07-05-2018 - Donuts and Granola



Morning all. I have to go with my standby of granola. Its the only breakfast "cereal" I've ever really enjoyed.


The article above goes into the heatwaves around the northern hemisphere. A roof was literally melting in Scotland due to the heat. That's nuts.

Have a great weekend everyone. Off camping early tomorrow morning. Our heatwave starts tomorrow, day 1 of Stampede. Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeehaaaaaaàaaw!!!!!! Until I worked in a bank, I wasn't aware that all the banks in Calgary are closed until noon, when the parade ends. This is because if there were a robbery, most police resources are busy providing security other duties during the parade.
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OC - I feel a merge coming on so replying to both you and Muzza.

Like you and JS, there is only me to deal with critters. I had no choice but to deal with the mouse. That little mouse was nothing compared to the rattlesnakes that you have to dispatch. I'm terrified of them when they're behind glass at a zoo or animal sanctuary, and I'd be catatonic if I even saw one in the wild.
Good morning, threads merged, and thank you both Muzza & OC for starting up this a.m. Didn't think the sun would come out, but it did, but when I woke up, felt warm, muggy inside, put on the a/c for a while, maybe get a head start on the day. (I don't leave it on as the way it is situated, it blows on me where I sit for TV. It is a system I have never seen, high up in the wall, near the ceiling.

Kitchen/living room is one big area and it is on the wall above kitchen cabinets. You can make the louvers go up and down, has a remote control, yes, a hard to comprehend instruction booklet got left here, thank goodness, lots of buttons on that remote, but first time we turned it on.....it was bedlam with papers and stuff blowing all over.

Luckily, my daughter was here and had just ran into this kind of A/C on a trip she took, so was familiar with it. Anyway, it goes off and on, at least some humidity gets taken care of. Yes, gonna be a hot one here, no storms for today, yesterday was a doozy. Could hear fireworks last night, went outside, but no idea who, where, saw a few very faint light pops over roof of a bldg across the way. Could hear, but was watching capital 4th, so enjoyed their big splashy thing. Love the music that goes with. Ha.

And yes, watched Yankee Doodle Dandy....Forget that George M. Cohan wrote so very many patriotic songs, and then you watch and they are all there. Love it! That movie has so much music, nothing sad or miserable in it.

Have a good day, I also have errands today.

Don't know about summary. Jason D won't be doing them for a while, Thursdays I have Dr. appts. (standing) so, ....who knows. Take care all.
Good Morning!

Personally I think I slept about 3 hours last night. With our area reaching high triple-digits we have to keep our A/C lower to control the electric bills. Is it October yet? Robin may live in her pool today except when we reach 115F this afternoon.

Muzza: thanks for the link on global heating. Our area is always hot due to the double-decade drought and steep decline in rain per year. So excited for you to be off for the Calgary Stampede and enjoy your trip this long weekend!!

OC: sorry you are sleep deprived this morning and then driving for an early doctor's appointment. Maybe you can take a nap this afternoon to rejuvenate your energy? Glad your neighbor down the road displays fireworks safely too. Hoping your medial report is an excellent one.

Squirrel: unfortunately it sounds very hot & humid in your area and I know that makes breathing much more difficult for most people. Keep hoping a cool down will sweep the midwest/south/east coast areas for a more normal summer temperature range. Make it the best Thursday possible!

Poirot: the Capitol 4th was great! We watched it after Boston Pops and even caught a part of Macy's fireworks on another network. Love all the tributes to our hero military personnel. Looking forward to hearing your medial report is a very good one. Hope your errands run smoothly too.

Personally I was disappointed in all the protests on July 4th. It certainly is an American right, but for just one day -- our Independence - couldn't we just all be Americans together? Hubs realized Hallmark Channel was covering the White House picnic/fireworks for military personnel -- a first -- but we missed while out with friends yesterday. Maybe next year we can catch this tribute to our heros too.

Making it the best Thursday possible everyone and try to stay cool!!
Morning Everyone,

We watched the New York Fireworks before heading to bed. Didn't even see the Washington DC ones listed on my tv schedule. Once they were done, we headed to bed as 5 am comes very early.

Tonight we have Girl Scouts. I think I'm going to run to the hardware store and the craft store and get some acrylic paints and a bunch of rocks to have the girls paint and hide as part of our outdoor crafting badge. I'll have them paint on cheerful messages or designs and then hide them around the park for people to find and help cheer them up. It's a big thing in our area and I think the girls will love it.

Muzz - I can't imagine it being so hot a roof would melt, wow. Make sure to stay hydrated while you're camping.

OC - I hope the doctor visit goes well.

Poirot - what a strange place to put an air conditioning vent, although it makes sense I suppose.

Noel - ugh that heat, I can't even imagine.

RS - take care in this heat. I'm still waiting for it to break. They say tomorrow on our weather, so hoping it reaches you soon too.

Have a great day everyone.
Manda: yes those of us who rise before dawn need to go to sleep earlier than the family sometimes. Love your idea for the Girl Scouts meeting tomorrow and the creative project for their outdoor crafting badge. What fun! And the power of words can heal especially if they are learning the definitions of new words. Hope your day goes smoothly and you are in bed early enough to rejuvenate before Friday.
Poirot - I think the interview went well, but who knows. The people conducting the 2 part interview (3 interviewers in the first part 4 in the 2nd) are very good at keeping you in complete suspense. I imagine I'll know soon, since my current supervisor is changing positions in August.

Noel - the meeting is tonight actually, and thankfully I get out of work at 1:30 so I can get all the shopping done. I've found some really beautifully painted rocks when I'm out and about running errands, they always cheer me up. Gena has started a collection.
Manda, I admit that craft project sounds just wonderful. What a lovely, caring idea! Many people carry burdens we know nothing about, and there are these kids.....making someone's day much brighter. Thank you.

Holy cow, they really put you thru the mill with the interview....did not realize it was going to be so............intricate! Good for you, girl! You are amazing!
A busy morning for me. After breakfast, I went to the Farmer's Market to get okra.
Then I went to the Walmart on the other side of town. My store was reset and some
cat food my cat likes gone. I only found a few he likes at the other store. He'll just
have to get used to not having the special treats.

I cooked the okra when I got home. Today I'll be having a vegetable dinner.

Poirot, you need to post in the Today in Salem area that a poster is needed on
Thurs. Someone who doesn't post in donuts might be able to help.

Muzzaman, enjoy your camping trip.

OC, I hope you sleep better tonight after your busy day.

rs, be safe with the storms and rain today. I hope you won't get floods in your area.

manda, great idea painting rocks and hiding them in the park. I hope you'll hear
soon about your interview.

Noel, I hope your day is good one.

I hope everyone enjoys the rest of the day as best they can.
Dr. appt got cancelled & changed today, so guess I will be able to do the summary -

Kat....in the past, when I have asked for help, even just one day, don't get much response, which was why it was wonderful when Jason D offered.

Heather will always do it if she is home, but she travels for her job a great deal.
Morning all.

I got up early headed off for the mammogram. I'm now in two different study groups. Then to the hardware store to get keys made for the safe. One key didn't seem safe, so now I have a couple extras in case I lose one.

Manda - I know you will make it to round 2 of the interview and you will get this job. Your Girl Scout idea is a great idea.

AGuy, hope to hear from you soon. Hope you are healing.

Happy Thursday all.
Poirot it wouldn't hurt to ask for help with summaries. Maybe someone can do a different
day of the week.
We lucked out here with weather, as it only got to 77 with a huge breeze! Went to take my eyeglass prescription in, and pick out new frames. Felt good, except inside, I needed that blanket Robin takes to the movies. Man, the A/C. made it cold. All the help there, yep, blazers, suit jackets. No wonder! Wasn't gone long, tho, picked up the mail as well. Breeze was really nice.........