If you were in charge


Staff member
Nov 23, 2006
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Am sure we all, as we are watching, yell, talk, mutter advice to the character on screen. And by the end we may be even talking aloud to ourselves about what 'THEY" should do. O.K. let's spill it out. What would you do, on or with Days, if you were in charge?

Me, ....I'd take it off streaming and back on regular daytime TV, as it was before. 1st thing. Hopefully thus, getting back the viewers we lost when NBC lost Days.

Stefan would shave off that mustache, and become the sort of man Stefano was....while Alex would take over Titan, and have a change in personality as he does so. Down and dirty, but politely, nicely, emulating Victor.

Theresa gets an offer to appear on a Broadway show.......leaves town.

John & Marlena retire, do a bit of gardening, but are around to lend an ear, a helping hand, a place to stay for all their family and friends.

Tate & Holly are juniors, then seniors and finally graduate high school. they get summer jobs, trying to decide what is next for them.....college? Business?

Steve continues with the private eye business, the adventures it produces, & manages to pull Chad in as a partner.

Abe becomes mayor in a recall.....after there are found to be some questions about Paulina's victory in the recent election results.

Have more. but am sure you all have ideas as well. Have at it.
Clyde would off Ejerk permanently.

Nicole, Eric and Jude make a family.

Lucas and Sami marry and stay married, in Salem.

Konstantin would be revealed as the lying piece of trash he is and gets deported with no recourse.

More later perhaps.
I would take control from Ken Corday. I would work very hard to find a sponsor for the show to be able to pay more for new sets. I know we all joke about the poorly done endorsements, but well done endorsements will work well in my world. Fire the head writer and bring back a new writer, someone who has never worked in soaps before but knows how to write sharp, crisp stories and a co-head writer who knows Days' history.

Shorten the time between filming and airing.
Piggybacking on Poirot's wish that Days would return to television, I would like to see it both available on television AND streaming, to reach as many fans as possible. When it was on at noon on NBC, I could not always watch and had to wait til 8 pm or later that same day or the next day to watch On Demand. I like having control over my viewing but also want all who cannot stream, or have trouble streaming, to have access.

Cast Lauren Boles (young Ciara) as Sydney and bring her back to Salem!

I would listen to the viewers and get rid of, permanently, characters we despise, like Konstantin.

Have Salem residents actually live in houses and apartments vs suites at The Salem Inn or Brady Pub.

I also would put more thought into recasting. No matter how good an actor/actress is, don't recycle them to play other roles, such as Gwen/Theresa and Ben/Alex and Nick/Everett/Bobby/The Devil's Assistant. Also, recast with someone more age appropriate or at least someone who looks the part, e.g., the new Tate. Nothing bad to say about his acting, but he just looks too old to be Tate.
I know we all joke about the poorly done endorsements, but well done endorsements will work well in my world.
Just an example, on the rebooted version of Dallas, there was some new laptop (Microsoft Surface, I think) at the time. The company was a sponsor. They'd show the laptop being used by various characters, then the next commercial was for the actual laptop. There were no corny lines of "Hey JR, have you seen my brand new Microsoft Surface? It's great! Let me tell you about all of its exciting features!" No, just a couple close-ups of a character typing and some graphics/features on the screen and that was it.

I remember when Diet Coke was a sponsor for Friends. They'd just have one of the characters say "can I have a Diet Coke?", then you'd see the bottle or can in their hand/on the table/etc. That was it. No embarrassing Wanchai Ferry spiel like poor Peggy McCay (Caroline) had to do that one time. Even that could've been a lot better. She could've brought Sami and Rafe their meal, one of them could've offhandedly said "This is really good, what is it?" and Caroline could've just said "Oh, something new I got at the store, Wanchai Ferry. I made it for the kids and they loved it, thought you'd enjoy a bowl after your long day."
Have Salem residents actually live in houses and apartments vs suites at The Salem Inn or Brady Pub.
I've said many times they should have one or two identical sets (layout) that they'd just decorate differently for each apartment/condo, and say that all of those characters lived in the same building.
Just an example, on the rebooted version of Dallas, there was some new laptop (Microsoft Surface, I think) at the time. The company was a sponsor. They'd show the laptop being used by various characters, then the next commercial was for the actual laptop. There were no corny lines of "Hey JR, have you seen my brand new Microsoft Surface? It's great! Let me tell you about all of its exciting features!" No, just a couple close-ups of a character typing and some graphics/features on the screen and that was it.

I haven't watched Hallmark in a while but they are very good at this sort of advertising. Can't even remember what movie I watched where someone pulled out a can of Folgers but I remember the Folgers.

If I were in charge:

Kristen would be dead in some awful way and we'd know it was for good.

As rfsexton said, Sami and Lucas would be together and that would also be for good.

Nicole and Leo would be friends and there would be actual fun on the show.

Chanel would really be missing. Forever. And Paulina would be out finding the real kidnapper.

Sloan would be in jail, or away in another country being the lawyer for the aforementioned kidnapper.

Anne and Rory would return because fun is back on the show.

Lots of other people would be gone but they'd just disappear and no one would notice so no story needed for it. Looking at you Tripp and Wendy, among others.
Wow, what a lot of great ideas!

I love the idea of more fun on the show, that is a great way to take a break from heavy drama and heartbreak...........also from stupidity. LOL

Don't think I'd enjoy having all the characters living in the same building. That might get boring or really out of hand. Have lived in apartments most of my younger life, and early married life, but homes are just better in various ways. (Or apts. in different locations. Days cannot afford that., thus compromise.

John/Marlena, Steve/Kayla, Maggie, all in homes. Everyone else in apts. We don't have to see them all. Maggie can decide to sell and take apt. as house becomes to hard to maintain.

I know Johnny has a band in real life with other Days actors, but that solo seranade to Chanel fell flat to me.

I really like Jackee Harry (Paulina) but the character just doesn't work for me. but before I say another word about any of the characters, I am not faulting any of them. They work wonders with what they are given, and thus.......it is the writers. yes, the writers, who seem unable to come up with storylines that fit the characters involved, interest and intrigue the viewers.

There used to be more than a dozen soaps, and their actors, directors, writers, wardrobe, set designers, etc. etc. all were available, but it seems Days just closed their eyes. And those wonderful folks, who have won awards in the past.........may have retired, maybe no longer with us, maybe a few have jobs with remaining soaps, or took other kinds of jobs. Days lost out.

And Corday doesn't seem to be able to grasp the ways/times to take advantage, Yes, his forte' is music, but he put the power into the wrong hands, then ignored the results for far too long. NBC seemed to have ignored it all as well, and thus, we now have Days on streaming only, which lost them thousands of viewers. Truly hope they can get back on regular TV, get the viewers back. Perhaps someone will be able to have them realize that so many do not have streaming or don't care for it (like me). Hate it, really do.
I haven't watched Hallmark in a while but they are very good at this sort of advertising. Can't even remember what movie I watched where someone pulled out a can of Folgers but I remember the Folgers.

If I were in charge:

Victor’s real will is discovered by Steve and his fortune is split between Maggie and Xander. Out of a job, Alex considers becoming a professional gigolo.

Anne Milbauer and Rory would return to bring some humor to the show. Dimitri would also return because a happy Leo is a more entertaining Leo.

INS agents would be shown turning over Konstantin to the Greek police as Xander watches and laughs.

Kritter finally gets a long prison term, while Ava is at last charged with the death of Dad Brady.

Fed up with Clyde’s escapes, the feds send him to a federal supermax prison where squirrel stew is never on the menu.

Chloe returns and joins the Salem Opera Company where she sings classic sings that are too old to be under copyright.

Like EJ once was, Paulina is removed from office by the governor. Jack returns and wins a special mayoral election. When Paulina complains, she is confronted by Jenny.
From a production standpoint, I'd cut the filming delay.

To me the proof that it doesn't help the show is how long it took the show during the COVID shutdown to overtake repeats in the ratings.

Old episodes of General Hospital were routinely pantsing the show, and it never did rise to #1 in overall viewers (just the key demo, I believe).

So sure, they had episodes for months and didn't miss a beat with the shutdown - but nobody wanted to watch what they had produced.


If that's unfixable, then I'd try to tell stories that have a clear beginning, middle, and end. So a story involving Jeannie T/Alex/Kristen would last 10-20 weeks, and midway through that there'd be a story that starts with Nicole/Roman/Abe that lasts 10-20 weeks, and midway through that there'd be a story that starts involving Alex/Tate/Johnny, and so forth. But to have an idea and then follow it through to its original planned conclusion is a must if you're operating on a yearlong (with filming, writing, casting) delay.

So, one or the other - either be reactive to what folks like but be a little looser with the logic, or stick to your plan but actually tell a logical story.