02/08/2018 - Donuts and French Toast with Peach Jam


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Mar 24, 2009
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Now appearing in Wichita, Kansas
Well, that is what I would be eating if I could. But it is way early for me, two clients are down, and I'm unable to get the tech team to answer my calls for help. It's going to be a long long day.

I hope everyone has a reasonable Thursday.

And to answer Kat's question, no I'm not an hourly employee. I'm a salaried employee, so these long days are on the house, so to speak. But I'm going to "bank" the hours and remind my boss that I've got them, so I can get off an hour early on a couple of upcoming days when the grandkids are in town.
Good morning everyone. After 6 (non-consecutive) hours, my drive way was finally cleared. (My house is 175 feet back from the road, and the drive extends in 60 feet from the road.) The hardest part was the heavy wet compacted snow area (about 12 feet by 8 feet) that the city plow threw over. A friend in another town called to say she found a guy to plow for me. I called him, and he wanted $100 to come and do that small area that I had left. Thanks, but no thanks.

robinsnest, thank goodness you can bank the extra time you work. We haven't been able to do that for over a year. You have to take the hours off in the same week that you work them. That's impossible for me so I lose most of it.
good morning, and boy, does french toast & peach jam sound heavenly. Hmmm, it seems to me, that even if salaried, overtime should be paid extra. And if they cannot figure a way, then it should come in the form of a "bonus" check.

RS, that is a lot of hooey that you should take hours off the same week you worked the extra. If that is their stance, then you should just up and leave early or take a day off a couple of time, just do it, and I think their "rule" would soon change. :)

By the way, $100 is what my son pays for his driveway, a short one, each and every time. Sometimes, if a huge snowfall, it is a bit more.
Good morning,

Its nice that you can bank your hours, Robin. I am salaried as well, but we have the choice of taking it in overtime or vacation. These days everyone is taking it in vacation because of a HUGE MASSIVE change in our pay systems that has really screwed up federal employees pay. It has resulted in people being over paid, under paid, not paid, and not paid for overtime or acting at a higher salary. Thankfully, I am only one of the people that is owed acting pay at a higher salary for October to April 2016 - 2017. This has been an ongoing issue since February 2016 when the federal government was advised against this but went ahead and implemented the new Phoenix pay system .What is frustrating is that there are employees that work away from home for weeks at a time and if there is any change in their position that would trigger a change in pay, in could result in no pay. So while they are away, the husband or wife left back at home is left without pay. Anyways, it is a huge mess that is still ongoing. Our unions have and are taking the federal government to court for not honouring our collective agreements. The result has been very devastating for some with exhausting all credit, missed mortgage payments, etc. Sorry for the rant, I could go on and on about this. Everyday there is a new article on Phoenix pay system.

RS - We are getting the snow now. We had a big dump of snow over the weekend and currently it is snowing and snowed throughout the night. We are expected to get up to 35cm (13 inches or so) by end of tonight. Many people were not at rehearsal last night due to road conditions. In fact, over the weekend there were 260 accidents and the city closed down a major road.

Have a great day everyone.
Morning Everyone,

Sorry for not checking in yesterday, but I spent most of the day home in bed. I got up long enough to take Gena to school, and unfortunately had to deal with some tenant stuff. But then went back to bed and rested/slept on and off all day. While I was awake, I watched Touched by an Angel and 7th Heaven reruns on the UP channel.

I then got up to pick up Gena from YMCA after school care and made dinner for the family. They got the crescent roll pigs in a blanket last night, fast and easy. Considering I lived off of Nilla Wafers and Diet 7-UP yesterday, I'd say I did okay in feeding them.

Today I'm back at work. Still not feeling 100%, but much better than yesterday, at least so far.

RS - sorry you had to shovel all that snow. I'd come over to help if we didn't live so far away.

Robin - it's a big bummer when your day starts off badly. I hope it improves quickly

Poirot - I agree that people on salary should get overtime pay for working over.

Muzz - be careful in all that snow. I sure hope it stops in time for the final dress rehearsals and performances.

Happy Thursday.
The going rate for plowing a driveway here is $20.

RS, that is a lot of hooey that you should take hours off the same week you worked the extra. If that is their stance, then you should just up and leave early or take a day off a couple of time, just do it, and I think their "rule" would soon change. :)

Poirot, paying overtime to salary employees was one of the idiotic laws that our former president signed in as an executive order before leaving office. It was thrown out in 2017 after several states sued in the Arizona federal court because small towns, small businesses, non-profits, etc. could never pay that. When on salary, the amount of work time per week is usually set as a minimum number of hours.

Taking time off the same week may work for some people who work in an office all day doing data entry, filing , etc. It doesn't work when you are on other people's or agencies' schedules especially when doing contract work. robinsnest and I could never say "Sorry, I'm not doing that for you because I worked too many hours this week."

Muzzaman - Stay safe in that bad weather! We're to have another round of storms hit here tonight through Friday morning. Then again on Monday. I'm going to drive to work before the storm hits.

Amanda - I'm glad you're feeling at least a little better. Too bad you can't stay home longer to get your strength back. Your tenants, GRRRRR! They seem to cause so many problems for you.
Well to be honest, the time banking is more of a honor system with this particular boss. Each prior boss never had an issue with the banking. I'd rather be paid for it, but AZ is a right to work you to death state. Everything favors the employer, which is the reason the office was moved here from California.

We moved and suddenly no more banking of sick leave. You got 5 days. If you weren't sick, you lost them. I had 5 weeks built up. Sure would have been handy to have had that when I broke my ankle, but it was gone. The 5 days were used up with the hospital stay, then vacation was used, long with banked hours due to previous boss.
Pennsylvania is an "at will" work state. We have to explain to new folks here that it means "at will " of the employer, and all rights are with the employer. You can be let go for any reason or no reason what so ever.

In Pennsylvania, the only salaried employees who may receive over time pay are police, fire, and ems / emt / paramedic personnel.
Good morning and thank you all for giving me something grounding to read every day.

I hated being salaried, made less money than my associates and worked so much more, just so I could eventually be transferred to take over another store in a different area and relocated on my own dime only to find out that I am suddenly a part time associate again, with no management positions available. I said no thanks and just came back here to do my computer stuff as a hobby because I at least know people and got on SSI, no regrets.

I would literally die from all that snow. I can not even cut my own grass lol.

So went to the chiropractor yesterday, under Medicare, which only pays for chiropractic care. The doctor said I would benefit better from acupuncture/laser acupuncture therapy so get the VA to pay for that and we will get you taken care of no problem. I immediately felt like crying because I am currently at war with the VA over not receiving proper health care or referrals.

So I left and then called back and basically said so you are telling me you accept Medicare, which covers some services you offer and are unwilling to help me by beginning with that until I can magically get the VA bureaucracy to treat me like a person so you can do further treatments?

That resulted in immediate back pedaling and apologies, with a request to return right away. I told the doctor the same thing, do they think it is better that I just suffer in the meantime? He gave me an adjustment and my back & neck popped like popcorn. That was helpful & I am glad I went back.

My sisters are being insane again and my mom had has been constantly assuring me that she will give me her handicapped accessible, paid off, VA home & land

I assured her I would do whatever to care for her and her husband as soon as the girls are off so the other siblings do not work together to have them committed, as has been their continual efforts for years and I am always showing up in court on my mom's side.

Now she suddenly wants me to pay the four of them $100 each per month as long as I live there. How about no? I was only accepting because I felt like she cared and felt I deserved it or whatever for always fighting for them but I am a freaking Vet and can get my own house & land the same way they did without the future/lifetime commitment of being a caretaker.

I mean I would have cared for them without the house but I will not be manipulated to accept the house with conditions attached.

And the VA is refusing me medical treatment again so I need to deal with that. They are going to force me to get an outside agency involved again, which always makes my doctor yell at me like a child for not coming to her first, even though the only way I can communicate with them/her is by sending messages and never getting replies.

I'm at the civilian neurologist now to find out if I need more surgery, so much fun!

This message was not meant to be negative at all. I hope it is kind of funny considering how dramatic my life is and hope to keep you all smiling.

Everyone have a good day and I hope the sun shines for you all!
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YPG - in my extremely limited dealings with the VA, I can tell you I'm glad I don't have to do that again, ever. Hang in there. I'm sure they want to help but just can't. I hope the neurologist is able to answer with good news. Or at least news that is better than we can't do anything for you.
Just a quick late check in due to busyness here in the unit! Thinking of you all. It is summer here -- 84F, full sun with no clouds and a think layer of dust in the atmosphere. I am not a happy camper -- I mean it is February! Oh, well, the blues have to wait for another day.

Last night I finished taking down all the Christmas decorations in the house. The tree will be done Friday night as we watch tv -- much to the kiddos distress. Then, as you all know, it is cleaning time at my house before taking out my Spring/Summer decorations. Christmas season is too short compared to seasons.

Hope you stay healthy, safe, and find a small joy in today.
YPG, I really feel for you, and wish you could get the benefits that you are due.

My friend Jim has had fantastic care through the VA in Erie, PA. On the other hand, my cousin has to constantly fight with the Cleveland, Ohio,VA for her husband.

Noel, I caved in , and took down Christmas early this year. My house has looked sad and empty to me ever since.
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RS - the tenants should be gone soon. The guy we've had forever is starting to look into assisted living as he's got COPD and a partially paralyzed right arm. He's working with SSI and disability to get funding and placement. The others are planning to leave by the end of the month. But if they don't, they will be gone with the other guy. Hubby has finally had enough of the lies and head games these people all want to play. So I do believe we will be taking over the whole house by summer, barring any horrible extenuating circumstances. :)

YPG - eesh, all that stuff between the doctors and the family sounds like a nightmare. I hope you can get everything straightened out.

Robin - your palm tree picture made me laugh out loud and I got a few funny looks from the people around me.

Lil0 - so glad your procedure went well. Wishing you a speedy recovery.
Another cold morning for walking. It's sunny now and close to 60. It might
be 60 tomorrow too. I'll go outside for awhile if it is. Then cooler
over the weekend which might include winter weather.

YPG, sorry to hear about all your problems. I hope you'll have a good
rest of the day.

manda, good luck with getting your tenants gone. I hope you'll
feel a lot
better tomorrow.

Lil0, I'm glad your eye surgery went well.

rs, if I lived closer to you we could shovel our driveways together :)

robin, sorry you don't get paid overtime. I hope you'll get some early
afternoons off.

Muzzaman, be careful driving on your way home.

I hope everyone has a good afternoon and evening.
It's been a busy day. Sunny again and we actually are staying light to about 5:30 now, so we managed to get home and take a little walk yesterday. It's 57 right now but really windy.

Noel - good luck with your day. In the state of Washington, this side anyway, we have always been if you're salaried you don't get overtime. I have worked several places that will give you comp time if one works OT. And they give you 1.5 hours off for every hour worked.

RS - those berms the city leaves in the driveway after they plow are the worst. We have an old coal shovel that works the best but it's a workout.

YPG - sounds like it's time get rid of some family members. So sorry you're getting the run around with the VA too.

Lil0 - I'm so glad your eye surgery went great. I've been thinking about you.

Have a great day.
Ahhh, Lil0, fantastic that it went so well, just as you were told it would. I thought I had my eye dr. appt. this month, called, not til April. And I have a whole lot of different appts. that month. Hopefully, the snow will be gone by then. LOL

Muzza, am sorry you are getting blizzards, but please, please, do not send them down this way. So close now to your show, so hopefully everything will be clear for good dress rehearsals, and the show itself. Definitely a bummer about the government & overtime pay.

We are really in a cold spell, with below zero at nights, and slightly above by noon, then it begins dropping again.
Heya Everybody! :) I hope that everyone is having a fabulous day. Today has been an okay day. I went to work, came home and started with chores I had to get done around the house. I got a few things done but I still have a few things to get done before the evening is over. I am not a fan of Thursdays as Thursdays are one of the busiest days of the week for me. The only good thing about Thursday is that tomorrow is Friday. Bring on Friday.

The weather here has been cold and snowy. Right now it is partly cloudy and 16*F, a cold winter evening here. We are expected to get pretty cold here tonight as the temperature will be dropping. I am not going to sugar coat this but I am so over winter.

My cat is on a special diet and she started it today. The food is quite pricey though.

Wishing all of you a terrific Thursday evening. Sending each one of you so much happiness.