1/27/16 - Donuts and Overnights


Well-Known Member
May 16, 2014
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Southeast Virginia
Good morning everyone!

Tonight is my first night of 2 weeks of overnights. My back already hurts. Tonight and tomorrow night we'll be in my store. Thursday and Friday night we'll be at a store 15 minutes from mine. I'll have to drive an hour to get there.

Now that Winter Storm Jonas is over we're back to normal temperatures.

Hope everyone has a wonderful day!
Good morning Salemites!!

So I spent a couple days with the boyfriend as well kind of have that new freedom since the contract at my position ended. And well in truth I kind of like this stage in life. My mother is happy in love with her man and I'm happy, all the families are doing good nothing really to complain about. Mother wants to meet him and he is anxious to be sassy with my Ma, and I'm kind of like.....yeah, how embarrassed will Ma make me with some of her stories, why he wants to meet her for that lol.

I always wanted to join the police force and well a part of me is nervous. I thought about joining police department for awhile since I am a night owl and working weird hours would be fine with me. However I am grateful and happy still, and thankful God has given me a path to choose. I guess I am seeing I been bored being behind a desk and answering calls. Think it's time to step things up a notch and go for some real goals I will achieve.

I have a doctor's appointment today in the morning to see about my MRI scan. I had a painful lump underneath my right arm pit. At first I let it go since I figured maybe just from lifting too much at the gym. Or the bronchitis I been having, been coughing a lot for 3 months now. That has brought some pain in my right arm from coughing. However I will say everything has seemed to have subsided, so it's more so just finding out details.

Thank you all so much for the support and nice comments. It's been crazy but you know what part of life is hanging in there and never accepting no, just go.
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Morning all. Yesterday's blood donation went okay. I really like the location and all, but the woman who worked the whole blood site cannot hit my veins for anything. Since I go every 8 weeks normally, I did skip December this year just because I was too busy. So today I have a good size bruise from the episode. While I was there, two guys came in to donate for the first time ever. That was fun.

Good luck with your overnights, Red.

Eras, hope things remain good for you.

Have a Great Wednesday.
Good morning folks. Well, there was pink/orange streaks in the sky, but the clouds have moved in, snow coming this afternoon. Sigghhh.

IamRed.....did not realize pharmacy dept.s were open all night. (not here) but perhaps you have to work another area of the store. That has to really be difficult..meaning the night shift. Good Luck.

Also hope Eras gets a good medical report, glad things going well otherwise.

Robin, I have "hard to find" veins as well, and over the years, can point out the spot on right arm that is the easiest to get. LOL. One lady who draws (I don't donate, have been advised not to) has had good success with putting on a warm,wet towel for a few minutes, which seems to help.

One time, when a gal could not get it (yes big bruise) she ended up going into a vein atop my hand, which worked, but also left a big bruise. So.....am sympathetic to you, big time.

Hope everyone is plowed out, shoveled out, streets clear, but the after effects of Jonas will be around in some areas for a long, long time.
Morning Everyone,

Eras- hope your test results are good. Happy to hear that life is good for you right now.

Red - ugh overnight shifts, I don't miss those.

Barb - Can you send the snow up to Canada, I'm not ready for more.

Same old sad world for me right now. My husband called off work today so he could catch up on sleep and help his brothers get his mom back home. The hospital bed and stuff arrived at her house yesterday afternoon. I think last night was the first time he's eaten anything substantial in 3 days. I think it helped that I made one of his favorite dinners, baked liver and onions with mashed potatoes and gravy. Gena, of course, had a hot dog and mashed potatoes.

On a happier note, I reserved the bowling alley for Gena's 6th birthday party, and I have all of her presents purchased/ordered. She'll be so excited, I ordered her a Calego brand Barbie house from Amazon. This one is collapsible for easy storage and costs $120 less than the Barbie Dream House. She's been asking for a Barbie house for 2 years.

Have a wonderful day!
Sunny and still cold this morning. I'll be wearing my ski mask when
I walk the dog.

manda, sounds like your daughter is going to have a great birthday.

I hope everyone has a nice day.
Good almost afternoon. Three trips into town in two days to Hobby Lobby, but the science fair posterboard is now complete. Science fair is tomorrow, thank goodness. Our internet has been spotty the last few days, but this company is the best option of the few we have to choose from. Not much on the agenda for the rest of this week. I hope everyone has a great day.
Good Morning!

Another busy Wednesday -- what else is knew for any of us? Warm temperatures and clear skies.

RED: hope your first night of 2 weeks of duty goes smoothly. Sorry your back already hurts - best wishes for it to adjust to the strain.

ERAS: turning-points in our lives do bring up some anxiety but glad you are positive about considering your career change. Very happy you & your family are all healthy, happy and content. Prayers for a good doctor report.

ROBIN: blood draws are sometimes an art! That's why hospitals bring in another technician after 2 failed draws. Thanks for donating blood so faithfully! Hope your Wednesday is a great one.

POIROT: your sky view sounds awesome, even with more snow coming. I do know the 'blizzard' blues {as we called them} when you're indoors due to temperatures. Believe it or not, that happens here once temps top 105 - we all stay in where the A/C is blasting. Make it a great day!

MANDA: it's wonderful you made your mother-in-law her favorite meals. A little touch of home does small miracles at times. Hoping your husband gets rested up for the days ahead. Congrats! on your bargain. Those doll houses are fabulous in my opinion. Gena will be delighted.with her birthday.

KAT: glad you are enjoying your sunshine with the cold temperatures. Have a blessed Wednesday.

ROCK: Congrats! on completing the science fair project! Now to win an award! Good luck!

LiL0: babies make the word a sweeter place and enchant our hearts hour by hour. ENJOY.

Take care everyone! Think of you OC and hoping you have help today.

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Good afternoon,

Sunny and 43F today, so the snow is continuing to melt. We were supposed to get rain last night, but it never came. I have school in a little more than an hour, and then will hit the gym tonight. Busy busy busy.
Eras, hope the tests go well. I can see you in a cop uniform--good luck with your career change plans!

IamRed--sorry to hear about your back. Good luck with those overnights!

Rocky--Great about the science fair! Post pictures if you can!

Lil0, so glad you're enjoying the baby!!

My thoughts are with everyone. Hope all of you have a splendid day.
Hello. It's been raining since last night, but I did get some outside time in yesterday while it was warm. I saw a news article about a famous photographer who sold a picture of a potato for over one million dollars! I guess I've been taking pictures of the wrong things all my life, lol.

I'm tired and haven't felt well, so I'm just hanging around doing nothing.

Stay safe, everyone!
Well - it has been extremely busy here and never seems like a get a free moment any more!

Red - overnights must be pain but I sure appreciate it when I go to Walgreens late at night after I have forgotten to get my prescription! Sorry

Eras - glad life is going so good for you!

Manda - Sounds like Gena is going to be one lucky little girl. My granddaughter wants the Barbie dream house too!

Another rainy day in Spookalu - not complaining though at least it's not snow.

We had one of the VA doctors (well known surgeon) here went jogging at 5:00 in the morning Monday along the Spokane River and he didn't come back. It's an awful area and I don't understand why anyone would do that but the bums living along there and all. Anyway, they found him floating in the river Tuesday morning. Just awful

Shan - if you are interested the one Barbie House I ordered from Amazon, it is the Calego Modern Dollhouse and costs $44.19 w/free shipping. Here's a picture. Ours is scheduled to be delivered tomorrow, I just ordered it yesterday. :)
Good evening everyone. It has been a long day with the funeral and family gathering. Then I downloaded my new federal tax program, and started in putting data. I better go to bed before I spend half the night on the couch.

Amanda, the dollhouse is very cute. Gena will love it.

Before I go to bed, I have to rant.....

Sebring and Beloit, Ohio, have water contaminated with lead. Not one celebrity or corporation has stepped up to donate bottled water like they have for Flint, Michigan. Instead, folks in the surrounding areas including where I live in Pennsylvania have been purchasing and donating individual cases of bottled water.

(Children under age 6 and pregnant / nursing women are being given free lead tests by the Ohio Department of Health.)

MSNBC, YahooNews, and CBS have been running stories along with our local stations and newspapers. Nobody else cares about the people in the rural Ohio towns.

Sorry, rant over.
Is that why the water was donated to Flint? How was the water contaminated in all
the towns? Are soon will the water be drinkable?
Many people are playing the blame game. Some are playing the race card. What started this particular water problem was the switching of Flint's water source from the Detroit river to the Flint river, in an effort to save money. The Flint river water is very acidic, etc., and was able to dissolve lead from olde supply pipes. Folks have been exposed to elevated lead levels for a year, or so.

Amidst all of the smoke-screening, there is one thing that I am patiently waiting to hear: What caused the Flint river water to become so acidic in the first place? I suspect that there are some very nervous stockholders out there. :angry: