5/25/18 - Donuts and going to school


Staff member
Dec 29, 2012
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Today I'm going to my friend's school and help with her books in the room. They
need inventoried. It won't be fast like the school library since I'll be using a paper list.
I posted two years ago I helped get the books in the computer and labeled them.
There are books missing so I need to find out which ones.

I hope everyone has the best possible day.
Good morning, rained a bit again during the night. warm, humid. Amazing how, after the long long winter that would never end, instant summer. LOL

Nice of you, Kat, to help out at another school.

My one daughter will be arriving today, my other tomorrow. I have an eye dr. appt. this afternoon, too much other stuff.
Good Morning Friends

Kat - how wonderful of you to go help that school again. I hope for your sake, that it goes quickly.

Poirot - hope your eye appointment goes well. Enjoy your visit with your daughters.

Very glad that it's Friday and that we have a long weekend. I need a break, not that the weekend will be relaxing with hubby bored at home, but it's better than working, right?

If I don't make it back today, have a wonderful Memorial Day everyone!
It is Friday!! :clap:

Looking forward to the weekend, but still adding 'to do' items to my list today. We will hit triple digits, again, I know, but a long weekend is a gift for families. Hoping each of you have a great Friday.

Kat: your heart for volunteering is admirable and inspiring. Bless you!

Poirot: exciting to have your daughters both visiting for this holiday weekend. Best wishes on your optical appointment results.

Manda: yes, a long weekend is a mini-vacation during stressful times. Hope your hubby will participate in some Memorial Day event with you & Gena like a parade or picnic.

Be safe this weekend everyone and enjoy an extra day of rest and fun!:)
Kat, your work at the schools seems valuable, to me. It's too bad they don't have a paying position for you to go around to the different schools and get/keep things organized. Volunteer work is worthwhile though, and rewarding for you, I hope.

Poirot, have a wonderful visit with your daughters. It's so good they could both be there at the same time. I don't know about other mothers but it always makes me feel good to see my kids together.

Noel, we're supposed to get to 99* today and 100*+ over the weekend. My car has been feeling way hotter than that for some time now, when I come out of the nursing home and get in it to come home in the afternoons. I have a reflective shade over the windshield and I crack the windows. Also have ordered shades to put over all the side windows. But there's a limit to how cool a car is going to stay inside, when parked in full sun at 100* and over!

Hello, Robin, if you get a chance to check in. Enjoy your time in the wilderness.

Guess I've missed Manda. If you do check in, enjoy your weekend.

I have to get ready to go to the nursing home now. For any others, including those who might not be getting back here for a couple of days, I hope all of you have a relaxing and/or fun weekend.
OC: yes there are big limits on keeping even the steering wheel cool enough to drive even with all the protective sun shade devices they sell in the southwest. Wishing you a great visit with your husband and a lovely Memorial Day weekend.
Noel - you would love Sacramento this morning. Rain and the high today is 56. Last night in my shorts and thin Phoenix tee, I was freezing. Couldn't tell if it was exhaustion or cold. It was the cold.

The drive up here, other than being lonnnnnnnnnnnng, was uneventful. Other than the wind. Very windy the entire way. I received a call from a school for a job interview. Sadly the only time was today. I told her that if no one seemed to be a good fit to give me a call as I was out of town and couldn't be there today.

OC - any word on your bull?? Has he returned to your pastures??

Manda - have a good break from work.

RS - hope things are going okay. Stay well.

Any word from A Guy?? Healing thoughts.

Poirot - good luck with the computer.
OC - that is just too hot, although it won't be much better here. Supposed to be in the mid to upper 80's all weekend. The weather man anticipates record breaking heat this weekend. The last record high of 89 for Saturday was set in 1978.

Robin - I just had deja vu as I read that post in yesterday's thread first. For a second I thought I lost my mind. :rotfl:
Good afternoon everyone.

I finally made it to the cemetery in Ohio today to place flowers at my parents' graves. The cemetery looked so nice with all of the flags that the Boy Scouts and airmen from the nearby Air Force Reserve Base put at the veterans' graves. Along with the flowers I took, I put 2 pinwheels with flag patterns behind my Dad's military headstone. It gets very windy there, and they started spinning as soon as I pushed the stems into the ground.

Have to get busy making dough for my mini tarts. My friend's daughter asked if I'd make some for the cookie table at her graduation open house.

Poirot have a wonderful visit with your kids.
Good morning at school. Most of the items are inventoried. I'll be going
back on Tues to finish. I found some errors and marking pages to get
them corrected. There are more books to add. Not sure if I'll do next
week or right before school starts.

I was going to finish planting my flowers today, but before I got out
we had pop up thunderstorms. I planted one after the rain.

Poirot, enjoy your weekend with your family.

rs, I'm glad you got to the cemetery today
Let's see, was 85 today, around 5 p.m. the skies darkened, uh, oh, severe thunderstorm warning. And yep, it came, poured, and guess what? Ice chips fell with the rain! Yes, Hail, despite the 85 degree weather. I picked up my laptop earlier, it opens now, but of course, lost all my passwords for various sites, and so I go to desktop to get the list.....and guess what. Windows saves them, but hides them, unless you give them your "Windows password" and I have no idea what the heck that is supposed to be. So......don't know what I will do now. No site is going to give me the password, and if Chrome is going to keep them to itself, what is the point of saving them? Grrrrr.

Big change in my prescription, so will be getting new glasses. I feel everything is falling apart, includes parts of me. Hearing is failing in one ear more than the other, and now the glasses. Computers are causing grief...Sigghhhh.
Poirot, I hope you can figure out what your Window password is. there
must be way to find it or change it. Chrome keeps a lot of them.
Yes, it does. But, it won't let me see them without the "Windows" password. Evidently, this is something else the last "update" from Windows 10 did.
I used to have one...but now many sites make you keep changing your password, and it is just hard to keep up. (moved, and no idea where anything is any more. )