Days of Our Lives -Wed., Sept. 12, 2018


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Days of Our Lives
Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Brady & Eve talk in their room, he fills her in on Paul and on Marlena, also telling of Will’s memory returning, and how he & Sonny want to resume their life together. He is upset, tells of having told them both off, etc.

Lucas meets up with Chloe, filling her in on Bonnie apologizing, but wanting his help to keep her out of prison, and finally how she surprised him with the baby that is supposed to be his. He explains how he may have woke up with dead Anjelica in his bed, but he went there with Bonnie, thinking it was Adrienne. Chloe is disbelieving, knowing what a liar Bonnie is, but Lucas explains how she even had a friend bring the baby there. Chloe figures she stole one.

John returns to Marlena’s room, where Roman is keeping vigil. He tells Roman the entire story, Marlena’s advance directive, Belle being the health proxy, refusing to forget about ever seeing the documents. Roman asks questions, John answers, Roman then talks of following Marlena’s wishes, John gets very angry. But Roman assures him that he is really on his side, wants to do whatever they can to keep Marlena alive. John knows if Belle gives the paper to the hospital, it will be all over. The men are o.k. now, though they really were at odds for a while.

Jennifer tries to tell Eric she has something so important to talk about, but he doesn’t want to hear anything, can only concentrate on his family – they are in crisis. He just needs her to be there for him, she is, he has his arm around her, with her head on his shoulder.

Belle has come to see Kayla, gives her the document, explains it all, as she wipes tears away. She first asks how long Marlena might be like this, weeks, months, years? For the rest of her life? Kayla admits that could be so. Belle hands it over, Kayla notes she now has to give it to the board. Belle tells how John is furious, but Eric said to do what she had to do. Are you sure, says Kayla. Yes. Belle leaves, Kayla calls Seth Burns.

Will & Sonny talk over the situation in the park, Sonny insisting Will cannot dump Paul now, has to do the right thing, would never live with himself if he abandoned Paul now. Will agrees, does care about Paul, but loves Sonny so much. They both profess their love for each other, but can no longer see each other that way. A final kiss… Brady & Eve come walking by. Sonny spots them, both guys stand up. Eve leaves, will see Brady at the hospital, and now Brady blows his top. They guys try to tell him it is not what he thinks, he is yelling, finally Will yells even louder, shutting Brady down as he tells of them saying goodbye. Brady is apologetic, so much going on with Marlena, with his brother, Paul, took it out on them, is sorry, apologizes. He will see Will at the hospital, takes off. Will & Sonny say one final goodbye, Sonny saying Will is always going to be in his heart. Will says……forever. Sonny repeats….forever. Will leaves.

Roman goes to see Kayla, has talked to Shane, he is on top of it, is pretty sure he can convince the Feds that Steve did nothing knowingly to betray the country. He then tries to talk her out of pulling the plug on Marlena, but Kayla has already talks to Seth Burns, the hospital staff has been made aware, and steps are being taken.

Lucas is not sure that Baby Bonnie is his. Chloe thinks Bonnie is probably too old, Lucas says she could be on the cusp. He doesn’t know. Chloe asks if he wants a paternity test. Yes, he does, has to make sure.

Eric is feeling better, says Jen can tell him what it was she wanted to say...she declines, it will keep. He leaves, Eve has overheard, comes over to give Jen a hard time, knows she was about to tell about Brady making Nicole leave town. She says both Brady & Eric have moved on, why rock the boat. She even says Eric will go running to try and find Nicole. Jen is adamant, she will not marry Eric with this big lie between them.

Eric has come into Marlena’s room, tells John that Belle went to think things out. A bit later, Belle comes in, silence from everyone, as she just looks at John. She admits she gave the papers to Kayla, who is giving them to hospital. John says he loves her as his daughter, but has never been more ashamed of her. She says it is done. We will see about that, he replies, taking out his phone, calling someone.
This I love you forever from Will and Sonny is just not sitting right with me. I was a fan of this couple when they were first together but after the cheating on Will’s part and personality change on Sonny’s part once he started working with Titan, I didn’t like either character much anymore.
Will and Paul were great together. It felt right and they truly loved each other. I just don’t believe this love Sonny and Will are professing to one anothe is genuine. It’s a little nauseating actually.

Now I wonder who John is calling at the end of today’s episode? My guesses....Hope or Sami. He probably thinks Sami would take his side. Maybe Justin as an attorney to fight Belle’s position as proxy?
Thank you, Poirot.

So how many times has Jennifer agonized over whether to tell Eric plus actually wanted to tell him? I've lost count. Not that I really care at this point whether she does or not because it has dragged on too long. It has just caught me like when I'm sitting in on a training, and the speaker keeps saying, "um", "er" , "like", etc. I just start counting those instead of trying to follow what they're saying.

Yes, John. I'm ashamed of Belle, too. She should have gone with your wishes unless there was absolutely no hope of Marlena's recovery. Been there. Done that. It was the hardest thing I ever had to do in my life.

Will and Sonny...sorry, I just don't buy their great love any more.
Chloe thinks Bonnie is probably too old,...
I'm pleasantly surprised that someone in Salem had the cojones to verbalize this.

This I love you forever from Will and Sonny is just not sitting right with me....
I just don’t believe this love Sonny and Will are professing to one anothe is genuine. It’s a little nauseating actually.

the speaker keeps saying, "um", "er" , "like", etc.

What!?!!??! No "basically?"
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I now hope Eric learns about Brady's blackmail of Nicole.....soon....and not from Jennifer. Just too many "almost tell him" have gone on by Jen. But the trouble with Soap characters is they can never just spit it out. They have to hem and haw, beat around the bush, give those soap opera stares (so there can be a commercial break, lol) and then, when the chance comes, No....not now. Or someone walks in.....

Which is why I really liked that Will yelled louder than Brady, yelled over him, finally! Rather than just stand there, listen to Brady scold, then Brady leaves........which is usual scenario. :)
Stefano: Now that John and Steve could use his help, he's gone. The Phoenix would have moved heaven and earth to save his Queen of the Night. That living will and maybe Belle would have vanished into thin Salem air. Similarly, Stefano wouldn't let the Feds mess with his Stephen who did good work for him while brainwashed. After all, if Stefano was still alive, who knows when he'd need Steve again.

John: He really needs a smart lawyer. Belle clearly doesn't understand the difference between prolonging a life and saving one. Of course, this is not very surprising. Ignorant Belle once incorrectly told John that he had to go to Alamania with Hope to get a divorce.

Will: He gets the hand of the day for not only shutting up big-mouth Brady, but actually causing him to apologize. :clap::clap:How often does that happen?

Kayla & Burns: They're afraid of a lawsuit if they don't act on Marlena's living will? If Sami got a shark of a lawyer like Ted, they could be hit with a huge negligence and wrongful death lawsuit for causing Marlena's death.
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Thank you Chloe for saying Bonnie is too old to have a child. And no Lucas she is not on the cusp. I hope it's not his baby but with DNA switching rampant in Salem I'm sure it will be for awhile anyway.

I liked the Will/Sonny/Brady screaming. I kept saying tell him you're saying good bye already!! I am also not buying Will and Sonny's undying love for each other either. Kinda makes me gag. Will cheated on him twice! I am glad Will is staying with Paul. Maybe he will realize he really loves Paul.

This Marlena story is heart breaking. I see a miracle in the future though. I don't know for sure but I can't imagine them killing Marlena. Unless of course then Kristen shows up with her miracle drug from Rolf. But I hate to say they need to respect her wishes. Already being on ventilator though I wouldn't think it would be that easy to take her off.

I wish this Jen telling about Nicole would end already!!! Tell him!!! Hopefully it will end Brady and Eve too.
Thanks Poirot.

I'm glad Lucas told Chloe right away what was going on. I hope he goes out of town
for the DNA test.

Darn, Jennifer was ready to tell Eric the truth and he wanted to wait until the crisis
was over.

I really thought John was going to hit Roman after the one remark he made.

I hope one day John will forgive Belle.
Jennifer tries to tell Eric
And he silenced her; how much shall we bet that this will be used against her by Fr Sourpuss when he learns the eventual truth?
Which is why I really liked that Will yelled louder than Brady, yelled over him, finally! Rather than just stand there, listen to Brady scold, then Brady leaves........which is usual scenario.
I was cheering, too.
The Phoenix would have moved heaven and earth to save his Queen of the Night.
If I were John, I would say it was a Stefano forgery. It would at least buy a week or two - especially since the person/lawyer who suggested Marlena do it had no idea about it. It seems like a legal challenge would be easy to throw up.
Ignorant Belle once incorrectly told John that he had to go to Alamania with Hope to get a divorce.
That was Salem's other other other incompetent lawyer, Ms Carrie Brady Reed Horton Reed.
I'm glad Lucas told Chloe right away what was going on. I hope he goes out of town
for the DNA test.
Too much to hope for a crossover to The Young & the Restless? LOL
I also, don't thin Lucas would have been ableto perform. if he was so drunk he can't remember. I applauded when Chloe said Bonnie should be too old to pregnant. Also, Will shutting Brady up. A very rare occurance.
Chloe's reactions to Bonnie and Baby Bon Bon were hilarious. I really wish the show would give Chloe more to do.

I'm over Eve at this point. The scenes with Brady were filler, she was out of place with Will and Sonny, and she was acting like a middle schooler with Jennifer. And that dress is what she should have worn to the wedding. Can she leave Salem and visit Jeannie T indefinitely?

I hope Jennifer does tell Eric because it would be very in character for her to do so.

More good stuff from John, Eric and Belle but I don't understand Belle's sense urgency at all
It would be an extreme soap world surprise if the baby WAS NOT Lucas’s however.
With all the botched up, switched, bogus paternity tests from day 1 of DOOL,
why are the writers still scripting them? There hasn’t been a single
one, (that I can remember) that wasn’t tampered with.
It’s a same old same old scenario leaving the whole soap world
knowing it’s going to be fixed.
While I thought Eve's dress was beautiful, it definitely was not something one would wear casually, during the day, to take a walk in the park. Very out of place, agree with Heather, should have been what she wore to wedding.
Last I remember, both Mimi & Bonnie were headed out west (Phoenix??) where Patrick was jailed. But then there was that whole Bonnie taking the rap for Mimi, who had killed her father, thus Bonnie was in prison. Mimi supposedly, in true soap opera fashion, (See Nicole, Gabi ) was not supposed to be able to have children (Thus that in vitro debacle) But when she & Philip gave up all rights to their child, they both vanished from Salem, no idea where either went. Actually, I think Mimi left with Connor after Bonnie took the rap for the death of Mimi's dad.
If I were John, I would say it was a Stefano forgery. It would at least buy a week or two - especially since the person/lawyer who suggested Marlena do it had no idea about it. It seems like a legal challenge would be easy to throw up.

That was Salem's other other other incompetent lawyer, Ms Carrie Brady Reed Horton Reed.
Stefano was devoted to his Queen of the Night. How about a Stefan Zero forgery. This guy is clearly unbalanced and specializes in gratuitous nastiness. And, who knows, he could still be angry over Marlena's role in the elimination of his beloved "Gabby," As for the Belle/Carrie mix-up, it's easy to mix up Salem's incompentent lawyers -- there are so many of them.