1/3/2024 - Donuts and Home for a Day

Old Cowgirl

Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2008
Reaction score
Texas, on the Brazos Saltfork
Good morning. It's cloudy and damp here, 40*. I stayed in town too long yesterday and had to load all my groceries and other items into the car in the rain, then drive all the way home in the rain, and finally, unload everything in the rain. My niece had given me my first umbrella on my birthday but I didn't even think to take it because the forecast had said "less than a tenth of an inch." Haha! I don't know how much it rained because I hadn't emptied my gauge in a while and also it's still half full of the sticks and rocks my grandsons put in it at Thanksgiving. (It's not a typical round gauge but a big rectangle-shaped one with a bigger opening, about the size of an average hardback book).

Tomorrow I go to the city for a doctor appointment, 65 miles away.

This morning, while cleaning up from breakfast, I heard a clattering noise at my back door. No, it wasn't a belated visit from a confused Santa. It was a 600 pound heifer, coming up the steps to the landing and looking in the French doors! I scrambled for my cell phone to take a picture but I guess I left it in the car yesterday. Beef cattle are typically not pets but these girls are getting to be mighty friendly.
Good morning.... I have a dog warning me of various assorted dangers...... wonder what he would do if a cow wandered to the door.... hahahahahaha that would be worth while.....

Heading to Costco today for medication and maybe some food.... but mainly medication......

Have a great day.....
It is Wednesday but feels like Tuesday. 44 and sunny. Work is amping up again, which is good. The day goes faster when busy.

OC: So sorry you had to do errands in the rain. Wishing you luck at doctor tomorrow. That heifer was looking for a friend! Maybe you will be able to see her another day. Maybe she was looking for her boyfriend, Simon COWell :rotfl:

Wishing all a wonderful day!

cloudy, overcast, dreary, with a few snowflakes earlier. 27°. Got a bill for that ambulance/helicopter trip up to Duluth.......$32,000.00 !!!!!Quite a shock. Have to fill out some info, as they intend billing Medicare for some of it. Sheesh!
It's sunny and in the 40s this afternoon. It was in the 20s when I walked this morning.
Home all day catching up on stuff.

Poirot, that's a big bill. I hope Medicare will pay for all of it.

OC, I keep an umbrella in the car all the time and have several inside house.

robin, I hope your trip to Costco went well.

Wilde Woman, enjoy your day and the weekend is closer than you think.

I hope everyone will have a pleasant rest of the day.
Sure is hard to find locations of Action stores in U.S. Odd.
I've never heard of an Action store. What is it?

Sexton, curled up under an electric blanket sounds like a good place to be.

I've been having trouble staying warm inside my house lately. Anybody else would be suffocating in here, and if I turn the heat up any more, I will be too. I just don't have enough built-in "insulation" on my body and if I put on too many layers or anything bulky I'm too weighed down to do anything. I've been wearing a neck warmer, which helps. I'm also putting a small electric heater near where I sit or where I stand if I'm cooking or washing dishes. But then about 5:00 o'clock in the afternoon the house starts getting so warm I have to turn down the heat for the evening and then I turn it way down when I go to bed.

Kat, you're a brave soul to go walking in the 20s*! Maybe I should put my umbrella in the car. To tell the truth, I've gone all my life without ever having one and I'm not even sure how to use it. For example, I got home and thought about going in the house to get my umbrella for carrying my groceries inside. But then I thought, how am I going to hold an umbrella over me while carrying in numerous bags, requiring multiple trips? I decided I could have most of it done in the time it would take me to figure all that out so I just did it. Granted, it was a moderate rain, not a real heavy one. If it had been a toad strangler I'd have just gone inside and waited for it to let up.

Poirot, I've known others who've had the same shock with helicopter transports. Not many people could pay that themselves. I was recently told that the county has something in place to pay for them--at least around here. I used to get ads for insurance to cover this kind of event but haven't seen any in recent years.

Wilde Woman, your workday should be finished by now. Hope it went quickly for you. Once again I'll show my ignorance. I don't know who Simon "Cowell" is. Is he the guy who is a judge on one of those talent shows? Anyway, I love the picture, although the three cows on the hill in the upper right look like they kicked the bucket! :rotfl:

Robin, all your comments about Costco make me wish I could go to one. I think maybe I once went to one in Dallas over 40 years ago. I would almost pay to see a confrontation between Vinnie and one of my heifers. They've never seen a dog so I don't know which would be more excited, them or the Beast. ....Oh I take that back. The cowboy who works my calves has a couple of working cow dogs but they weren't needed with mine so they were just hanging out, and went mostly unnoticed.

Oh I had eight huge turkeys pass through my yard this afternoon. I hadn't seen any in a long while. These were some of the biggest I've seen. They were all males.
OC, I've been having trouble staying warm this year too. I put on one of my bathrobes. I'm still free to do
other things. You're right umbrellas don't work well with your hands full. Most of my jackets have a hood
and I can put it up when it's raining.
I have an umbrella in the car all the time,,,,,,and have been glad I did a few times.........
Since I have an attached garage, there isn't a problem when I get home with groceries, pkgs., etc.
Don't ever change my thermostat. Stays the same day or night. Hubby was in heating business, and said you use more electricity or gas getting the thermostat back up than if you just left it. So......that has been the way all these years. But I am in a much colder climate here, so maybe it is different down south.
Still getting dark so early, 4:30 and it is nearly pitch dark. Ugh.
Time to see about dinner, nearly 5......Take care, have a good evening