The "big twist"

Just Samantha

Staff member
May 18, 2010
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From the various spoilers, it appears the upcoming "big twist", that's never been done on daytime TV, is that Days will do a time jump of about a year.

It'll be interesting to see how this comes about. For instance, does Rolf do something and the Salemites wake up one day and it's a year later (with everything changed), but they're not sure how they got there? Then they have to spend the next however months trying to figure out how they got from Point A to Point B in their lives?

Or will it be a year later that happened "naturally" and we'll see how things transpired via flashbacks? For instance (just an example) Rafe and Melinda Trask are happily married, so we see flashbacks as to how their paths crossed, how they fell in love, etc.

While it hasn't been done on daytime TV, there are nighttime shows that have done this. I know the Ghost Whisperer did. The one season ended with the main character pregnant. Then the first episode of the next season had the kid about 5-6 years old and going to school. I didn't watch the show when it was first on, only in syndication, so I thought I had missed several seasons at first.

Does this mean the unborn babies (Kristen's and Sarah's) will be toddlers? Will baby David, Holly and Ari be SORAS'd? (I don't think so with Ari as I've seen recent backstage pictures of the twins who play her).

What does everyone think of this twist?
Well, it is to start around Thanksgiving, and the holidays, time frames will be the same, but whatever the status of various characters on T-Day 2020 is how the story will be, and then New Years Eve is to be some sort of big reveal of some sort.......we will be told in flashbacks how "whatever" came about.

I am thinking that PERHAPS on Thanksgiving, we just see everyone going about normally, and perhaps WE are not aware it is a year later, then all thru Dec. ...same thing, til New Years Eve when we learn the next year is 2021! SPECULATION, folks.

Thus will start the flashbacks.

This is Us travels back and forth in time, I love that show. Don't expect that Days would do as well, but who knows.
Not really excited by this, I hated it on Ghost Whisperer (I too also only watch it on reruns) and was so confused when it happened. I can't imagine it will go over all that well, but maybe it'll be a way to get us away from all the story lines that have been dragging on forever.

Maybe they will all fall asleep like on Disney's Sleeping Beauty.
Maybe they will all fall asleep like on Disney's Sleeping Beauty.
That reminds me of the cheesy 80's show called The Charmings, where Snow White and Prince Charming woke up from a 1000 year curse by the Evil Stepmother and were in current Los Angeles. The Prince was played by Christopher Rich who was not only Sandy Cory on Another World, but played Brock on the show Reba.

But it would be funny to have the Salemites wake up and it's a year later and they have no idea what was going on.

I am not sure how to feel about this "time jump." If it can fix the mess the show is in now, I'm for it. It's going to be really hard for the writers to dig themselves out of the muck and mire they have had our beloved characters wallowing in.
It kind of depends on how they do it. I don't mind it mostly, but it has to be done well and I don't like jumping back and forth too much. I don't want a lot of flashbacks. A few maybe, to explain things, but not a lot. I don't really know how I feel that it's jumping to 2020. Will Salem stay a year ahead of us forever? Or at some point it jumps back to "now"? Then what? We watch what we already know will happen?

Hmm. I'll wait to pass judgment until after it's done. I've seen jumps in time often when I watch The Walking Dead.
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What I am the most curious about is how they will announce it or let us know? Will there be a banner on screen that reads, "Salem, 1 year later," or how will they let people know? And they will have to do that for a while in case people aren't watching on the day the switch happens. Very confusing to me and I hope they get a good enough return on that idea. It could be interesting, but it could also be really lame. If they are doing this to kill the stories we hate, then it is great. LOL at Rafe and Melinda being married!

And, yes, @Poirot, shows like This is Us do that effectively, but with them, it is all drawn out from the beginning so there is a plan. We know that is not the case with our show. They are barely hanging on and it seems like NOTHING is planned in advance. I still picture the writers' room with characters' names on a board and they throw darts to see who gets stuck with a plot on another board. (Like pick one from column A and two from column B).
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@Jason..if you are referring to that stupid idiotic tweet, it is that person trying to be outrageously funny! (the one mentioning Steve being involved with someone & a couple of characters in jail, etc. ) So far, there is NO legitimate, confirmed storyline leaked or spoiled!
Based on the disappointing characters and stories of late, I can't think of how/why the writers would think up anything better for a year from now. But I'll go along hoping they will. If they continue to keep Kristen, Eve, Vivian, and Sarah front and center, their efforts at improvement will be wasted.

Maybe they haven't done a time jump for the whole show before but in a way, doing all the kids' sorasing, and finagling with adults' ages, in a way, it seems like they do it all the time.
The ones on canvas now, would only be a year older, so would not be much difference in them. However, what Days has done in the past has truly screwed up everyone for sure. Will in his mid 20s, EJ around 40, Kristen at one time claimed EJ to be the baby she gave birth to, so.....she is 62-3? And she wants now to get pregnant again. They age the younger generation, but want the parents to stand still in the age dept.

Like Hope's son ages, marries, has a child, they age that child a few times, which now puts Shawn D. up in his 40s, making Hope into being 60 at least. Even Sami is a grandmother. Sheesh.
I once joked that SORAS hit Sami's kids hard and this was their last picture with Santa:


Sydney, Santa, Allie and Johnny. :rotfl: