06/17/16 - Donuts and Going Fishing

A lot of small towns in Texas seem to have the same situation as J.S.'s area. Not enough resources to deal with properties that people abandon and don't pay the fines. I guess in a lot of cases no one cares enough to do whatever it takes to get the properties cleaned up. Our county seat town, and some others around, have had "beautifying projects" in recent years, where citizens pitched in and got things looking nice. They got junk dealers to come in and haul off old vehicles, etc. Turned vacant lots downtown into little park areas and had murals painted on the sides of buildings, and a lot of other things. It takes energy and will and some who can/will take the initiative to lead such projects.

I was just trying to catch up with Donuts and just have to comment that the time involved, the fuel for the mowers, the pay for the workers, the insurance liability for workers working on privately owned property, it's just not there in many communities to pay for mowing of residential properties even if they're outgrown.

Hubby has been our nearby town's code enforcement officer (part-time) for the past year. There is a long process they legally have to go through before they can even think about contracting out the mowing and cleanup of a private property. So while it seems like the city is doing nothing about a property, they are likely waiting a legally specified amount of time to give the owners time to respond or clean up the property, or going through the bidding process when they're trying to contract out the clean up jobs to local companies.