3/29/22 - Donuts & Winter Storm watch


Staff member
Nov 23, 2006
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Brrrr, good morning. Supposedly it is 32, but feels like 20. Grey skies, a bit windy, very chilly and a very nasty forecast, oh, rain, sleet, snow & ice....for the rest of the week!!! Such fun. Tried to get caught up yesterday, did laundry, gathered all I could think of to work on the taxes.......guess will have to file for extension. Got rid of a bit of desk clutter, (trouble is when mail arrives, should I save this, do something, blah, blah. ) Finally figured how to disconnect the modem from the TV in one bd.rm. I don't use. Still have to call DISH to stop the service. Paid a couple of bills, just a lot of small stuff, but had to do. Still have a couple things, don't know what should do. Sure does feel chilly INSIDE the house. Guess no sunshine makes it feel colder. Take care all.
It's suppose to be sunny today and it's not. I washed towels and hung them on the line. It's suppose to be
windy this afternoon. Hopefully, they will dry.

My mower is coming today since we have rain tomorrow. I'm not sure when he's coming so I may have
to bring the towels in early.

I need to go out now and finish raking the backyard. I plan to be in the flowerbed this afternoon. Wish
me luck with my toe.

I hope everyone has a good day.
We are supposed to have rain till noon today...... work up to the sun rising... but it is raining kinda more like sprinkling now..... I can hear the road noise and it sounds wet so there is that..... the weather guessers say we will have a very wet and wild monsoon.... that's not great.... that means more haboobs (dust storms of huge proportion) and maybe rain for us....
HB is off to doctor appointment #1 of 3 appointments he has today....

Good luck keeping the toe safe and covered......
Poirot.... perhaps you need to bake some cookies.... it will keep the house warm and then you have cookies!!!

Good Tuesday.......
I wear thick socks with my boots. I got the chores I needed to do before my mower comes. I'll go out after
lunch for awhile and work in the flowerbed. Tomorrow is a rain day. It's going to be cooler for a few days.
I won't be outside too long today.

robin, don't forget you're doing the summary today :)

Poirot, good luck on your tax return. The Federal isn't due until April 18. I'll be working on mine tomorrow
I started this post earlier then work got in the way.

Another cold day here. Wind chill is around 8* for the second day. We're already getting weather alerts for another snowstorm to hit here, and dump a lot of snow between midnight and noon tomorrow followed by freezing rain. We had a major pile up during a white out on one of the interstates near my house Sunday afternoon. The huge crash on the other side of the state was on the national news instead because there was one more vehicle involved.

Still trying to figure out how to file the measley $18 jury pay on my state and local income tax.
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How is jury duty pay reported to IRS?

The general tax rule requires you to report all jury duty pay on the “other income” line of your Form 1040. Note that the “other income” line asks for the type of income as well as the amount.
squirrelly, you truly are getting hit with a lot of snow for your area. I heard something about white outs on radio, but did not know where it was.
Snow storms, ice, sleet, and snow in one direction. I think Robin's rain event may be what we're expecting here tonight, only it's a severe thunderstorm watch for us. In general, a quarter to a half inch of rain, though possibly more in a thunderstorm. We sure do need the rain and a hard driving rain would be good because it would run off into our tanks, which are still pitifully lacking, even after the inch of slow rain we got about a week ago.

My niece and I spent the morning trying to get water in my tub on the back side of a pasture across the road. My son dug up the pipe with the turn-on valve when he was here but it had to be dug out more today in order to put a new hose on it, and then we found out the connector pipe was leaking. We managed to lift up the 12 ft. diameter metal watering tub and stand it on its side and wash all the gunk out of it--in the gusty wind. Not a very wise thing to tackle. So we filled up the tub but I still need to call a plumber to come get rid of the control valve underground and put in a frost-free stand-up hydrant.

My allergies got so bad I finally had to give in and take some allergy medication, then I came home and had lunch and have hardly moved since then. I made it a point to sit in my chair instead of lying down, since I usually won't sleep very long if I doze off while I'm sitting up. But this time I dozed/slept for two hours! Going to try to wash a load of laundry before bedtime.
Oh my how Vinnie has grown! He's still cute but in a different way. I remember that adorable baby look. Robin, I can hardly see the gray in your hair. I barely remember when mine had that tiny amount. These are good pictures of both of you!