being together. Every time new writers arrive, they have their "vision" as well. And yes, there are those who jump on the same bandwagon, and those who just cannot figure out the why, because whatever is just not going over. ......
Hope & Rafe enter the Smith Island cabin, soaking wet, as it is pouring rain, despite being mid Feb. and in most places there is snow.
Here in Indiana, we are looking at record rainfall for February; 6 inches between Wednesday and this weekend in some areas!
Yes, I know, I just got 8 in. of snow, with more expected. But Days has green leaves, grass, no snow, no coats, etc. all winter. Flowers were blooming the other day in the park. Salem is supposed located about an hour outside of Chicago, where I used to live. And while the weather has been whacky all over the U.S., Days films 6 mos. in advance, and would not know what would be going on.

Despite rain, would not one think that the lake would be frozen solid in mid-winter wherever Smith Island is located? Rain or no rain, and yes, it does do that ON TOP OF SNOW, that cabin would not be livable in mid-winter, as water would be turned off, lines drained, electric off, etc. And those two dripping wet people did not even have warm outer clothes on, which one would need when out on a lake in mid-winter. whether it was frozen or not.

Sorry, but it particularly bugs me, the lack of attention to midwest climate by Days staff.
Okay, so this has aired in my timezone due to shifting because of the Olympic coverage, and there are a couple of things I just don't understand. Why wouldn't Stefan0 not tell Chad about this thing happening??? I mean really??? I know he tried earlier in the week and Chad shut him down. But this is like MAJOR league serious. Talk to Chad or Jenny.

So, I did ask if Sweeps ended last week, but no, they are still going. It's been very uneven I'd say.

Thanks bunches, Poirot, for writing this up.
Wish this is what Rafe would've encountered outside:

My thoughts exactly. In addition, it might have been good to see Hope's shower foiled by a lack of water in the pipes, Rafe's champagne frozen solid, and no power for Rafe's "romantic" lights. As for his tent, it might have been a nice touch if they needed it because the cabin roof was leaking so badly.


"Gabby" & Stefan Zero: Please make them stop. They're getting almost as bad as the tedious teen set.

Claire: Send her to South Africa ASAP and hope that she decides to stay there. Let Theo suffer instead of the viewers.

Chad: He's now dealing with squawking Gabi, devious Stefan O., and probably will soon learn of the existence of the bizarre "Gabby." When that happens, he might be forgiven for getting nostalgic for the days when all he had to deal with was Mia's pregnancy and the hostile "fathering" of dimwitted D.A. Charles Woods.
that cabin would not be livable in mid-winter, as water would be turned off, lines drained, electric off, etc.
Last time I heard, Maggie was in charge of getting the cabin ready for guests. I assume Hope is smart enough to have seen that those things were taken care of. I'm sure they all poop, but I have never seen (nor do I want to) one of them on the pot. :)
LOL.........ahhh, but winter is much, much different, in the midwest, I guarantee you. Cabins out on islands.....they do not have plumbing. They have wells, septic systems and those would NOT be working in winter. after being shut down, without heat in cabin, etc.
Thanks, Poirot.

How long was Hope in shower since Rafe had time to decorate?
Maybe he had help with island animals :)

So, Brady didn't tell Eve the big secret he has with Grandpa Muster.
Will Maggie tell Eve?

Claire knows Ciara's big secret. Who will she tell first?

Stefan kissed Gabby. I wonder if he had something else planned before
Chad knocked on the door.

Gabby had two good lines today. Stefan asked her about her boyfriend.
She said "Eli didn't put a ring on it.

Later Gabby told Stefan "Abigail is as exciting as a sock"
No no no!! Rafe and Hope cannot get married at the cabin! There are no witnesses, so they can't, right? I just am not and will not ever be fan of this pairing. I see no chemistry between them and I want it to end.

Gabby is more interesting than Abigail. I also don't understand why they are pushing Stefan and Abby together. They have never said how old Stefan is supposed to be but the actor is 45, so that's about 20 years older than Abigail. I don't know, I just think they could have done something less soapy than wanting your brother's wife. Her split personality is interesting. Stefan almost seemed like he thinks Abigail is just playing him with this Gabby persona. That would be an interesting twist if it's a put on. It doesn't seem like it but time will tell.
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