1/19/2024 - Donuts and Freezing Again!

Old Cowgirl

Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2008
Reaction score
Texas, on the Brazos Saltfork
Yesterday we had a wonderful day of sunshine and in the 50s*, relatively calm winds. Last night the north wind howled and this morning it was 15*. Sun is shining now but after a couple of hours of sunlight it is still only 20*. North wind continues. :cry: Going to feed cows in a little while. I'm running way late this morning. Haven't had breakfast yet.
Vinnie had another night of up and down up and down.... it was windy so I'm guessing that is the pattern he hears it howling and can't get comfortable..... our high today will not be above freezing..... oh joy......but next week while we are expected to have 3 days of of an on rain it will be in the mid to upper 40's that will be much better......

OC I hope your outside chores are completed without added issues causing you to remain outside......

Happy Friday to all who visit this page today......
Snowing since early this morning, expect a few inches to accumulate in my area, 31 degrees. Temps expected to drop overnight, and tomorrow will be bitterly cold and windy.

OC: Bundle up when you go outside and hope you get breakfast soon.

Robin: I'm with Vinnie on the wind howling...not a fan. At least temps will rise in your area, and rain vs snow.

Everyone enjoy your day, no matter the weather you are experiencing. Remember this very Zen phrase: This, too, shall pass.

It's sunny and cold here. All the streets clear after the warm Thurs. No icy spots. I finally got to church and
did my chore. I went up and down some steps. That should help with not walking again today.

I walked Fenix today since schools were finally open. No snow in the yard which is nice. I'll be in the rest
of the day. Clothes washed. I'm making spanish rice for the group lunch tomorrow.

OC, hopefully this will be the last cold snap for this year. At least, it's sunny.

robin, I hope Vinnie sleeps better tonight.

Wilde Woman, I hope you can stay in over the weekend.

Nameless, snow is nice except on the streets.

I hope everyone can stay in this afternoon and the weekend.
Good evening everyone. Heading to bed shortly because I'm worn out.

The snow just keeps coming, but it is the fluffy stuff. However the cold just chills to the bone.
Did laundry this afternoon since the windchill is to be between -16°F and -22°F tomorrow. Then stopped at the American Legion to pick up a baked fish dinner to bring home.

Nameless, love your view. It looks like you live on a hill or mountain.
rs, I'm glad you could get your laundry done early and pick dinner. Stay warm this weekend.