Days of Our Lives - Tues., January 2, 2024


Staff member
Dec 29, 2012
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It's after midnight on New Year's Eve in Salem.

Marlena finds John sleeping on the couch. She tells him he fell asleep just before midnight. She woke him up so he wouldn't have a stiff neck.

Replay at the hospital when Brady overhears Holly is in a coma. Rafe goes to Tate to ask what happened. Tate says Holly offered him pills, but he turned her down. EJ yells that they weren't Holly's pills, but Tate's.

At the Bistro, Clyde's message is to get the tainted pills off the streets. Ava and Stefan are unsure how to do that.

Angry EJ is blowing his top. He wants Tate arrested. Rafe says he's still trying to get the whole story. EJ says he talked to the police woman and she told him that Tate had the bag in his hand. Tate says he was trying to protect her family especially since they have gone through so much. EJ blames Theresa and Brady since they are drug addicts. He says Tate is too. Theresa says Tate saw them at their lowest and vowed he wouldn't do drugs. EJ says there were opioids in the drugs and it's a felony. EJ wants Rafe to arrest Tate now. (Rafe looks at EJ like he wants to hit him)

John wants to know if Marlena made any New Year's resolutions? She reminds him she doesn't do that. He tells her that he will always tell her how much she loves him before they go to bed. They kiss. Later, John finds a message from his dad. He stayed up until midnight to wish him a Happy New Year. Marlena realizes John is worried. He tells her about Konstantin. He calls him Konnie the con artist. He doesn't want Maggie hurt. John says Konnie extended his stay at Maggie's because of his sprained ankle. John says he and Steve took care of it, but wouldn't want to give her details. They wonder where Tate and Brady are? They decide to go to bedroom and lock the door.

Angry EJ is worse and says Tate needs to be arrested for attempted manslaughter. Theresa says what happened was an accident. Theresa and EJ get in shouting match. Rafe wants to get the facts. Brady wants Tate to get a lawyer. Tate says he's telling the truth. He says Holly wanted them to get high together. Tate goes on and says Holly offered him weed once and she got drunk Christmas Eve. Tate says Holly got ADHD medicine from someone at school. EJ is fuming in the background. He says Tate will be an old man when he gets out of jail. Brady says stop and says they were his pills. He wants to be arrested.

Meanwhile at the Bistro, Ava and Stefan are trying to figure out how to get drugs off the street. They discuss all they do is store the drugs at the Bistro. Ava says she knows who to call. Stefan reminds her she cut ties with the family. She has no choice. She so upset she's cleaning up the Bistro. Ava tells Stefan she knows Holly since she gossiped with Nicole. She saw Holly play dress-up and read Harry Potter books. Ava says she won't live with herself if Holly dies. Stefan holds her.

Rafe can't believe they are Brady's drugs. Brady says Tate took the drugs from him. Rafe asks EJ if he should arrest Brady? Tripp comes up. EJ asks about Holly. EJ's unsure. Rafe says to go be with family and he'll handle this. Before EJ leaves, he tells Brady and Tate he'll see both of them in court. Tate wants to tell the truth. Theresa keeps shushing him. Tripp tells Rafe he wished he had better news and the complete toxicology screen will be back tomorrow. Tripp mentions it happened at the Bistro. Rafe says he should see her. Rafe puts handcuffs on Brady and reads him his rights.

Marlena and John come out of the back. John is trying to call Brady. He says it's almost morning and they aren't home. Theresa and Tate come in. Tate is upset and Marlena is concerned. Theresa says Holly OD'd at the party. Tate says she's in a coma. Theresa says Brady was arrested. Tate tries to say something, but Theresa interrupts. John decides to go down to the cop shop (he said that). Marlena tells Tate she'll make him warm milk to sleep. After she leaves, Theresa reminds Tate that his dad is taking the rap and not say anything. Tate reminds her he didn't do anything wrong. Tate goes to his bedroom without taking his coat or the milk.

At the cop shop, Rafe tells Brady he needs to get his story straight. Rafe knows he's trying to protect Tate. Rafe doesn't believe the drugs were Brady's. Rafe says Brady's prints won't be on the bag and by lying, Brady is making Tate look more guilty. Rafe says it's not too late to change minds. Brady says EJ can have his blood.

Ava gets off the phone with Dominik. He will get the drugs off the street for a favor. Stefan says who knows what they favor will be and Ava shouldn't have done it. Tripp walks in. Ava asks about Holly. Tripp tells her. (why tell her and not Brady?). Tripp wants to talk to Ava alone. Stefan leaves. Tripp wants Ava tell him she wasn't involved with this. He says he wants her to be honest and won't judge her. He says his dad a PI and he can connect the dots. He tells her things about Gil hiring her after being in Bayview. Then she shot him. He mentions Stefan buying the restaurant and she broke up with Harris probably because he's a cop.

EJ is at the hospital getting coffee. His hand is shaking. He acts like he's having a panic attack. He calms down and his face gets angry. He leaves.

Theresa talks to Marlena about how she didn't think Brady would use again. Marlena asks if she thought Brady using again? Theresa knows Brady wouldn't give drugs to Holly. Theresa decides to leave to talk to Alex about what is happening. Theresa goes back to check on Tate.

Ava tells Tripp he doesn't know everything. She broke up with Harris because he cheated on her. He wants to know who, but she won't say. Tripp wants to make sure she cut ties with the family. He says when he talked about moving to Hong Kong she didn't try to stop him. He knew then that something was wrong and don't lie to him.

Stefan is at the back of the Bistro. EJ comes out and accuses Stefan that what happened to Holly is his fault.

Theresa comes back to the living room and tells Marlena that Tate is gone.

Rafe is getting coffee out in the cop shop. John comes in and asks where Brady is? Rafe points to the interrogation room. John wants to know where his lawyer is? Rafe says Brady doesn't want one. John wants to get a lawyer for Brady. Rafe says it's not his call and goes back to interrogation room. Rafe tells Brady that his dad out there. Rafe says since Brady wants to take the fall to tell him where he got the drugs and what they were. Brady was high and doesn't remember. Rafe wants to take a tox screen. Brady looks defeated.

John's leaving cop shop when Tate runs in. Tate runs into interrogation room. He says if Rafe going to arrest someone, to arrest him.
A lot of comments on Twitter that the longer scenes and dialogue helped with today's show. Also, the acting is good.

Tate's magical coat. When he got to John and Marlena's, he put coat on the back of the couch. When he left to go to his bedroom, he left it there. When Marlena and Theresa were alone, the coat was gone. When Tate arrived at the cop shop, he was wearing it. Maybe Tate turned invisible to get his coat.
They never did drug test Tate. I think that will be important. Good lord Brady, what on earth are you doing? And Theresa believes it? EJ being DA is not going to be good for anyone. Hey, Tate magically got out of the apartment so of course he magically got his coat. Just tell the truth Tate. You did nothing wrong. Holly had the drugs, Holly took the drugs. You told her not to.
It is just so frustrating even READING about these stupid false confessions in the name of "love." All they would have to do is test Tate, but they won't. Technically, they could still be his even if he wasn't high, but, at least test stupid Brady. He is lucky there is no report for stupidity. Speaking of stupid, why was it that Paulina hired EJ to be the DA???? We have enough bias in the real political world - this is a time where it is NOT good for soaps to imitate real life.
The way EJ was flying high today, he looked like he could use a stay in Bayview. One place he shouldn’t be is the DA’s office. Any competent defense attorney (not Justin) would easily shred EJ’s revenge-based case against poor Tater Tot. As for Brady, the less said the better. The man just never learns. After listening to him and EJ, Rafe could be forgiven for thinking he’d just boarded the ship of fools.

John failed to get through to Brady today, but he could do some good at the hospital by telling Holly’s worried friends and family that he’s living proof that a Salem coma is really no big deal.

Finally, Ava should give up any connection with wrong-doing. If Trippy can so easy see through her b/s, she’d never talk her way out of criminal charges.
None of this makes any sense. Brady says that he was dealing? Um how would this even clear Tate? And I guess we have to assume Brady didn't believe Tate if he was going to take the fall for him. Then Tate takes the fall to protect his father who he knows is innocent. I just can't deal with any of this.

All this succeeded in doing was making me hate EJ again. I get the current stresses he's under but this character had a short runway with me liking him.
Thanks kat.

I really hope the story shifts to something else for tomorrow. Otherwise the summary will be "someone said something stupid at the police station. More stupid things said at the hospital."

Hard to believe but the stupidity reigned supreme at the Bistro.

None of the stupidity moved a single story forward.
IF there were security cameras, (I mean, why would there be? It's only a business :sarcasm:) it would show Holly leaving first and possibly taking the drugs. Of course, that wouldn't prove that Tate didn't give them to her, nor would testing Tate for drugs. He could have supplied them but not taken them. That area probably doesn't have cameras (or are disabled) because of drug activity. In the "real world", security cameras are everywhere. Had them in the school I worked at and even at the library where I worked.

Also, how does one go around gathering up the tainted drugs? Some could be miles away from Salem. And why does Clyde care? If he deals in drugs, he has to expect these types of issues.

I think I'm thinking too much. :head scratch:
I agree that the longer scenes make the show more enjoyable. It’s so annoying when they have those scenes where characters literally talk for less than a minute before they switch to another storyline.

Trippy has a backup if this superhero doctor gig doesn’t work. He can take daddy’s place at Black Patch. Ava’s poker face was pretty bad today.

EJ was absolutely insufferable. Rafe handled him well.

Can’t decide what I think of Stefan. Seems like those in charge can’t figure out what they want to do with him without Gabi. He has had a few good one-liners lately, though.

I was surprised neither John nor Marlena had a text about what was going on. Guess they wanted to give a nod to Timothy and give them a few nice couple moments.

If I hadn’t read the summary before watching I’m not sure I would have noticed the wandering coat but once you know it’s pretty obvious the inconsistencies.
Well colour me flummoxed. I found myself eager for Tripp-is-suddenly-smart scenes as well as rooting for Tate who’s trying to do the right thing in a world of irresponsible adults. I always enjoy John. I might enjoy the Ava/Stefan tension if the threats to them weren't so hard to swallow. Even if he weren't incarcerated, one half of either crime family could quash the Poplar Bluff perv in a second.
They never did drug test Tate. I think that will be important. Good lord Brady, what on earth are you doing? And Theresa believes it?

I don’t think Theresa believes it. I got the impression she was trying to sell the story and keep Tate from contradicting Brady. But I agree none of it makes any sense. It seems like Brady and Theresa would pitch a fit and get EJ barred from the case while pushing Rafe to investigate Tate’s story. No one else was jumping to conclusions. This is stupid, fake drama even for Days.