1/27/24 - Donuts & the melting continues


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Nov 23, 2006
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You know, at first I thought how this warm up was so unusual.......until I remembered ....I was married on the 31st of January, & it was a rather mild day. In fact the weather had warmed up quite a bit. My best friend was maid of honor, and outside the church, people were taking pictures. A friend of hers wanted one of her alone, kept asking her to step back a little, back again a step or two, then again. Her foot hit a curb, she fell backwards, right into a huge puddle! The dress ruined.......quite the time holding the dress up in the back when riding back to the house. (even the cleaners could not get it back to what it was)

My son said he was driving up today, (he'll have to drive back tomorro) so we will see. Hope he doesn't let his dog run everywhere, paws get pretty muddy, & I have wooden floors........lol
Good morning, Poirot and others to join.

We are also on the big warm up. Such amazing weather for January going into February which are typically our coldest months. Today we are to be around 10*C (50*F) and hover around there, give or take a few degrees.

While I played beach vball last night, Mike has a bunch of friends over and they all made candles. By the time I got home they were just finishing up and were getting karaoke going. Fun atmosphere to come home to.

Today, I think we are going to get the snowshoes out and go for a bit of a hike, bring a lunch and enjoy the sun and beauty of being in the mountains.

A great day to you all.
It's another rain day here. The rain should be gone by 2. It was in the 40s when I got up, but it's in the 30s now.
The rain might change to snow. No rain in forecast until next Sat.

A busy day at the little library. They had a seed swap and lecture this morning. The parking lot was full. I took
some iris bulbs. Maybe they will be gone by the time I go back next week.

Poirot, I hope your son can visit. Don't forget to show him your to do list :)

Muzzaman, enjoy your hike and lunch today.

I hope everyone will enjoy the rest of their day.
LOL. Reminder: Our roots are deep and permanent! This morning I was at the deli counter in the grocery store -- checking out the offerings. None of them had labels, so I had to point and ask. One tray had what looked like deep fried potato "curls". I pointed and asked, "Are those fancy potato chips?" She said they were potatoes but not chips. For a few seconds I thought she was being picky and was going to tell me some new name they were calling them. Ha! Then I realized what I had done. I explained to her that I am Canadian!!!! She laughed and immediately understood. After decades of being in this country, my brain reached way back to "potato chips" instead of the US name "french fries".
Good morning...... Busy day is the potential even though I doubt it will all get done..... in Friday's post I put a video of the skating event I worked, if you are interested. Friday's job changed for a bit, I took skaters from the "warm up" area to the locker room.... I took two batches of skater then found someone else to do it. After I accepted the job and got to the 3rd floor, the escalators stopped.... You'd walk the team down the 3 flights of stairs then into the "secure" underground area around the arena to the locker room then back up. But after the escalators stopped that meant you had to CLIMB back all those stairs, they did have an elevator, but alas it wasn't working....I went back an manned the check in desk.....the person at the check in desk was bored and wanted more to do so it was perfect.... I completed a list of folks who hadn't picked up credentials, and did so other paperwork business for them.... It was a great time and I'd do it again......
For Vinnie's fan's..... the neighbors across the green space.... they are as of this writing DOING SOMETHING!!! In their front yard, it looks to me similar to playing catch.... but as they have not asked Vinnie's permission and they HAVE to be using his ball (because all balls in the world are his) this is causing consternation in the beast.... he is currently on the back of the chair as I write this growling and low barking at them..... this is after him barking at them at the door..... he really is a nutball....

Hope everyone has a great Saturday....
Lil0, that's funny. The only time I call them chips is when I'm ordering fish n chips, otherwise I call them fries. I remember as a kid we went down to Montana for the weekend and when my mother ordered a burger with chips, the waitress brought her a little bag of plain potato chips to go with her burger. My mother actually meant a burger and fries but she had called them chips. I always thought the Americans called them chips and the Canadians called them fries. Maybe depending on different parts of each other's countries they are called fries or chips?
robin, I'm glad you were able to switch jobs since you had to take steps because things broke down. Thanks for
the link on YouTube. I'm watching now on TV. I'm glad I can do that. There's other skating on NBC this weekend.

Lil0, I'm glad you got things worked out that you want fries and not chips.
It rained early and stopped by the time I went out for errands, though overcast. 45 with a slight wind. Still pretty good as compared to a few weeks ago. Also the first Saturday in a month that I walked over to some local stores a few blocks away.

Tomorrow is supposed to be colder with rain.

Well, that darn pigeon feather will probably be stuck in the terrace grate for life! It is hooked into it and can't be reached with the screen over it. Could not push it out, and while the water I sprayed caused it to move around, it would not loosen. It's not a big deal and shouldn't even matter to me. It just caught my eye from indoors and wanted to investigate. I can live with it, it's harmless.

Wishing everyone a nice Saturday afternoon/evening.

I have two carpet runners in front of my counter/sink (tacky, I know). But, there's been rugs there forever. So, in my clumsiness, I knocked over the bottle of syrup and got some on one of the rugs. Guessing I'll be throwing them in the wash, or maybe throw them out, they are kinda old. But, on a "brighter" note, my kitchen smells of maple.
Wilde Woman, I had to laugh about the pigeon feather, although I know how hard it can be to ignore something like that, once our attention has focused on it. Some things don't have any good solutions. For the past six months or so one of the two lights on the outside wall at my back door has had a dirt daubber (dobber, mud daubber, or whatever--need to check with the team Muzz posted) nest built firmly onto the bulb, where it screws into the fixture. If you don't have them in your area, dirt dobbers are like wasps, but brown or shiny black in color. They collect dirt and water and build nests like adobe. Hard as a rock and impossible to break or remove gently. This bulb cannot be unscrewed without removing the nest and I can't figure out how to remove the nest without breaking the bulb and leaving part of it screwed into the socket. Of course the bulb has been burned out for months.

Nameless, good thing it's winter and not summer or else you might have an ant problem. But yeah, on the bright side, at least it wasn't something that would smell rotten in a bit.

Muzz, once again, it's surprising to see your temperature similar to mine. We've hit a high of 52* here today. I enjoyed the video. Anything about language and accents is interesting to me. I know very little about Canada or British words so I learned some things. Most often I'm hearing people compare how Texans talk with other places in the U.S. But even here, so many words have changed meaning over my lifetime, I don't always get it right. To this day I refuse to call a "commode" a toilet, which almost everyone does now. When I was young a toilet was an outhouse, period, end of story!

Lil0, remember when the Fish 'n Chips places were popular here in the U.S.? I always had to stop and figure out what they meant by chips. It seemed like it should have been the little curly, crispy things (which I loved with their vinegar) but I think it was French fries.

Kat, it cleared off here by mid-morning and is nice and sunny now. Come on, it's time for you to catch up! Still windy and chilly here though.

Poirot, what a disaster for your maid of honor--at the time. But it sure makes a funny story now! I hope your son makes it to see you. Years ago I was surprised when I visited my son and his wife, when they washed their dog's feet before letting it back in the house. (I've never lived with a dog in the house). However, they now have three dogs that go in and out a lot and I've noticed nobody wipes their feet anymore.

Robin, I'm glad things worked out for you to enjoy your time at the skating place. I love your descriptions of Vinnie's watchdog instincts. He's so funny.

I've stayed in today, haven't gotten much done. For lunch I cooked a ham slice in my air fryer, also had some sweet potato and collard greens. Wish I'd had some cornbread to go with it but everytime I buy buttermilk, thinking I'll make some cornbread, I end up not doing it and letting the buttermilk ruin instead.

A little disappointment today. My daughter had sent me a note yesterday saying she and her husband were coming out to a town about 50 miles from here today to see her cousin's grandbaby. They were going to come by here tomorrow morning on their way home, to meet me at church and then I'd follow them to a town 17 miles away to eat and they'd go on home from there. It would have been a short visit but I always love having them go to church with me and I'm glad for any time to visit with them. But she called today on their way to her cousin's and said they would have to go straight home from there today, due to her husband's work conflict. I don't mind too much because most of the towns around here have had their schools closed due to the spread of viruses so I'd just as soon not go out to eat in one of those towns right now anyway. These are tiny towns so if their schools are closing, you can pretty well bet the viruses are everywhere.
Yes, my son came late this morning, took me out for "brunch" , neither of us had had breakfast....so that was really nice. And of course I forgot to ask him to look at my laptop ......I know I need to get a new one,,,,,,,,heck, there are two letters that came off the keyboard, the laptop has slipped off and fallen 3 times during the years, it is quite old. Just wanted his opinion on brand. I don't use it for any work...just to run around the internet a bit when I am watching TV, mostly social. Oh, well. I can check with the computer place here, probably the best thing, they are terrific when needed for a problem.
Wilde Woman, I had to laugh about the pigeon feather, although I know how hard it can be to ignore something like that, once our attention has focused on it. Some things don't have any good solutions. For the past six months or so one of the two lights on the outside wall at my back door has had a dirt daubber (dobber, mud daubber, or whatever--need to check with the team Muzz posted) nest built firmly onto the bulb, where it screws into the fixture. If you don't have them in your area, dirt dobbers are like wasps, but brown or shiny black in color. They collect dirt and water and build nests like adobe. Hard as a rock and impossible to break or remove gently. This bulb cannot be unscrewed without removing the nest and I can't figure out how to remove the nest without breaking the bulb and leaving part of it screwed into the socket. Of course the bulb has been burned out for months.
OC: I appreciate your empathy and also wish YOU well with YOUR issue! I guess it's these little, pesky things that we are aware of which still irk us, but if possible, we just learn to live with it unless a solution presents itself. So sorry you didn't see your daughter and son-in-law...hopefully, you will soon!