Days of our Lives - Thursday March 7, 2024


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Mar 24, 2009
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Now appearing in Wichita, Kansas
37 minutes. New Sloan appears today. Other that that, good luck staying awake. Leo is amusing and has a lot of costume changes.

Theresa arrives at the halfway house meeting room, Tate is typical teen mood, grumpy. Theresa tells him that his family believes him. Tate ponders on what to do. Theresa tells him she has a plan.

DiMansion - Eric arrives hugs Nicole, he wants to see Holly. Nicole updates him in on Holly’s memory loss about what happened. Nicole didn’t get to see much of Italy. Eric’s photography business is picking up but he’s focus is on parenthood.

Leo is the only person in all of Salem is available to babysit. New Sloan is thrilled to be getting out. Leo has some cute words about parenting. Sloan leaves.

Steve and John are looking at the blueprints of the jail. They know where Clyde’s cell is and where the watch towers are in relationship to the cell. Ava has called Cousin Angelo, he is going to make this happen, now Ava owes him a big favor. Angelo and his team will do their part. At this point we have no clue what their part is. I should add they all appear to be dressed in black, Basic Black.

Nicole brings Eric to Holly’s room. Holly can’t believe she’s been out for two months. Nicole tells Eric that Sarah was over yesterday and gave “our girl” a clean bill of health. Eric says that’s great, “our little miracle”

Tate wants to know what’s the plan. Sloan will help by taking a somewhat novel approach.

Ava says this is a one-time help. Angelo and his group have connections inside the prison. Tripp and Wendy have to be saved.

Leo is sprawled out on the sofa when Jude awakes, he has a scroll of things to check. Leo gets some formula but that isn’t what Jude wants. The checklist is silly. Step 3 is of course a diaper check.

Tate is recalling the night of the overdosing. Handing over the drugs to the police station. Sloan tells Tate and Theresa the challenges: he didn’t call for help when he first found Holly, he hid the drugs, and didn’t offer them up the minute the officer arrived on scene. But most of EJ’s case is circumstantial.

Nicole has things to do so she leaves to do them and Eric and Holly are left to chat. Eric tells Holly that he visited her every day. Holly wants to know if she looked weird? Wish I could look that good waking up after two months with full makeup. Eric catches Holly in a lie because she’s playing with her hair. Eric gently asks what aren’t you telling me?

The men and woman in black continue to discuss their plan. The plan has among other things, wire cutters, grinders, black tape, night vision glasses, and Angelo will have a plane fueled and ready at the designated air strip. Tonight, we will break into prison. I can feel your excitement at this too.

Leo in a tie dye rainsuit, with full face mask, has changed Jude’s diaper. He picks up Jude he walks and bounces the baby, who should be around 7 months old and starting to crawl, but Doll-in-Blanket is doing the best he can portraying a bigger baby. Leo tells Jude a fictional story of the night of Prince Jude’s birth. Leo promises that he will always be there to protect the little prince.

Holly starts to tell Eric what happened that night, but she can’t. Holly asks about Jude. He is sleeping through the night and is holding his head up. Eric has been holding off on having the christening until Holly was able to attend. It will be just family and at St. Luke's with a reception at the Brady Pub. Nicole offers to host the reception at the house. Eric wishy-washies his way till he finally tells Nicole that he doesn’t think Sloan would be on board with Nicole hosting. Eric finally caves.

Tate doesn’t want to go to trial. He also doesn’t want to go after Holly. Sloan wants to go for a plea deal. Tate says that he is totally innocent, he doesn’t want to say anything else.

The break out of jail group is ready to go, when Ava stops them because the boys have no plans to break Clyde out of jail. It’s going to look like they are but with the “special” tools and Rico’s basement they will find out where Tripp is and Clyde isn’t going anywhere. Like hell you are is Ava’s reply

Leo has changed outfits again. He is now rapping the alphabet song to Jude as Eric comes home. Eric is concerned at first but Jude and Leo are getting along.

Holly and Nicole are planning the party. They will have small bite size cakes, but not pink or blue frosting because that’s so last century. Holly will handle the play list because she doesn’t want a 3-hour playlist of Billy Joel. Nicole gets sad about losing the baby again, she discusses how every now and then grief overcomes her. Holly hugs her.

Theresa tries to convince Tate that pleading guilty to a crime he didn’t commit is the best thing for him. It will get him out of jail faster and home to his family. Tate asks if Holly even knows where he is? Does she know that I’ve been arrested, beaten up in jail, forced in to rehab and now this halfway house?

Theresa doesn’t know but she will find out. Sloan comes back into the room she needs to talk to Theresa. Theresa leaves to talk to Sloan. Theresa leaves her phone. Sloan has filed for an emergency appeal with the judge. She wants to get EJ removed from the case because he’s personally connected to it. Per Sloan it’s a long shot.

Ava is upset that John and Steve don’t plan on freeing Clyde. They want to hold Clyde till they have Tripp and Wendy back in hand. Ava tells them that Clyde Weston will royally screw us if we don’t do this his way. No matter the training. Clyde will seek revenge and it will be terrible, we have to let Clyde go. Steve tries to calm Ava down. This plan is going to go all ways to Sunday bad.

Nicole and Holly talk about how sad it’s been around the house, losing the baby, Holly’s overdose. It’s a filler conversation. They talk about things we never saw of the two of them as mom and daughter. Holly doesn’t want to talk about New Year’s Eve and what happened anymore. They will focus on the baby bash party.

Theresa talks with Sloan, Theresa tells Sloan this has been so hard for the family. Theresa tells of falling off the wagon, she wants to be there for her son. Sloan tells of her brother Colin who is in prison but unlike Tate, Colin was guilty.

Tate steals his mom’s phone. Theresa hugs Tate goodbye, tells him to stay strong and to not give up, then leaves.

Eric talks of being 14 months old when he started walking, Sami was already running around. Leo says he thinks he skipped walking and went straight to running to escape his mother. Sloan comes in, Leo has no plans as he and Eric are chatting, Sloan wants some wine, Eric tells her of Nicole hosting the reception at the DiMansion, Leo can’t believe how kind Nicole is being.

John and Steve leave because they have a prison to break into. Ava isn’t trusting of their plan.

With the stolen phone, Tate doesn’t know Holly’s number, Holly isn’t in his mom’s list of contacts. Shocking I know. Tate goes to social media.

Nicole and Holly are planning the reception. There will be enough food for the entire town of Salem yet we will see only about 5 people and none of them will eat. Nicole is going to go hunt down petit fours, I didn’t know they were feral. Holly gets a DM (direct message) from Theresa Donovan; Holly doesn’t know why Tate’s mom would be contacting her so she ignores it because she has a party to plan.
Eric talks of being 14 months old when he started walking, Sami was already running around.
Here are Sami and Eric at about 14 months, in case anybody was interested.

I hope Tate holds out until dirty cop Goldman is exposed. Everything she did will be questioned, as it should be.

Of course in the magical land of Salem where murder convictions can be overturned because someone Frankenjuiced the victim, even if Tate is convicted to life in prison, he'll be back in a Salem second once the dirty cop is exposed.
Leo was amusing. It is ridiculous how small these babies still are! Jude & Victoria are not dolls in blanket size. Not even close.

I am glad that Eric suspects Holly isn't telling everything. Has Nicole told EJ that Holly said Tate absolutely did not give or slip her any drugs? Tate better not take plea deal.

I am sure Sloan is thrilled that Nicole, Jude's birth mother, wants to have after christening bash at her house. Did Nicole & E J name their baby? I don't remember a name.

This jailbreak is ridiculous. I'm sure Steve & John will screw it up. If they don't kill Clyde I give up. He has too many connections can accomplish too much stuff. It's time for him to go.
Thanks, robin

Tate had a good idea how to contact Holly. Too bad Holly didn't want to look at the direct message from Theresa.

Eric knew Holly wasn't telling him the whole story. Will he try to talk to her again?

I hope we can see the baby bash for Jude and I wish I could go. It sounds like a fun party.

Leo was hit and miss with me. Looking at a scroll to figure out why a baby was crying was strange. I liked his story about the
prince and who saved him. And Jude seems to like Leo for some reason. Maybe because Sloan doesn't seem to be a good mom.

Is it wrong to like the temporary actress playing Sloan instead of the regular one?

Will the breakout of Clyde go as planned like Steve and John want it to or will something go wrong? It's Salem. Something
will probably go wrong.
What’s wrong with Cousin Angelo? Why doesn’t he point out the obvious — that it would be a lot easier to kill Clyde than break him out?

Holly is a waste of space. How hard to say that Tater Tot didn’t give her anything? If the mean girls at her school learn about Holly’s failure to help the Tot, she could be in for a tough time.

Lawyer commercials often promise, “we fight harder.” What do Sloan’s say — “we make wishy-washy compromises?”

What was Baby Jude thinking today — “this babysitter is a little strange, but he’s much better than Mommy Sloan?”