1/2/2024 - Donuts and on the Road Again

Old Cowgirl

Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2008
Reaction score
Texas, on the Brazos Saltfork
Good morning. I'm not really on the road yet. I'm trying to get ready to go to Wal-Mart but it will take awhile. Was awake in the night, then ended up sleeping until 8:00 later. Have had a shower but still need to eat breakfast--my usual of egg burrito and bacon. My niece may or may not go with me today. I hope she does.

Wishing everyone a good day as each of you get back to routine activities.

Well, my niece just called. She's not going with me so I'm on my own. Just remembered I have a low tire and will have to check all of them to find which one and air it up. Some cars tell which one but mine only tells that there is a low one. Not my favorite thing to do when it's cold out, which is usually when it happens. It was 26* when I got up. May rain later.
First Tuesday of the new year. Sunny and a brisk 36 in NY.

Don't you love at-home remedies? I tried one, and it worked like magic. If you get the hiccups and can't stop them, and if you do not have a peanut allergy, take a small amount of peanut butter and put it on the roof of your mouth and slowly let it dissolve. It stopped my hiccups immediately! First battle of the day that I actually won.

OC: Sorry your plans did not work out and hope you don't get "tired" out too quickly. Good luck!

Everyone enjoy your day!

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My Christmas dinner last night was a success and everyone enjoyed opening gifts..... well, who doesn't enjoy opening gifts??? Room is almost set back to it's normal self..... it's a cheery 31 outside so we will not dress like Salemites as we head out to our PT appointment and a quick stop at the pharmacy to get out medication.....

OC be careful today on the roads.... and at WalMart....

WW Birds of spring..... lovely......

Happy Day 2 of the new year.... so far so good.....
It was in the 20s when I walked this morning. I walked around just twice. Since it's trash day, I wanted to make sure cans out since some
not out last week. One house wasn't, but can too full for me to push. Oh well. One end of a street everyone had recycling cans out since
one person did Monday. That's next week.

I spent longer at church this morning switching envelopes again. What a job. It won't take so long next week. Fenix's mom had a teacher
meeting today so I took him out when I got home. Summary is posted and I still have a lot of things to do today.

OC, I hope your trip to town went well.

Wilde Woman, I'm glad you were able to stop your hiccups.

robin, I'm glad your Christmas dinner went well.

I hope everyone has a nice rest of the day.
Good afternoon everyone. Just a wee break from reports. Too much to do and too little time to do it.

I'm still recovering from having the flu over Christmas. That definitely was NOT a nice gift from my cousin's friend. My cousin and I were lucky that the senior flu shot took care of the worst of it. Cindy can't get the injection, and had been lucky for years not to get the flu. She caught it at the same time we did, and ended up in the ER twice. (That person didn't say she was sick until after we finished lunch!! GRRR) The hospital was full with respiratory illnesses so she was sent home each time after receiving an IV.
rs, thanks for stopping by. I was wondering where you were the past few days. Sorry to hear you got
sick. It's sad people don't care about others like they used to. The person should have cancelled
since she was sick. I hope Cindy is getting better.