Days of our Lives - Thursday, September 14, 2023


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Mar 24, 2009
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Now appearing in Wichita, Kansas
37 minutes today. Same day as Victor’s funeral, now dark out, maybe.

Show opens on Alex jumping out of the shower and ANSWERING his front door to an admiring Theresa.

Belle is at her mom’s, Brady is on his way out. He and Alex are on their way to Greece. Belle talks to Brady about Shawn’s drinking.

Shawn hitting on Talia at the Pub. Two drunks chat. Pointless. Talia got dumped??? Really, they weren’t not a couple, so how could she have been dumped???

Chanel just wanted to drop in on Johnny but if he’s busy she’ll leave. He stops her physically and they gaze into each other’s eyes.

John is explaining his really long and complicated past to Timothy, they tease each other. Marlena walks in and they have an admiration society meeting. Tim wants to go home to the VA, but John says oh NO, you are coming home with us.

Theresa walks in on the dripping Alex. Theresa wants to have her dinner plans nailed down. Theresa is told again that the boys are going to Greece tonight.

Belle tells Brady about the big fight and how Shawn threw all of her indiscretions in her face. Belle understands Shawn is just so angry. Belle doesn’t know what to do.

Shawn can’t understand what guy would dump her. Talia explains that it wasn’t a guy. Talia goes on and on about how lovely Chanel was.

Chanel and Johnny talk about how Chanel broke up with Talia. We know this because we had a front row view of the train wreck already this week, but go ahead and now talk about it.

John and Marlena are excited to share Tim with the rest of the family.

Chanel and Johnny continue talk about how Chanel broke up with Talia. We know this because we had a front row view of the train wreck already this week, but go ahead and now talk it over again because we loved it so much. We need to hear how one bowling date turned into a love affair for the ages, only to be broken up by the studly Johnny.

Talia continues to berate herself and calls herself an idiot. Shawn now takes his turn to have his childish meltdown. It’s the weirdest beer in the glass, still full head with only an inch left in the glass as he hugs the glass. Yes, Shawn’s beer is way more interesting that Shawn in this scene. Shawn continues to whine about being responsible for his dad being in a coma and his grandfather’s death.

Belle and Brady at the townhouse continuing to discuss the funeral and how Shawn left the funeral to go drinking. Belle is now beating up on herself. Marlena shows up to explain that she wants Belle and Brady to meet Timothy Robicheaux. Brady assumes Yo-Ling is still alive. Marlena goes on about how that guy was an imposter and well, John has met his dad.

John walks in with Timothy and introduces them to their grandfather.

Alex continues to try to brush off Theresa and get her out so he can dress when there is a knock at the door. Alex thinks it’s Brady to pick him up but naww, it’s Andrew Donovan, you know, Theresa’s brother. Alex is simply confused, I think, he’s hard to read.

John explains to Belle and Brady the story of Timothy and Joseph Bell. Brady talks of himself, he has a boy attending boarding school in California, and a daughter who lives here in Salem. Belle tells about herself and her daughter who lives in South Africa. Belle makes excuses for Shawn.

Talia and Shawn continue drunk talk. Talia tells Shawn to own shooting his dad.

Johnny and Chanel chat. Chanel is happy Johnny told her about his feelings, they both never stopped loving each other.

Andrew and Theresa hug, Andrew teases his sister about picking up a guy at a funeral. Alex wants to know why Andew is at his house? Andrew tells him that Victor’s plane crash is still an active investigation and yada yada. Alex says no problem, Brady and I are going to try to find out why Victor went to the old country and called his lawyer to destroy his will, leaving Vivian as his legal widow. He said more words but really having to write it again is pointless. We get it, Victor died, legal mix up 12 or so years ago, Vivian still his legal spouse.

Brady can’t believe that one grandfather put into the ground and another magically appears. They talk about Paul, but Paul lives in San Francisco. John is going to show pictures of Paul, but miracles of miracles, Paul walks in.

Andrew has some information, but it’s not for the masses, after Theresa bugs Andrew to tell Alex for Tate’s grandfather and to help Maggie (Theresa used more colorful language). Andrew says that Victor met with a man Konstantin Meleounis. He owns a restaurant outside of Athens. Konstantin didn’t have any helpful information for the ISA. Andrew is in town to see his boyfriend. Theresa says what, Paul is in town?

Paul greets Timothy. They talk about Paul being kidnapped and John being kidnapped by Yo-Ling.

Shawn and Talia, blah blah blah. Shawn now goes down the "Belle is bad, she is a cheater" road. Shawn's moved to hard liquor. Talia is still on beer.

Johnny invites Chanel up to his room. She says nope. Johnny is afraid that this is real. Chanel wants Johnny.

Alex thanks Theresa for helping here. Theresa wants to go to Greece with Alex. As she rubs her body against him like a cat, he overheats. But he regains his brain and shuts her down, figuring Brady wouldn’t like it.

Young love in the DiMera living room. They are going to watch a movie, “What’s Up Doc?” [the movie stars Barbra Streisand and Ryan O’Neal made in 1972. The plot, per IMDB: Two researchers have come to San Francisco to compete for a research grant in music. One seems a bit distracted, and that's before he meets her: a strange woman who seems to have devoted her life to confusing and embarrassing him. At the same time, a woman has her jewels stolen and a government whistle-blower arrives with his stolen top-secret papers. All, of course, have the same style and color overnight bag..]

More of the drunks. They’ve become sloppy drunks.

Everyone laughing and talking at the Black house. Belle is standing alone. Belle and Marlena chat about how pushy Belle had been. Shawn is not responding.

John explains how he is met Paul as an adult. Timothy is very accepting of having a gay grandson. Andrew enters the room. Tim is overwhelmed by family. He’s been alone for so long. Andrew offers to take pictures to capture this moment. He snaps picture.

Belle appears at the pub but Shawn isn’t there. Nope. He’d better hope Rafe and Jada don’t want the room tonight. Talia and Shawn were kicked out of the Pub for being sloppy drunks. And they hit the sheets.

Johnny tries to convince Chanel she will love the movie. They kiss watch the movie.

In Horton Town Square, Andrew and Paul kiss and chat. Andrew mentions his sister was at Alex’s place. Paul and Andrew both agree that’s weird.

Brady and Alex go to leave, Alex tells of the lead Andrew gave him. Theresa is lurking in the hallway.

John and Tim are sitting on the couch with beer. Marlena is going to get Tim’s room ready. John wants to call Tim, Dad. They stand and hug.
This whole 7 minute rewrite of John's paternity is so ridiculous, but I'm totally buying it because he finally got a good parent.

Nice to see Andrew and Jeannie T together again after 30 years.

Here is the last time we saw Andrew and Jeannie together (with Shawn-D) at Alice's house.

thanks, Robin. Did not realize Talia & Shawn hit the sheets! Why the heck do all the characters have to fall into bed 5 min. after they get into a conversation? Wonder how the two sloppy drunks will feel when they wake up and are sober?

I really like Timothy, his happiness at meeting family, his joy at so many! Belle did not seem too keen about it all, loved seeing Paul back. He sure does have a great smile!
Well, to be honest, they cut away before we saw sheets, but they were falling towards the bed. And knowing that in Salem drunk men can perform the wonders of adult activities all night long, I'm sure next time we see them they will be in the afterglow discussing what a mistake it was.
So did they do a DNA test to be sure he is John's father? I love Dick Van Dyke but I think this story is lame. How many times can they rewrite John's history?

Seriously, the bartender at the Brady pub didn't know Shawn Brady? And seriously Talia, after Belle saved your butt you are going to bed her husband??
Still wonder why guys come out of shower and never have a bathrobe. Nope, they all just wrap that towel around themselves and open the door to whoever knocked. Couldn't care who it might be.
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Nicely done, Robin!

What were Shawn and Talia drinking with the beer, whiskey or scotch? Nasty! No offense to those who like these drinks, but how do people mix and not get sick right away? We all kinda knew they would have a fling; however, it is possible they both fell asleep before anything happened. I thought it was awful of Shawn to tell Talia all those things about Belle. Those who live in glass houses and all that.

Liked the scene with Johnny and Chanel and her saying they just got back together, no rush to go to the bedroom.

"What's Up, Doc?" is one of my absolute favorites. I have seen it many, many times. Definitely a screwball comedy with the young and attractive Barbra Streisand and Ryan O'Neal. AND a very, very funny Madeline Kahn.

To address macgyverswife's question, as far as we know, they did not conduct a DNA test.

I keep checking Dick Van Dyke's (Timothy) IMDB, and the number of episodes he is in changes each time. It is up to four. No idea how long this gig is, but I hope that they write him a decent exit story line at the time.

So happy to see Paul again. Agree about his smile.

Theresa was devouring Alex with her eyes and wanted him for dinner that night. I give Alex some props for not even kissing her yet and demonstrating self control. We know she will be sneaking off to Greece, and won't Brady just love that?

Shawn is on my nerves. He whines more than my kids. I want to smack him or shake him, depends on the day how I want to deal with him! Belle needs an app on her phone to track that fool. When can Talia leave? Maybe she should take Shawn with her.

Dick Van Dyke is adorable. I'm loving every second of him being on my screen. But I would have liked it more if he was somehow related to Abby, and we got to see him in scenes with Chad and those two adorable kiddos. I just like them better than John and Marlena and crew. Meh, whatever, I'll just take what I can get. LOL

I'm also loving Chanel and Johnny. And I loved getting to see Paul and Andrew.

Theresa is creeping me out. I liked her better as the awesome mom of Tate that lived far away and Brady called her every night to talk silly with Tate and be a good dad. This is just, yikes. It's not working, at all. Alex, you should run away!
Robins, I agree, as usual, your sarcastic commentary was the loveliest part of the whole thing, and thank you for writing this.

I did enjoy the family scenes at John & Marlena's, Paul being back and with Andrew, and also Chanel reuniting with Johnny. All lovely enough stuff, if not the most believable or entertaining, but whatever, I'll take it.

What I will not take is another absurd, post-drinking lovemaking between people of very different ages, and one of whom is married! After Shawn-D's constant slamming Belle for her affairs, him going to cheat on her is inexcusable. Also why can't people get over a breakup (not even, in this case) without a rebound romp?! I really don't understand, so predictable. And I'm just waiting for Talia to be the thousandth pregnancy in Salem this year. So disgusting and disappointing. Boo, hiss, shame on the writers for this trash.

Now I'm also wondering about when the truth is revealed. When Nicole learns her baby is Eric's and he dumps Sloan for her, and she probably will want him back, are we going to see Belle learn of this tryst at the same time, and have her and EJ get back together? I wouldn't be opposed, but it's sad how predictable the show is becoming, and for no reason at all.
Talia may have redeemed herself up until today’s episode but she jumped right back into the gutter. She is pure trash. Hope Belle finds Talia and Shawn and gives her a good tongue lashing.

As for Shawn, he has gone from a sympathetic character to a pathetic one. I really don’t like the writers for how they are destroying this a character. And his and Belle’s marriage.
Thanks, robin.

Wow, Belle remembered her daughter Claire when talking to grandpa Timothy.

Great scenes with Timothy and his new family.

I didn't realize Tate was in boarding school. I guess it's a Salem tradition.

We can only hope that after Shawn drank so much nothing functions.

When Alex thought Brady was at the door, Theresa looked in a mirror to make sure she looked ok.
It appears that Talia has finally found her niche in life — listening to Pub drunks complain about their wives and everything else, and then taking them to bed for very tacky, adulterous sex.

Fie on Jeannie T. She seems far more interested in Alex’s favorite activity than being Tater Tot’s mother.

Dick Van Dyke seems to be able to make friends instantly. Abe is lucky that this is not an election year. If it was, Dick would give him a worse beating than he got from EJ and Jack.
I would like to see Shawn in an AA meeting. It would be a good plug for AA. Who would be his sponsor?

I hope they aren't teasing us about him being John's dad. Just seems like what he whose name shall not be mentioned would love to yank the rug out from under the fans.
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Talia is just horrible. Shawn just rambled on about his wife, who you just were telling to go work thing out with. He’s your sister’s partner. And you just whined about being dumped by Chanel. So the next logical thing to do is bring Shawn up to your sister’s place and start making out with him?

And where were Roman or Eric to be scolding Shawn for getting plastered at the pub? We’re overdue for a “what da hell?” moment! The whole Brady clan should be watching out for him and keeping him from going off the rails. If this is really the path the writers want to go down with him there are about a dozen other ways to make it work that would do justice to the character and his relationships. Not a rehash of Lucas or Brady on benders alienating themselves from their family and friends.

So many possibilities of interventions and reminders of connections. We just got Philip back. His apology tour could get to Shawn and they dig into the affair. Uncle Roman, Aunt Kayla, Uncle Steve, cousins Stephanie or Theresa or Eric or Brady could be involved in helping. Chloe and Belle could be working together to get to Shawn. Jada and Rafe have already been somewhat involved.

They could go the AA/recovery route and have Brady and Maggie take him to a meeting. Or for the love of God bring Bo and Hope back and let Bo forgive his kid. Doesn’t need to be more than a couple of episodes and he can go back to some rehab facility.

The core of Days used to be family. Everything centered on the Hortons and the Bradys and their interactions with people in Salem. We got a glimpse of that with John and those scenes (which were just a delight to watch with Dick Van Dyke!), but at this point neither “core” family is even visible anymore on the show. How many Hortons are even in Salem at this point?
This whole 7 minute rewrite of John's paternity is so ridiculous, but I'm totally buying it because he finally got a good parent.
I don't know, I'm finding it the least implausible of re-Ron's plots. He's good at fixing malarkey from previous writers. Yo-Ling was exactly the kind of person who would swipe dog tags and impersonate another soldier/friend/person.

I don't care about Shawn-D or Talia, so let's have them run off together. If only for his next reunion with Belle to have less of his whining about her boinking his uncle, the mystery man on the east coast, and her recurring brother-in-law.