Days of Our Lives - Thu., Dec. 19, 2019


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Jan 20, 2012
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Western Wisconsin
Kmansion: Ciara claims that Xander has been impossible to please since Mickey's diagnosis (in order to explain her removal from the account). Justin comes in; Victor berates him for defending Ben. Ciara and Justin play adversaries. Victor insults Kayla. Ciara lies that she's over Ben to Victor, who knows she's been visiting the prison. She claims it was to visit Will, not betray her grandfather. Ciara thinks she's played him; after she leaves, Victor calls an informant to get the goods on Ciara's next visit.

Prison: Ben can't sleep on the rat-touched sheets. Will admits he asked for the divorce. They talk of their hopeless love lives (Will states that BEN HAS A CHANCE to be free, implying he doesn't). Ben asks about the circumstances of Will's killing Adrienne; Will snaps at him. Later, Will warns Ben that if Ciara betrays Victor, being his granddaughter won't help.

Rafe's (I think): Evan and Sonny talk about Will divorcing him after dessert. Sonny is upset about the whole mess but will sign the papers. Apparently Evan had a relationship end unexpectedly "out west" but is in a better place now. He shoos Sonny out before Rafe comes home.

Pub: Kayla and Kate have a baseless verbal sparring match.

Royal Dump: The police knock on Steve-ano's door looking for Rolf. Steve-ano tells Gina to handle it as commissioner. Outside, Rafe and a uniform burst in even though they don't have a warrant; upon entry they look shocked. "Hope" is holding a gun on them. She claims to be acting on a tip. Rafe plans to search, Steve-ano is cowering behind a pillar or something. Rafe searches, Gina shoos Steve-ano out. Lots of fakeouts and frankly it's disgusting. Rafe wants to search, Gina deflects. (There are at least 18 scenes of this.) Rafe thinks Stefano may be alive. Gina deflects him again and sends him off to the piers. (Gina switched the Stefano portrait out for the Steve-ano one.)

Private Area: Steve-ano is distressed and warmly dressed.

Pub: Kate and Kayla continue their bickering. Kate gets a text from Steve-ano and leaves. Kayla waits for Justin, who shows up as Kate is leaving. They talk about Victor and her fight with Kate.

Private Area: Steve-ano updates Kate and asks her to hide him in her room at the Pub. She tries to sneak him in, but Justin and Kayla are still there.

Behind the pub: Steve-ano watches Kayla after Justin has to go back in for her gloves (they had decided to go home for dinner). They leave. Kate comes up, ready to get him into her room. Steve-ano is watching after Kayla.
Good lord Ciara! Way to throw Justin under the bus. Victor is going to catch on to her. I'm surprised he didn't already know who she was going to see.

You know, I don't really even like Hope, but Hope as Gina is unbearable. Why didn't she drop her gun? Rafe yelled it was the police so who else would she be expecting and why didn't Rafe ask about that? She sure moved fast replacing that portrait, and as much as Rafe was looking around, he didn't turn around the big portrait on the floor. Plus the police commissioner keeps saying for everything, oh it's probably nothing. Fine detective she is. Going to raise a huge red flag for Rafe. Was funny when Rafe said whosoever chair this is must really think a lot of themselves and she says or maybe they just wanted a comfortable chair. Yeah, that's it, Hope.

Kate is the biggest busybody!! Comments on everyone's personal life!! Really Stefauxno just walking around Salem? And she is going to hide him at the Brady Pub? It looked like seeing Kayla had an effect on him.

Geez, Sonny what about Paul? You remember, your first love? They keep teasing that they are finally going to show us what happened to Adrienne, but nope! Still nothing. It better be good when they do finally show it.
Thanks for the summary. I was out for lunch with a friend and I sure didn't make any effort to get home in time. I see I didn't miss much. Have there been any reviews or feedback anywhere that indicate people are actually liking the "plot twist that has never been done before"? Maybe there is a darn good reason it hasn't been.

The whole Gina story is, well, there are no words. It's that bad. And Kate? Where is a good serial killer when you need one?
Whether Steve-ano or Stefano, Rafe should be questioning the painting.

Will needs to fight to get out and beg for Sonny's forgiveness, although I don't think Sonny or Justin truly blame him.

Ciara is getting in way too deep, even sucking up to Victor once he finds out she's still involved with Ben, won't save her.
Will agree this is all pretty I hope it all turns out to be someone's very bad dream. Or a story they wrote for fun. Rafe would never be so stupid as to fall for the silly excuses "Hope" was giving to lead him astray. He yelled several times "police", yet she's pointing a gun at him when he comes in (was that door open or rather unlocked?) He sends the uniform to search the perimeter? why not the room in case something was missed? A throne chair? He doesn't get a clue? He sees all the signs of Stefano, but accepts that Rolf did it. Eyes rolling to back of head.

To be honest, I truly am tired of Victor slamming and insulting every female in which any male in his far reaching family has contact. His snark has become overbearing. And then Ciara.......egads. O.K. she warned Justin that Vic cannot know she asked him to defend Ben, he agreed. Did she really have to pile it on to impress Vic? No credit goes to her if she thinks she put one over on Gramps. He is always one step ahead, and already told her he has eyes and ears all over.

Days writers have to wake up, realize they are not writing to impress 10 yr. old viewers. Adults are way ahead of them. I wonder if the actors don't roll their eyes when getting these scripts.

That said, I liked the Ben/Will conversation. Well done. The Sonny/Evan gab fest was filler.

Gina is looking more and more like a cartoon character, as is Rafe. Kayla telling off ridiculous Kate was good. And speaking of Kate, who seems to have gotten on her high horse of late, she truly, desperately needs for that horse to rear & toss her off, on her face would be good.
P.S. When Evan first appeared, some viewers thought he would turn out to be David's daddy. that the failed relationship might be Jordan. But, since Evan appears not to be interested in female relationships, scratch that idea. If Will is his failed relationship.......why is he not realizing or even suspecting that Sonny's Will is same person?
Kate: She has to be Roman's worst hire ever -- even worse than no-show sourpuss Eric. If she keeps driving customers away with her rudeness, it will be a real "what da hell" moment for Roman when he sees the weekly take.

Steve-ano: Once again, he showed that he's no Phoenix. He never would have suggested "Gina" shoot Rafe in his presence or ended up wandering the cold streets of Salem looking for a refuge. The real Stefano would have had all contingencies covered.

Ciara: She should know better than to try to outsmart the all-knowing Victor. In fact, if the prison kept proper records, he could have discovered her lies with one phone call.

Will: He was spot on when he said that being the old grouch's granddaughter wouldn't save her from his wrath. How many times has he fired Brady and Philly K. He also let Deimos sit in prison for thirty years for a crime that he didn't commit and treated Xander like a family pariah for years. At the very least, Ciara could end up on Victor's one-liner list along with Eve, Chloe, Nicole, etc.
Sonny is about the deadest character ever written. And the jail cell conversation is boring, too. Will and Sonny have been as dull as dishwater. Oh well enough.
Thanks, Jason.

Nice to see Rafe has a living room besides a kitchen.

I loved how Stevano is wearing Stefano's old scarf.

Hopefully, Ciara will go to prison and visit Will to throw Victor off the scent.

Interesting to hear Kate mention Shane to Kayla since Kayla dated him.

Rafe sort of figured out what's going on with all the Stefano clues in the loft.

It was funny when Rafe talked about the throne with "Hope" hearing him.
One of the worst episodes in several days. All these storylines are going However, I must admit I like Kate and am intrigued by her role in all of this.
They keep teasing that they are finally going to show us what happened to Adrienne, but nope! Still nothing. It better be good when they do finally show it
Don't bet more than your lunch money on the big reveal..... I'm guessing we will figure it out months before they finally explain it and it won't be all that interesting.....
P.S. When Evan first appeared, some viewers thought he would turn out to be David's daddy. that the failed relationship might be Jordan. But, since Evan appears not to be interested in female relationships, scratch that idea. If Will is his failed relationship.......why is he not realizing or even suspecting that Sonny's Will is same person?

I always figured the guy Will cheated on Sonny with in California would appear. Seems could be Evan and maybe he does know Sonny's Will is his Will and that's why he's going after Sonny. Maybe wants to break Will's heart like Evan's was broken?
Have there been any reviews or feedback anywhere that indicate people are actually liking the "plot twist that has never been done before"?
Most places/reviews I've read have similar opinions to ours - the jump worked well for a bit but now the story's dragging. It's not sustainable.
why is he not realizing or even suspecting that Sonny's Will is same person?
He looks so different now! LOLOL
hey need to hurry up and tell what happened to Adrienne; otherwise, she could return from the dead before we find out

If I recall correctly - and honestly the show was at least as bad if not worse then as now - this guy knew Will was married and worked on set with him, so he'd have definitely known Will's name. And Will and Evan have seen each other in the park (established a few Thursdays ago), so I don't think it's him. (It would be really bad writing though, so it probably is.)

Also I'm not one to comment on fashion BUT WHY IS EVAN STILL WEARING THAT ATROCITY!!?!?
If I recall correctly - and honestly the show was at least as bad if not worse then as now - this guy knew Will was married and worked on set with him, so he'd have definitely known Will's name. And Will and Evan have seen each other in the park (established a few Thursdays ago), so I don't think it's him. (It would be really bad writing though, so it probably is.)
Maybe Evan hooked up with Leo Stark then will be shocked to find out Sonny was married to him? :sarcasm: