Days of Our Lives - Tues., Oct. 29, 2019


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Tuesday, October 29, 2019

NBC pre-empted first 20 minutes to cover a small plane crash into homes in New Jersey. (no one in homes on fire) rejoining the show, Princess Gina is sitting in the apt. with John & Marlena, sans tiara, evidently pretending to be Hope. Marlena offers to talk with her any time, she leaves, John & Marlena snuggle on the sofa, but talk of Hope still being a bit “off”, which worries them.

Ciara has evidently shown Ben the vial, which he has no idea about. Rafe calls them, Ciara is fine, has recovered, mentions Jordan calling. Rafe tells of being in hospital, what happened, etc. and asks Ben what time Jordan called. It WAS after he was taken to hospital, but she never mentioned it to Ben & Ciara. Odd. Ciara is about to tell him of the vial, Ben stops her, hangs up. He takes the vial to the hospital, asks Haley to test it.

JJ had been with Rafe, talking of how Jordan mentioned poisoning, etc. Rafe asks JJ to go check on David for him. They are both thinking Jordan has acted oddly. After JJ is gone, Ben comes in, Rafe can tell he is keeping something, Ben tells about the vial, and having it tested. (Ben already has ordered Ciara to keep doors locked, let no one in, especially his sister) Rafe & Ben talk, Ben doesn't want to accuse Jordan, since last time they were all wrong. Giving her benefit of doubt. However, he now leaves, has to find her.

Will, Sonny are with Ari, dressed like a princess, trick or treating, run into Rolf, who compliments her, but Will & Sonny take her off quickly. They go to Ciara's, who gives Ari candy, tells them about Rafe falling ill at the party, and in hospital, having been poisoned. Will tells Ciara how Ari said Jordan yelled at her for giving Ciara's cupcake to David........and how she switched name tags so girls would have more frosting. They figure out Jordan intended the poison cupcake for Ciara.

Jordan is cleaning up her kitchen, using disinfectant wipes for the stove, baking items, utensils. She is moaning and complaining how Ciara was to have gotten the cupcake & Ben got the prison, getting him out of the way. She puts the trash bag in the baby carrying thing, tells David they are getting out of there. (sorry, I could not tell if that was the buggy/stroller or the carryall. ) Outside, JJ is knocking, no answer, he opens the door, sees the buggy, checks. David in in it. He starts to tell David he will be coming with him, and bam, Jordan hits him on back on head, down he goes, unconscious. No one is taking my baby from me.

Amidst all this mayhem, Jack has arranged a quiet, lovely dinner in a room, brings Jennifer there, sorry relatives crashed their dinner last night, he is going to pamper her. It is all lovely, romantic, and when dinner is over, he wheels the table out of the room, going to have her all to himself. Kissing, down on the bed. :)

Princess Gina returns to her apt., Rolf happy to see her, scolds her for wandering around town, warned her about going to John & Marlena's. She tells of pretending to be Hope, her tiara is in her bag) , but also says she does not take orders from Rolf, and the only thing she wants is John Black.

Ben is knocking on Jordan's door, opens it, finds JJ on the floor, unresponsive.

Will, Sonny & Ari have just left Ciara's, she notes Ari's tiara on the sofa, picks it up, knock at door. She figures it is them returning for it, opens the door. There stands Jordan!
In the beginning, John and Marlena are kissing on the couch, then both suggest going to the bedroom. Great idea, except for those "pesky" trick-or-treaters who will be coming.

Princess Gina is about to knock on John and Marlena's door. She has a fantasy of John opening the door, realizing it is Gina, but then saying he can't take the chance to get involved with her again, while Marlena is calling the police. She snaps back to reality when a little voice says "are you a princess, too?" and there stands Arianna in her costume. Ari points out they're both wearing crowns. Gina says hers is called a tiara. Then she removes it, as not to outshine the little princess.

John opens the door, having heard voices and is happy to see "Hope" and Ari. They ask how Hope happened to have Ari, but Will and Sonny come trotting up, after Arianna had gotten ahead of them. Silly conversation all around, as John keeps tossing pieces of candy into Ari's treat bag. Will notes that she's "hopped up on sugar" from the cupcakes at David's party. Marlena then notes Ari's pretty crown, who corrects her great-grandma by saying it's a tiara. They all chuckle and they guys head out with Ari, while Hope sticks around. Marlena asks to look in Hope's purse (for cigarettes). Hope is shocked, but then "confesses" she smoked due to stress (which Marlena and John are sympathetic to), then hands over the cigarettes, says she won't do it again.

Jack and Jen stroll through the square. She says she has to call the office. Jack asks if the Spectator still does engagement notices.

Rolf runs into Will and Sonny with Ari in the square; he notes her pretty costume and crown and she makes a comment about Hope saying it was a tiara at Grandma Marlena and John's. Rolf is glad to know where Gina is and heads that way.

Rafe convinces Jordan to go check on David to make sure he didn't get sick, while Jordan tap-dances around the subject. After she leaves, Rafe discusses his suspicions with JJ that Jordan is behind his poisoning (it was cyanide).

Ciara opens the little vial and smells it. Ben comes in and Ciara shows him the vial. Then Rafe calls, tells them he was poisoned. They talk about the timeline of Rafe getting sick and can't believe Jordan didn't mention it when she called to find out if Ciara was OK after feeling sick at the party. Uh-ohh, Ciara has something to tell Rafe (about the vial), but Ben cuts her off and says they're glad he's OK, then disconnects the call. Ciara asks why he did that.
Jordan: She didn't really need to work so hard to try to eliminate all traces of cyanide from her kitchen. As long-time Days viewers know, the Salem P.D. forensics unit is so incompetent that it couldn't have found any traces of the poison even if there was enough to kill a herd of elephants. As for her plot to kill Ciara, it was one of the most pathetically inept schemes hatched in Salem in quite some time. Jordan really needs to consult with those other crazy schemers, Gabi and Rolf, so she can improve her technique.

Arianna II: She looked nice in her princess costume today, but it might have been nice if TPTB had recruited some other children to join her in trick-or-treating. After all, has Salem become a adults-only community?

Rolf: He thinks the residence he slapped together for Princess Gina is beautiful? He should stick to being a mad scientist and leave interior decorating to the experts. A warehouse room filled with a tacky throne and some furniture that probably came from a Salem rummage sale hardly suffices even for faux royalty like Princess Gina.

Jack: If he wanted to impress Jenny, he should have checked with that expert on champagne, Princess Gina, before ordering bubbly for their romantic Salem Inn encounter. Without help, poor, former-amnesiac Jack just might buy the same stuff that major-league ball-players spray at each other when they win championships.
Silly question but is the Hope/Gina thing a split personality or simply mind control?

Gina knows about Hope.... does Hope know about Gina?

If I were Hope I'd wonder about why I suddenly smelled like a smoker.... but that's just me
It's a mind control thing.

Yes, Hope knows about when she was brainwashed into being Gina. She was even willingly brainwashed to be Princess Gina during that ridiculous storyline with the "Anastasia egg" in Alamania. But I'm guessing she'd never imagine she was back to being brainwashed and turned into Princess Gina again, especially with her mind so preoccupied with Julie's heart situation.
One day, when Ari is sorased, perhaps Rolf (who will invent something allowing him eternal creepiness) may give her another tiara and turn her into Princess Ari for some nefarious and redone plot.
Thanks for the summary. Your NBC station sure does break in for everything, doesn't it, Poirot?

What is it that Rolf stands to gain out of this silly thing with Princess Gina? Does he just want the pleasure of watching her upset everybody's lives in Salem?

I'm glad somebody is figuring out Jordan. I hope she will soon be gone. I wonder if JJ is going to be all right.
I love how even Rafe doesn't trust the actual police to look into Jordan. He has ex-cop JJ go snooping instead. I am glad they're not stringing out this "Ben did it" misdirection. I couldn't take it.
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Thanks, Poirot and JS.

The Salem elves did a great job changing Rafe's kitchen from David's
birthday party to Halloween.

I enjoyed the scenes with Jennifer and Jack.

Nice seeing Ari trick or treating in her princess outfit.

Today when Hope talked closed captioning had the name Gina.

Wow, the case of the poisoned cupcake is already solved. We know who
poisoned the cupcake and what the poison was. The vial was found and
we know the poison was inside. Ciara found out she was the target
when Will told Ciara what Ari did with the names on the cupcakes
I just watched. I can't believe Ben leaves Ciara at home alone or that she would stay there. After putting the pieces together with Will, she should have gone with them to meet Ben or to some other place of safety. It's one thing to stay home alone under normal circumstances but not when you know an insane person is out to kill you! This is getting like that silly commercial on tv that show teenagers looking for a place to hide and getting in some dumb place. It says something about this is what always happens in horror movies. (You can tell I don't pay much attention to it but I've heard enough of it for Days to remind me of it now).
I think the hurry up now is because they dragged the storyline out for too long. Gotta wrap it up, we have to have everthing in place for the big "event" on Nov. 8th. Rolf's short visit was extended big time, with him running around looking for labs to do who knows what. How long ago was it he put the chip into Hope's neck, but though there was a bloody scapel at the time, Hope doesn't have a mark on her, does she? Or at least she has not noticed one. LOL (That miracle Salem water).
And then, all this stuff is still same day, and while Jordan is busily scrubbing away all evidence of cyanide in the kitchen, she still put up Halloween decorations! And just think.....our friends managed a funeral, a birthday party, and Halloween trick or treating, in addition to attempted murder of not one, but two characters! All in one day! We were lucky they threw in the private dinner for Jack & Jen, & some strawberries & cream for John & Marlena. Amazing place, Salem is. :)
Thanks for the summary! You must be a very tenacious person - sticking with these episodes can't be easy! BRAVO!

and the only thing she wants is John Black.
REALLY? AGAIN? Don't the writers have any imagination - or interest in creating some new stories? I'm growing quite sick of this lack of entertaining stories!

I was sooo delighted that Ben told Rafe about the vial right away! And that Ciara and Will figured out the cupcake switch!

Loved the Jack and Jen scenes! I love love - such a romantic!:love:

Send Jordan away! Maybe she, Eve, Kristen and Gabi can go on a women's retreat? Then they could come back as strong, loving, smart women. WHAT?

Princess Gina - YUCK! I have no desire to revisit that awful story line.
Yet - here we are - what's wrong with these writers? Oh yea, no imagination or interest!:whack: