End of Spectator???


Staff member
Nov 23, 2006
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Hey, everyone. Yes, we have a lot of members, for which we are so grateful, but participation is another story. Seems like a handful of members post regularly, others just "read". So, perhaps the era of Salem Spectator message board has reached it's end. ? I know most visit other sites, perhaps those are more to what they are looking for.

We just wanted to provide a place where posters were not attacked or ridiculed for their opinions, where the cussing was kept at bay, & where actors' personal lives & attributes were not critiized, tho bash characters to your heart's content. But perhaps we have outlived our usefulness. Times change, people;s lives change, lives get complicated.
I would miss this site terribly. Poirot. I don't visit any other DOOL sites, nor do I look at the links that lead to pictures and articles about the show. I LOVE "The Salem Spectator" and would be very sad if I couldn't visit it several times a day. (I COULD do without the political ads that have been popping up lately, though. :))
I don't think it's a site problem - tweets are down (and I only post here & twitter about Days) and the show's ratings are terrible. I think it's a wonderful place and hope it keeps going for a long time.

For other shows - some of which have been off the air for 20 years - the boards are still going strong, though I guess I'm not sure what numbers looked like here before/now, I too have noticed fewer posts and replies, fewer threads, etc.
Poirot, as you know I have been a member for a long time. If this site goes, I would just go cuckoo. :shocked: The Spectator is a special place where all of us can share and care about all that are part of this site. Please don't say goodbye. We need everyone here to take our minds off real life nowadays. Even though the writers are weird, we love The Spectator. I sincerely hope this is just a passing idea that doesn't come to fruition.
Many people are going through CV-19 right now. So hang on, all of us Salemites are here. :love:
Poirot, I started reading DOOL spoilers on the other website you wrote on, which I can no longer find on the internet. I was overjoyed when I found you here and have been a lurker/reader ever since, having only recently registered as a member (this is my first comment). This is the only DOOL spoiler page I read on a daily basis. On the weekend, I read 'Dayscafe' for the next week and 2 weeks ahead spoilers. I truly appreciate everything you and the other Admin/Moderators do to bring the daily summary for us, especially when so many of us have our shows pre-empted lately with "Breaking News" coverage. I too would miss this site terribly :cry: I don't do Twitter either, so I would really be lost without this page. I enjoy reading the comments everyone makes that usually gives me insight on things I may have missed while watching the show. I truly hope that things work out where "The Salem Spectator" will be able to continue.
I love this site. I don't post every day mostly because I feel like I don't have enough positive to say. Hate to be a downer all the time. I admit I was a lurker for a long time. Shy in real life and I've always found it intimidating to jump in to an established forum. BUT everyone has been nice and welcoming, so if there are lurkers that are afraid to join in make the leap!
I forget the name of the site, but I used to read your summaries there Barb, and followed you here. I don't post often because I'm not sure what to say sometimes. Either what I'm thinking has already been said, so I liked the post, or the storylines are so off the chart ridiculous I just roll my eyes and really have nothing more to comment. I've been a member here for a long time, though I did feel unwelcome here for a bit. I guess that passed, because I'm still at least active here (haven't been kicked out by admin yet haha).

People come and go, it's the internet and sometimes- less traffic is what makes this site better than the others. Over all, I've enjoyed coming to this site on my daily work breaks to see what y'all are talking about. I used to only get to "see" the show by reading the summaries here each day. Now I'm able to actually watch yesterday's show on the nbc.com website. (my lunch break routine here), so then I just check in to see what y'all have commented. usually i have the show on one monitor and Salem Spectator on the other.

I'm sorry you feel this site's days are coming to an end. I'll certainly miss it when it's gone.
Poirot: You are aware why my comments are few and far between but it has nothing to do with the usefulness of this site. I read "Dustin's Days of Our lives" for years and then followed it here. I did not join to comment until just a few years ago but have been reading regularly for years. I enjoy reading what others have to say and this site is very different from the others. That's why I am here.

If it is feasible for all of you who manage it, please consider staying available to the rest of us. You give us so much info that helps us stay connected in our daily lives to this piece of escapism.

Now if the shows writers could pull their heads out of their collective derrieres and go back to writing true soap opera, most of us would be happier.

Thank you and your staff for all you have done for us.
Please do not end the site. I am just one of the readers. I don’t feel confident enough to put my thoughts into written word, but I never miss a day of reading all posts. I will try to contribute to the conversations in the future. One time a new poster was told that their comments were not appropriate for this site (not because of vulgarity or anything) so I am not sure if my comments would be either. But I really enjoy the board. Thank you for all the efforts and hard work.
I, too, am a "long time fan" of Days and the SalemSpectator. I love to come on and read the spoilers, recaps and especially the witty comments and banter. Yours is the best site out there. It's my go to for all my Days news. Thank you for keeping us up-to-date and entertained all these years. Your efforts are truly appreciated! :)
One time a new poster was told that their comments were not appropriate for this site (not because of vulgarity or anything)
We do not allow negative posts about the actors (their appearance, real life issues, etc.) and sometimes new posters come here and immediately start bashing actors or their personal lives. Those comments are deleted and the poster is told that's not permitted here. We also do not allow political comments/discussions because they can quickly turn into a dumpster fire. So those are not permitted either.
Oh no, that would make me so sad. I don't go to other Days sites and love this site. You all are my cyber family. You've been my support through marriage, pregnancy, the birth of my daughter, her silly antics, and now my divorce. I would truly be devastated to lose you all. I know some of us are friends on Facebook, but it's not the same, I can't share as openly there.

While I'm currently able to kind of watch the show while I work, I know eventually I will be back in the office and I rely on you for my show summaries, which honestly are usually better written than the actual show.
I hate reading this ☹ I read on this site daily and like posts. I guess I understand where you’re coming from because I, like several others, don’t comment often. But I really enjoy everything about the Spectator it makes the show more interesting with all the insight which I wouldn’t be able to get anywhere else. So hopefully y’all will continue with all the great information and input.