Days of Our Lives - Tues., May 12, 2020


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Yawnnnn. O.K. Replay of Ciara opening the fortune cookie, reading it aloud, Will you marry me, Ben says yes, but the question is, will YOU marry me. Of course. Kisses. She mentions no ring, he pulls out a ring box, opens it, it's a washer, she recognizes it, yep, from her bike when he fixed it, how they first met. He told himself minute he got a job, would propose, but only 36 hrs. ago, so it will be a while longer before he can buy the ring she deserves. But she loves this, won't ever take it off. Kissing. Later, she is making wedding plans, Ben is distracted, she asks him to come see her notes.....which say how about making love to your fiance'. Kiss....roll in the sack time.

Hope is sending text to Ciara, loves her, Steve comes out, is going to cemetery, pay respects to his sister, 1 year since she died. He wasn't himself then, but he wants to go now. Hope understands.

At the cemetery, Justin is sitting before Adrienne's grave (and the headstone gives date of death as May 12, 20......with the year covered by a green leaf. Justin talks of all that has happened this past year, how he misses her, Kayla comes up, figured he'd be there, wanted to apologize, but will leave him private time. He stops her, says he was harsh to her, & hypocritical as knows they both lost someone they love. Kayla admits she was upset Steve went home with Hope, doesn't think anything going on, would not have mattered who he left with, didn't want him going home with anyone except her. They talk a bit, Steve & Hope arrive. They are all civil, Justin & Kayla leave, Hope waits a bit away, as sits down, talks to Adrienne, very heartfelt, moving. Praises her, thinks he was a lousy big brother, tho he tried. She will always be in his heart, forever. Hope comes behind him as he gets very emotional, pats his shoulder.

Later, Steve & Hope enter the Pub, Justin & Kayla are sitting at a table, Steve will go elsewhere for a drink. Justin insists they join them. All 4 sit together, as Kayla talks of celebrating Adrienne's life, toasting her.

Xander & Brady get to empty apt., find a stuffed toy on the floor, one Xander bought for the baby. Rex comes in, tells them of Sarah leaving, and Kristen coming, then going to check train stations. Gives them a list, off they go

Replay of Sarah putting the baby back in the stroller, turning seeing Kristen, who says she is not going anywhere with her daughter. Sarah insists Mickey is hers, picks her up, the tears flow, as she talks of all she did for the whole year, loving, feeding, caring, seeing her thru the cancer, etc. She says Kristen horrible person, who did horrible things to people. Kristen thanks her for all she did, repeating over and over that it was her daughter, not Sarah's. That she spent the past year grieving, while Sarah loved and cherished Rachel, but Kristen felt the pull. She talks of the baby switch, Xander & Victor, knows how Sarah is grieving now. Really makes an impassioned plea, Sarah sobbing all the while, kissing the baby, but in the end, handing her over. Brady & Xander arrive, Sarah runs off, Xander goes after her, while Brady & Kristen hug, & coo over their daughter. Finally Brady says they should find a hotel with big bed, put this nugget between us, get good night's sleep, go home in morning. Nope, she cannot ever go back to Salem. Would go to prison for attempted murder.

Sarah returns to apartment, Rex is there, knows she would do the right thing, return the baby. He holds her as the tears flow again, Xander arrives, she turns, tells him to get lost, never wants to see him again. Rex tells Xander to leave, not make it worse. He does. Sarah picks up the stuffed toy, holds it to her chest and bursts out sobbing again.

Back in the train station, Brady tries to change Kristen's mind, no they cannot all 3 go together, Tate would lose his dad. Brady would be guilty of aiding and abetting, both in prison, Tate would still lose his dad, Rachel would lose both parents. Hugs, I love you so much, etc. etc. Kristen leaves, Brady stands with tears in his eyes.
I am so glad that Ben didn't have a huge rock in the box. We know they have no money but they always seem to be able to buy a big rock!

I thought it was funny that there was a leaf strategically placed so we couldn't see the year Adrienne died.

It makes me physically ill to watch Brady and Kristen together. She is almost 60. No way she had a healthy baby. And Brady is going to send his daughter off with the woman that tried to kill to his grandfather and tried to steal Sarah's baby and did steal Theresa's baby and on and on and on. It is sickening. I will be glad if Kristen is gone but I was hoping for more of a twist with switched babies.
I was really hoping Kristen would get arrested before she even got to hold her baby. That would be justice she so deserved! So Brady is going to just let her go off with his daughter never to see her again?? Wish Brady would be a real man for once.
Due to SORAS'ing of Brady and recasting the character of Kristen with a younger actress, they're now much closer in age than before.

Eileen Davidson (original Kristen) will be 61 in June. But since the character of Kristen was a grown woman when Brady was just a toddler, she should be much older than him.

SORAS and recasts really mess with the characters' ages. Look at Sami and EJ. She was about 20 when he was born. Will was born before baby Elvis. But then EJ was SORAS'd into a grown man and was now old enough to be Will's adult stepfather. Like Kristen with Brady, Sami had babysat EJ when he was a baby.
I can't get past the "real" ages of the characters. It doesn't help the story for me; in fact it really spoils it. I have watched Days since it began and I remember well when Brady was born. Kristen's real age would make her way, way too old for Brady. She was involved with Brady's father (John) and now she has a child by his son. Give me a break! It sickens me to see Kristen and Brady together because I know the history. This storyline is really sick in more ways then one!
On a side note, I liked the train station they created for these scenes. Was nice to see a new set and not the hospital waiting area re-dressed to be a train station.

Was also nice to see them re-use Chad and Abby's Paris apartment from the digital series.
Many viewers have expressed a dislike for the pairing of Brady & Kristen........the age difference being huge. There is no getting away in past history from the fact that Brady was a baby/toddler when Kristen was engaged to Brady's dad. Or the fact that Brady ignores all the evil deeds she has done to his family....let alone getting Brady into bed by pretending to be Nicole. On various levels, this couple should never have happened......and even if it did in the past, did not deserve to be revisted. No matter the ages of the actors........the fact remains Kristen was an adult woman when Brady was a toddler, putting her at least 20-25 years older than him.

However, now , the show refuses to acknowledge that time period, and wants to pretend the characters are much closer in age than they are supposed to be. Well they age characters, and de-age them as well.
Brady & Kristen: Days viewers have had some awful conversations foisted on them lately, but the Brady and Kristen train-station show was the absolute worst: Haley's killer gushing over the baby, Brady telling the poor baby that she looks like Kristen (what an terrible fate), Brady marveling over Kristen's alleged good character traits, and the unholy pair moaning about their need to part. The only way this scene could have ended satisfactorily would have been if the French police had shown up and arrested the Salem witch.

Sarah: She was always ready to run her nasty mouth at Victor and Xander, but she folded up like a house of cards when Kristen appeared and demanded the child. She certainly wasn't ready to play hardball when it came to fleeing with Baby Mickey/Rachel. If she'd properly prepared, she'd have had a Salem birth certificate that showed her to be the mother, and when Victor's would-be killer raised a fuss, she should have called the police. Once the French cops realized that the infamous criminal Kristen DiMera was in their city, they'd have hauled her back to Orly Airport and shoved her onto the first plane back to Salem. (Kristen DiMera est a Paris. C'est tres terrible. Elle doit être expulsée de France.)

Ben: He's getting off cheap when it comes to Ciara's engagement ring. The same person who extorted every set of expensive earrings at Barron's jewelry counter from Sami settled for a nut from Jake's auto repair shop. As an old song goes "It's amazing what love can do."
Is she gone? Is she really gone? Is the Salem witch gone? Oh how I wish clueless Brady had gone with her. Those two, the idiot and his babysitter (yeah, I like that) deserve each other now. Much like Sami and her rapist deserved each other in the end. I'm just glad they're gone (Sami and Kristen), I hope they stay gone. Good riddance.
May 12, 20......with the year covered
Called it.

I hope the next we hear of Rachel, Kristen's in prison for killing her "in a rage". JUST END IT. I will refer to the (I STILL say alleged) child of Brady and his rapist as Mickey Horton for the same amount of time I referred to John and Marlena's child as Isabella Brady/Isabella Alamain (9 years) unless they acknowledge a legal name change. (They did it with Parker, after all.)

Brady should follow. Does he ever see Tate? Brady's choice leaves an infant with a criminally insane person on the run. (Wasn't that one of Rex's allegedly-compelling reasons for Sarah not keeping Mickey? A life on the lam?)


Ciara truly needs something to do besides be Ben's girlfriend.
I just caught a little of it today, and that was enough. Are Ciara and Ben still in the hotel? I am sure he hasn't been paid yet and she doesn't have a job, so how is that happening? And I also would like Ciara to have something to do, other than wind herself around Ben all day long. And it does look like she has been shopping for clothes from Gabi's closet.

And, what the heck was Hope wearing? Her top was bad enough, but then to put that hideous jacket on top of it? Yikes - looks like a quilt made from clowns.

I sure hope that was truly the last we will see of Kristen, other than maybe 1 flashback, that's all. I know she was crying pretend tears and maybe she was sad to be leaving the show, but I don't think anyone else was sorry to see her go. So, next we will have a Brady/Sarah hook-up, I assume since there is no one left for either of them, assuming she won't forgive Xander for a while. I would be fine with Sarah taking a vacation so we won't have to bear her constant sobbing.

And, the writers really need to find something for Hope to do. If she isn't going to work, then she needs to get a hobby (and not Steve). Is she still on her apology tour?
Brady is one of the most dim-witted characters on this show. The fact that he allowed Kristen to take the baby with her shows extreme poor judgment on his part. What is to stop Kristen in one of her rages from harming that innocent baby? Even after hearing Xander admit yesterday that Kristen was ready to take Sarah's aborted baby and carry it like her own just like she did Tate before Rolf told her she was pregnant should give him pause about her being a changed character. But no, the dolt still lets that crazy woman take the baby.

I'm glad Kristen is gone but I bet she will show up in the future. I just wish she had left without the baby and Brady would have her. At least in Salem there are others who could have helped Brady look out for the baby.
Are Ciara and Ben still in the hotel? I am sure he hasn't been paid yet and she doesn't have a job, so how is that happening?
Ciara was working for Titan and living at the K-Mansion for free. So theoretically, she was banking most of her paychecks and has that money to live on. Plus, she has a trust fund from Victor (as does Claire).
So, next we will have a Brady/Sarah hook-up, I assume since there is no one left for either of them, assuming she won't forgive Xander for a while.
Watch her end up pregnant with Xander's child, then hook up with Brady and have him think he's the father (or pretend to be the father) to keep the baby away from Xander. Because that would be original, right? :sarcasm: