1-28-2016 - Donuts and Clouds



Good morning. It rained some more overnight and was very cloudy early. Thankfully, the clouds moved out in time for me to see the moon and Jupiter close together before it got too light in the west. There were too many clouds in the east to see a sunrise. It's supposed to be clear tonight, so maybe I'll get to do some stargazing.

Stay safe, everyone.
Good morning. The temps are going down, down, down, and the snow has started again. After a few days of snow we're headed back to the high 40's with a week of rain. Somebody please tell Mother Nature that she has her calendar screwed up. Our temps should be in the 20s and teens with none of this over 32* junk. No wonder everyone here keeps getting sick.

kt - I'm so jealous. I haven't been able to see any of the planets because of clouds.

OC - I hope your wasps and rattlers don't get stirred up with the higher temps.
Good Morning,

I think we're having a heat wave, it's in the 30's today. Rained some overnight melting a lot of the lingering snow on the roads. :)

KT- how cool to see the planets, I wouldn't even know where to look for them.

OC - enjoy the nice weather, hope the snakes and wasps don't come back out.

RS- hope you don't pick up any new germs in the warmer weather.

Settling into our new normal routine of my husband going to his mom's every evening and Gena and I getting stuff done around the house. We'll all go visit on the weekend, but for Gena's emotional health, I'm trying to maintain a schedule as close to normal as possible. It helps me stay sane and emotionally balanced too.

Have a wonderful day everyone.
Good morning all. No snow snakes here. Crazy folks, however, abound. We have folks coming in for a big golf tournament. "Largest Party on Grass" is its billing. I used to work Sunday when the office was big enough to staff a tent. We sold beer and burgers. We had to have someone in the cool truck as every 5 minutes or so. We'd be changing out kegs, FULL SIZE kegs, swapped out, it was amazing.

So those folks are coming and we currently have celebs and such in for the car auction. I now drive south for anything. Heading north and east just opens up a world of bad drivers, but even the more horrific the drunk/texting/on the phone pedestrian, these folks just step out into the street because they want to cross. "Oh, a car? It will stop." Lots of the bad drivers are "bad" because they are trying to avoid the "walkers".

Hope everyone has a calm and peaceful day.
A busy morning for me doing errands, etc. A nice day with sun and
warmer temperatures.

manda, I'm glad you're keeping a good schedule for Gena during this time.

kt, can we see the moon and Jupiter tonight? What time and which way? I can see
the moon rise from my front window since there aren't any trees. I can't see
anything from my backyard.

I hope everyone has a good afternoon and evening.
Hoping your day is going great!

Weather here continues to be predictably boring: warm at 76F, sunny with not a cloud in sight. Ho hum.

KT: hope the skies open up for you so stargazing is first on your nighttime to do list! Enjoy.

OC: glad your weather has warmed somewhat. You must be very busy -- hope you have help. Take care, friend. Warm weather here is bringing out the snakes & critters -- hope you are faring much better.

SQUIRREL: yes, have Mother Nature send all her cold wintry weather directly to me. If only that were possible. Stay warm!

MANDA: having a schedule seems to give children a sense of security during stressful situations. Glad you have a plan prepared. It is always so painful to teach a child about death and loss. Thankfully she has a bank of great memories to remember. Take care of you too, friend.

AGUY: thanks. I have never seen a snow snake -- or at least wasn't aware if one was close by. Interesting. Let's wish everyone zero snake appearances this year!

ROBIN: oh you mean our snowbirds? They are a hoot for sure.

POIROT: too funny.

KAT: enjoy your warmer temps and errands today.

I vote for a Spring without tornadoes, floods, mosquitoes, snakes or flying biting bugs. Anyone else with me?

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Noel, that's the scary thing about those snakes; they blend right in! I read that their bite causes the victim to become chilled, and possibly feverish in a few days. Treatment consists of taking two aspirin, followed by a morning phone call.
KT - hope it clears up so you can see the moon & Jupiter! One of my favorites too but not this week - rain rain rain!

RS - I'm with you mother nature must be in menopause or something!

Amanda - That's what we did with my granddaughter when my Mom was dying. Em has done pretty good and still talks about her all the time which is ok with me!

Kat - good luck with the errands

Noel - I'm in on your vote! Enjoy that sun for me! Is the pool opened yet :)

Rain, rain, and more rain today! Can't complain, it's not snow! Have a great day!

kt, can we see the moon and Jupiter tonight?

Jupiter should be up a couple of hours after dark and stays out all night. It will rise in the east and set in the west around dawn. I don't think it will be as close to the moon tonight. Jupiter is very bright, so look for the brightest "star" in the sky until Venus rises in the morning. All the planets rise in the east, like the moon.
Hi all...Well, last night, during the night, the temps began to rise, all the way up to 36, which caused some melting, dangerous melting, as then the temps began to go down this a.m. Snow flurries, but freezing the melted stuff on the walkways, etc. makes for tricky walking. Main highways mostly clear. But the temps are to fall further, snow tonight, tomorrow with also possible freezing rain. So I dashed into town to do a couple things I had planned for tomorrow morning, picked up some milk, donuts, lol, and of course, forgot a couple other things. But, fingers crossed. However, one can see on the lake, out front, which is covered in snow, but now all brown and slushy looking near the shoreline.\
That said, I think that snow snake is the special pet of Big Foot. LOLOLOL

A huge logging truck was turning from one state highway onto another, and a whole huge bunch of the logs slid off (evidently iced which make them more prone to being unstable,) and all over the road, closing traffic. This happened Tuesday, but I just heard today. Glad it wasn't today. guarantee you, I stay far behind any logging truck, or in warmer weather, a truck with a load of gravel.
thanks, kt. I'll keep my blind open like I did the other evening. It will remind me
to peek outside. Maybe I'll see something interesting this evening
Kat, I lied to you. I checked my night sky map and Jupiter doesn't rise until around 9:30pm CST, but will still be in the western sky before dawn. If you see this message, look to the east now and you'll see the brightest star, Sirius, and above it is the constellation Orion, the Hunter. I like the mythological stories behind the names of constellations.

Guy, your snow snake reminds me of what we would tell people who didn't know what grits were. We'd say they were tiny critters and it took a bunch of them to make a meal. People believed that, too, lol.
Thanks, kt. I'll look outside before I go to bed