04/28/2018 - Donuts and on the road again


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Mar 24, 2009
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Now appearing in Wichita, Kansas
Or at least I should be on the road. However, we're still not packed, still not showered or dressed, as Hunny Bunny thought we needed to go over the list of things to pick up today prior to leaving. We both have maintained spreadsheets and they are different and we've been discussing since 5:30 this morning.

I will try to be online later today as I am taking my computer with me ,to do bonsai business.

Have a great Saturday.
Good morning robin and everyone to come!

It's sunny and supposed to get up to 80 today.

Robin, good luck with the trip and pre-trip planning.

I worked 2-10 last night so I slept in a little this morning. Plus I'm still battling the crud. I've forgotten what my real voice sounds like.

Hope everyone has a wonderful day!
Good Morning.

It is a bright sunny morning, but before the sun arose I sat on the patio listening to the doves coo. It is the only time of the day for a cool breeze, so I open the windows/doors to let some fresh air inside my home. Saturday mornings are often my quiet time I always wish I could extend the time, temperature and setting for hours longer.

If you like comic books, movies, and Marvel: see Avengers Infinity War. It is deeper, darker, more in depth, and really half a movie because part 4 is next year. It still is riveting, great character development, some funny lines to lighten the feel, and heartbreaking at other moments. It is a unique movie and in my opinion, not to be missed.

Robin: sounds like your pre-trip is going to take longer than the actual drive! It is funny how couples plan and organize so differently, insist their way is the best [we do too :)], and then end of compromising to get out the door. Hope once your journey begins it is a relaxing and enjoyable trip.

Red: oh, lady, sorry to read you are battling the crud again. :sad: Hope you rest, hydrate, and try to enjoy your day despite feeling unwell. Thinking of you.

It is time to fix family breakfast, and start our weekend cleaning ritual. Such is life. Enjoy your weekend everyone!
Good morning everyone.

It is a cold 41* here with wind and rain. We had a horrendous storm here last night with super high winds. I'm one of the lucky ones who didn't lose electricity. Two trees came down, but they fell into the woods. They can stay there to become homes for animals unless my neighbor wants to cut them up for firewood.

Others around here lost roofs and / or had a lot of tree damage. The National Weather Service folks are coming up from Pittsburgh to see if there was a microburst or a tornado that hit about a mile from here.

My fever broke during the night, and I'm feeling better so far today. Still afraid to try solid food, and no energy to clean or cook.

robinsnest - :eek: I can't imagine not being packed the morning of a trip. I always pack everything but toiletries at least 3 days before going anywhere.

Red - I hope you feel better. Spring and summer crud is the pits.

Noel - I love listening to the nature wake up in the morning, too. I can't wait for it to get up to at least 60* so I can sit on the porch with my first cup of tea.
Squirrel: first it is great to know your fever broke last night. I really hope you are on the road to healing without another bout of fever fighting infection. You are wise to listen to your body when it tells you there is no energy for extra activities. It is trite, old but true: rest, hydrate, and rest some more. Wishing you a lovely Spring soon so you can enjoy sitting on your patio, sipping tea or a cocktail, and listen to nature's beautiful symphony. Feel better friend!
Okay, so I'm packed, showered, dressed and ready to go. I have a travel toiletry bag that is taken out of my suitcase at a trip's end and repacked as needed, so all that is required is to toss it back into the suitcase. Since this is just an overnight trip, it was a quick pack job. Mr. Gus and Hunny Bunny are out to pick up some last minute supplies, and drop off Mr. Gus at the resort.

I have reached the whatever stage. I only need to be in Santa Monica by 7am tomorrow to get to the funeral in time. Hunny Bunny has to be at a nursery before 3 today. Sooooo, we may make it, we may not.

RS - happy to hear your fever broke. Hope the idea of food starts to sound good soon.

Red - hope your voice returns and you like it.

Noel - it was wonderful this morning out watering the trees after the hot week. I hope May is a bit more moderate.
A beautiful day here. Mowing got finished after lunch. I'm going to Sunday school
supper real soon.

robin, I'm glad you finally got packed. I'm usually packed days in advance, but it's been
a long time since I took a long trip.

rs, I'm glad your fever broke.

red, feel better.

Noel, I read late yesterday about the movie being two parts and we have to wait a year
to see the rest.

I hope everyone has a good evening.
Good afternoon......ran out to take care of a few errands.....boy, it felt cold, was 46, but windy. Never got up to what they said......53. Gas went up overnight $.15 a gallon. Drove out towards where I used to live, the gas station next to the casino only had gone up $.05. So, filled the tank. Never did get to the post office, forgot today was take back old pills day......grrrr. And forgot to buy some water, they begin flushing the lines or something on Monday...takes 4 days. Warning not to do laundry unless you have clear water. Ugh. But did get to the small deli, thank goodness. I hate when I say, oh, have to go get such and such, get distracted by something else, forget I was on my way to that area. LOL. Of course you remember as you are leaving the parking lot.

Well, I decided to put away all the winter hats, I have so many, so packed them up, took out the summer ones. Also put away some sweaters, no, I still have several that are in the drawers...one never trusts Wisconsin weather. Ha. Kat, my niece who lives in Central Illinois, near St. Louis spent about 9 hours yesterday & today in her back yard, 13 bags of mulch! She had not paid much attention to it for about 5 years, so had a lot of work. She said no one goes back there, but am guessing she has plans for this summer.

My goodness, Red.....you had a tornado??? (last year, you said), did it hit the store? I don't remember you mentioning it did last year, so assume it was close by, tho. Squirrelly, am glad that microburst stayed away from you, We have had them here a couple times.........came down one street, roofs went, poles, it was unreal. And the next street over......untouched.

My Houston daughter is off to Italy in the next couple of days......probably her 3rd trip. She is now going with her water color painting group. Should be interesting. Last time it was a cooking tour, visiting different cities, but getting Italian cooking lessons on occasion.
Poirot, that tornado happened ten years ago. It didn't hit the store or the hospital that's also in the picture. Cars in the hospital parking lot weren't so lucky. Neither was a shopping center further down the street. Tornadoes are very rare here especially one that size. There's a video I saw on Facebook earlier of it moving through that parking lot. There was also another tornado that day in the northern part of the city. Very unusual for here.
Poirot, your niece had a long two days. I've put over 18 bags of mulch on the front
bed this year. I had some left from last year. I hope I can finish front bed before
rain comes this week.