Days of Our Lives -Wed., Aug. 15, 2018


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Days of Our Lives
Wednesday, August 15, 2018

More or less marking time today, as Kate continues to berate Ted, who continues to make excuses. She wants him to stand by her, give up the blackmail, he evades and evades, finally saying no he won’t. She throws his clothes at him, telling him to get out. Later, he is 90% dressed, keeps saying it is just business, she says GO, he does.

Will walks in on Sonny & Paul, learns why Paul is there, how he found the letter, that he knows everything. Will tells what happened at his grandmother’s place, how she is “with” Ted, chatter about that, what should they do. Paul offers to dig up what he can on Ted, and try to find where Leo is stashed, Will says no, wait til we hear from Kate. Sonny agrees. Will wants to go home, apologizes for causing Paul so much worry and suspicion (in the foyer), kiss, let’s go home. Sonny has overheard a bit, comes out, looks sad.

Maggie & Victor come to club, greeted by bubbly Julie & Doug, who tell of Jen/Eric engagement. Victor makes a few snarks much to Maggie’s displeasure, doug & Julie leave.

Eric is trying to get Jen to tell him what is bothering her, she does a lot of long silences, but shows him the book Eve gave her. He wants to show it to Brady, Jen says no, argue a bit, in come Doug & Julie with champagne & glasses, toasting the couple. So, they all sit around, chit chat, happy talk. Now Doug & Julie have to get back to club, Doug talks to Eric in foyer, happy for him & Jen, knows they will be happy. Julie apologizes to Jen for bringing up Nicole, but she is gone, all in the past and Eric loves her. Eric & Jen talk a bit, more reassuring of Nicole being his past, Jen his future, loves only her. He leaves, Jen decides she is going to do the same, throws the book in the trash.

Brady wondering why Eve, who hates Vic, is pushing him to forgive Victor. Same discussions as before, but he is getting annoyed. And by the way, he makes a statement “I’m a Kiriakis, this is what we do”. Someone needs to point out a few things to him. She makes her flimsy excuses, sounding reasonable. They go to have dinner at club, there is Maggie & Victor. Maggie calls them over, Vic not too happy, neither is Brady. However, brady makes his points, tells Victor he is going to think about it.

Later, Brady & Eve, seated elsewhere, are eating, talking over events. He figures to tell Eric why Nicole left town, she talks him out of that, noting she could end in jail, have to leave Holly, etc. Brady doesn’t want that, she is right, he is going to forget it all. But he better go get that tape from the safe. Eve recalls Vic looking there and it being gone. She says she thought Brady took it when he left……..nope, never gave it a thought. But I should get it out of there.
Thank you, Poirot.

A few minutes left to go in the show, and I had to struggle to stay awake watching this one.

The only thing that kept me going was waiting for the scenes with the 3 stooges... Sonny, Paul, and Will. I don't know who did their makeup, but the matte lip gloss or lipstick just wasn't working . It was the wrong color for any of their complexions. Plus Will had a smear of it that was very distracting.

On the other hand it is good seeing Doug today.

Tape, tape, who took the tape?
I was so shocked that Dug and Julie entered just as Jen was going to tell Eric all :sarcasm:
Jennifer has always been an arrogant little thing but now the writers are making her stupid.
So sad what TPTB are doing to DAYS.
Arrogant, yes, that perfectly describes Jennifer. And Abigail. What I hate about Days is that they keep presenting us with characters that are supposed to be so nice, but are as bad as the "villains". Right now, Eve is being berated by Jennifer, AGAIN, because she "lied" to Brady. The fact is that, like Eve said, though she did ask Victor to help Brady get custody, she had no idea about the drugs. That's all on Victor. But now, Jennifer is acting all high and mighty, giving lessons left and right, when frankly, she's doing much worse by not telling Eric about Nicole.

Same for Abigail. Right now, the writers are trying their best to paint Abigail as the poor victim, and Gabi as the span of Satan. But again, Abigail is willingly letting Stefan into her life, touching her, knowing how she is hurting Chad. So to me, both Gabi and Abigail are wrong, and if Abby had her mental health as an excuse, then Gabi has the hurt she feels for everything she went through.

As far as the rest... the last three shows could have been done in a half hour. Boring, boring, tooooooo long, too much of the same characters, still too much of Kate, and too much of Abigail/Chad/Gabi and their horrid storyline.
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Thanks, Poirot.

I guess Jennifer Rose is going to follow the advice of the book. Keep the secret about
the Nicole. Will Brady tell Eric the secret why Nicole left? Or will it be someone else?

I enjoyed seeing Doug and Julie.

Did Maggie make up with Victor? I thought she was still mad at him. Maybe not
since he's been telling her secrets.

I laughed when Brady called Victor "Master of the Universe"
Katmouse, Brady has it all wrong. If Victor was really the master of the universe things wouldn't always keep going wrong for him. His Titan CEOs wouldn't be a rolling disaster, his close relatives would sit at his knee looking for sage advice (even Xander would be his lap dog), and he wouldn't have entered into a series of unsatisfactory marriages. As for other topics:
  • Some Salemite should write a book entitled Why Good Women Can Never Get Rid of Bad Men (Abigail should read it);
  • Please make the Abigail-Chad-Slimy O. McSlime-Gabi plot go away;
  • Ted is an idiot. Once Leo's sketchy past emerged at trial, his case was a sure loser. Therefore, he's risking Kate's lethal wrath for nothing.
Ted is an idiot. Once Leo's sketchy past emerged at trial, his case was a sure loser. Therefore, he's risking Kate's lethal wrath for nothing.
she was trying to do away with Chloe......she poisoned deviled eggs, and finally put Chloe into hospital with poisoned apple.....yep, just like in Snow White..........