Days of Our Lives - Thu., May 14, 2020


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Jan 20, 2012
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Western Wisconsin
Square: Eli runs into Lani. He doesn't want to talk to her. She knows he's in a tough position, so he will confess. She leaves to talk to Rafe.

Police Station: Rafe gets a call. The verdict is in. Lani enters, wanting to confess. Rafe doesn't have time, leaves to hear the verdict.

Courthouse: Zoey (new actress) tells Evan/Christian the jury's reached a verdict. Orpheus is angry about what this could mean. Circle talk.

Hospital: Chad sits with Abby. They are waiting for Marlena. Jack and Jennifer arrive; they are understanding as Abby tries to apologize for running off. Abby hallucinates Ben, Stefan, and Gabi. (Nice effect of the real people behind the hallucinations.) Abby recognizes they're not real, but wants Chad to take her home. Marlena comes up, the family explains Abby's hallucinating again. Chad and Abby go into the room with Marlena.

Mechanic Shop: "Jake" demands to know what Gabi wants. She has a flashback to filling a hypo. She returns his antibiotic cream, and when his back is turned, takes out the hypo. She is intercepted by Ben. The trio argue for about 75 scenes. Ben and "Jake" appreciate each other, but "Jake" doesn't want to call the cops. Ben won't give the drug back to Gabi, zips off. Gabi pleads with "Jake", but he insists he has a life and is not Stefan. "Jake" tells her, "You are nothing to me!" and to "let it go." He also threatens to have her jailed.

Police Station: Eli arrives. Lani is working, recaps Rafe's leaving. She still plans on confessing. Eli talks her out of it, he will also cover up her crime.

Courthouse: Evan has received 20 years. More circle talk as Rafe gloats, Orpheus fumes. Orpheus blames Zoey, but Christian does not. Zoey vows to win custody. Rafe escorts Evan out, will ride along to Statesville. Orpheus puts Zoey's defense down, she says she knows what Evan/Christian & Orpheus did last year. He reminds her that that information is privileged.

Hospital Room: Abby talks with Marlena, seems to be more lucid, but starts hallucinating Orpheus. She takes some pills, Chad gives her water. Marlena will go talk to the family.

Hospital: Ben brings Marlena the hypo, only says that Gabi tried to inject his new boss with it. She will analyse it "because it's you." She leaves, Ben runs into Chad. Chad overheard everything, demands Ben assist him in imprisoning Gabi.

Police Station: Eli and Lani talk endlessly about his decision to cover up for her, which is of his own volition. They start kissing passionately; Rafe enters, gloats about the trial, has seen Evan off to Statesville. He wanted to know what Lani had to tell him before he went home to David. Lani bluffs, saying that she had an update on Kristen, who has disappeared with her daughter. Lani sends Rafe home.

Hospital: Marlena is making a call about Abby. Orpheus enters the room behind her.

Police Station: Zoey enters. She has information for Rafe about a different murder.
Thanks for the summary. I never know from day to day how much will actually record. Mostly I'm seeing the daily news debriefing. At least Days of Our Lives is not reality.
So have they checked Abigail's blood again to see if there are more drugs? My money is still on Chad who has bionic hearing apparently. Heard everything Ben said to Marlena. Rude!

I was surprised that Evan/Christian was convicted. I thought for sure he'd get off. I'm with everyone else. Liked the other Zoey better. And somebody else's murder? Adrienne? Is the truth about the accident going to come out?
It's so very odd that they recast Zoey when they could have just as easily had her lose the trial a week ago and then bring in any other rando graft kid into Orpheus's orbit. (And yes, I know these are supposed to be the actual 1980s Orpheoids.) I did not care for her, but probably because I loved the other actress prior to Days. As to Evan/Christian, it's odd that we're supposed to hate him, when we're supposed to love Ben, who's 5x as bad as him but "on special magic meds," and Rafe is the one calling him out for a murder (and Zoey for helping him) when he ALSO HELPED A MURDERER.

I also think it's odd that the fact Jordan tried to poison/kill Ciara, missing her target and endangering a group of CHILDREN and ending up poisoning HER GUARDIAN Rafe hasn't been brought up more. Seems like an easy self-defence argument/reasonable doubt argument could be made. But, it's clear they're shuffling one story off and essentially wrapping up the time jump nonsense.

Oh, and ...this is a sweeps episode. Underwhelming would be a reach for this material.
Orpheus: The self-styled legal ignoramus was more than a little harsh with Zoey II today because Evan/Christian got 20 years for murdering Jordan. Contrary to what he may think, his daughter must have done a decent job: her client only got 20 years, while Ben got the death penalty for exactly the same crime. (If she'd followed the Big Zero's advice and put Evan on the witness stand, he have ended up in the death chamber for sure.)

Chad: This other legal know-nothing should check with DiMera lawyers before making outlandish claims. They'd tell him that just because the frenetic Gabi tried to inject Jake with Dr. Rolf's magic potion is no proof at all that she's behind Abigail's hallucinations.

Jake: He should have done the viewers a big favor by calling the cops on Gabi. She could have been charged with assault with a deadly weapon. (A syringe filled with one of Dr. Rolf's concoctions certainly meets the definition of "deadly weapon.")
by calling the cops on Gabi
Please, they're too wrapped up in their personal affairs and covering up crimes for each other to arrest someone merely wielding a hypo of an essentially untested drug at one of Salem's many working-class doppelgängers! Heck, they seem pretty chill about the fact that the grouchiest and richest man in Salem's attempted killer is on the run.
Jason, if the thoroughly dazed-and-confused, Kristen-loving Lani and foolish Eli had come to the repair shop, they'd probably have ignored Gabi and arrested Ben for possession of a syringe filled with a dangerous drug and Jake for impersonating a motorcycle mechanic (how long has he been working on that same cycle?). If some of the rarely-seen uniformed cops (the kinds of police officers who'd handle a case like this anywhere but Salem) had come to the shop then the unbearable Hernandez squawker would have been hauled off in cuffs.
There sure is a difference between how Jen & Kayla reacted to their husbands' amnesia &/or personality change, and Gabi's, isn't there? She has not one ounce of sympathy, compassion, not even a small attempt at understanding....just her me, me, me, you are my husband...screeching, and I do mean screeching.
The trio argue for about 75 scenes.
Wasn't it more like 150 scenes? On and on and on, not enjoyable at all.

Hospital Room: Abby talks with Marlena, seems to be more lucid, but starts hallucinating Orpheus. She takes some pills, Chad gives her water. Marlena will go talk to the family.
I'm sure they'd put a person who has hallucinations in a room with so many shelves protected by glass fronted doors.
O.K. color me ticked off about Lani/Eli. She is a cop, who aided and abetted a wanted felon (or whatever the charge would be for knifing Victor) to escape, & Eli, , not only lets her off the hook, doesn't turn her in, and then stops her from telling Rafe what she did. She doesn't deserve to be a cop, neither does Eli .........and both just got their jobs back! I really hate that friends and lovers get away with everything. What is the point in having a police department? They could call in the County police if there is a murder, since everyone else is let go, but innocents get prison time.

Corday desperately needs to clean house in the writing dept., starting with the writer at the top. He also needs to get on Meng's & Alaar's cases for failure to maintain a semblance of honesty within Days.