10/24/16 - Donuts & a frosty morn


Staff member
Nov 23, 2006
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Good morning.....yep, a frosty 28 this morning.....truck is covered with it, sun just is rising now, gonna be 50 so am sure it will melt soon. A brisk wind came up yesterday, blowing tons of leaves off the trees. I swear driving the roads was hazardous, with the leaves all blowing up, across the windshield, obscuring view for a few seconds. With the deer running around and across the roads suddenly, gotta be very careful. Has calmed down a lot.

My son & the doggies went home, but will be returning the end of the week. He just loves to hunt. Doesn't have any luck, but loves it. Currently, it is bow hunting. Gun season for deer is Thanksgiving week.

Have a good day, my friends. I am paying bills, and doing laundry. LOL
Goldie and I saw lots of robins on our walk this morning. It's going to be a
sunny today and in the 70s again. I have to go out soon and take my car in
for a checkup. I'll be getting a loaner since I'm getting new tires and I have
a recall notice. I won't be dressing up to go since I'll have to do cleaning when
I get home. Since people wear the jeans that are out now with holes, I'll
be over dressed :)

I hope everyone has a good Monday.
Good morning everyone. It seems very strange to be sitting at my desk right now. I even made it to the supervisory staff meeting for the first time in 2 months. This won't last long, though. I have to be in Pittsburgh the next 3 days for my state training. It hasn't been on my side of the state for about 15 years. People from around Philadelphia are already complaining about the 6 hour drive. Oh well, too bad.

Poirot - It was a whole 38* here when I left for work. Thank goodness I didn't have to clean car windows. I thought I had jinxed myself since I put my ice scrapers and snow brushes in the car yesterday.

kat - New tires! That's a big expense. I'm sure you'll look just fine. (I always wear jeans to shop, etc., but no holes in mine, either.)
Good Morning Friends,

Today is the first morning that Gena wore her jacket without an argument, so it was very chilly, although no frost on the car windows.

We had a very busy weekend. Saturday Birthday Party in the morning, shopping, and a trip to the zoo for "Zoo Boo" which is trick or treating your way through the zoo; Sunday church, errands, laundry, and homework. So thankfully this morning has been uneventful. This afternoon, I'll be getting out of work for a bit to go to the hearing with the tenants we are trying to evict. Apparently they are planning to fight it and try to stay. I really just want this all to be over. I'm so over being a landlord. I just want the house to myself. I'll try to stop back this afternoon and let you know what happens.

RS - enjoy the quiet day in the office.

Poirot - I always worry about you this time of year with the all deer moving. Stay safe.

Kat - I don't wear holey jeans either (unless it's for yard work). I find them sloppy looking. At least I do now. In high school, I wanted holey jeans so badly, but my Grandma always sewed the holes closed. That was during the "grunge" era when that was super cool.

Have a great day everyone!
Morning all.

Early start to the day in the hopes I can get away a bit earlier than normal to go play with the grandkids. I have been invited to the school's harvest festival. I've got to get to the bank to get some change so I can play all those games of "chance", or more likely to allow grandsons to play games of chance.

I am cold at 70, so not sure I could take the normal fall weather you folks are dealing with for more than a day or two. Burrr.

Have a great Monday.
LOL, apparently, in CA, that sloppy look is "cool" to them. I so hate it seeing actors & entertainers, in torn jeans, tons of holes, unshaven in a tux, etc. Hey, they can do and look however at home, garden, etc. But especially when they go to fan events. I have seen homeless people sleeping on the ground who look better. :)

Have to say, I don't see those holey jeans up here. Sun is up, out, I am trying to find a phone number I misplaced. A friend changed her phone number, and has it unlisted. She gave me the number, and..........grrrrrr. I hope I did not throw it away. Ha. Right now, I consider it "misplaced". LOL
Good Morning!

Off to a late start this morning due to a schedule reversion. Our forecast was for a partly cloudy sky with under 90 temps. Of course the sun is glaring high in the sky without a cloud in sight here on the west side. 80's where are you?!

Poirot: I rejoiced when I read your temperatures but I remember it can be tiresome and a bit dangerous on blustery days. Sitting inside your office paying bills means I hope you enjoy the view anyway.

Kat: remember when our Moms made us make cut offs out of our jeans with tears/holes? Now we're right in style. How nice to have safe new tires too.

Squirrel: hope you enjoy the in-office time and your trip later to the other side of the state. And hope it is Autumn in glory.

Manda: Hoping the hearing with your tenants advises in favor of you and this process is ended. I certainly understand just wanting your home back again! Thinking of you

Robin: The heat here must have altered your reaction to nice weather. 70?! Wow. Well it will still be hot here when you come home. Enjoy the Fall Festival with your grandchildren!

Take care everyone. My day just bumped into baby fast gear!
Noel - Nope.......I only have to go 1 hour from home for the training so I'm happy. The folks from the eastern side of the state have to come to Pittsburgh this time.

Amanda - Good luck in court today. I hope the judge throws the bums out.

JS - We had to let go a caseworker who kept wearing pajama bottoms to work. She was written up 3 times, but had 17 warnings. I wanted to get rid of her sooner, but my vice president is too kind hearted.

robinsnest - Have a good time with your grandsons.
Good afternoon everyone,

Partly cloudy, breezy, and 64F today. We're getting a cold front here---or maybe I should just say that fall has finally begun rather than spring. Leaves are really changing color now, though we're only probably at like 30-40%. Got school today---very busy this week.

Hope everyone has a nice day.
LAWD have mercy! I'm so thankful to live in the south where it's just now starting to get "cold", meaning on Wednesday last week it was 90 degrees. But then the cold are came in and it is the upper 60s and 70s, with a breeze. And we are all in our jackets. :rotfl:

The colors on the trees here are breathtaking. I stand on my back porch watching the sun rise and add a golden crown to the sea of my red, orange, yellow, and brown trees, with the evergreens in there too (I have woods on the other side of my fence). The array of colors is not something you can simply google. My favorite 2-3 weeks of the entire year are here.

And to make it even better, my favorite grocery chain, Publix, has the holiday sub back at the deli. Happy girl over here!
Good afternoon. I had to make a store run this morning, but went to the courthouse first to renew my driver's license. Just another nice mug shot for my picture, lol.

It was cold this morning, but feels great now. I've been playing outside and loving it for being back in the 80s* today.

Take care everyone.
DaysLady, so glad you have trees with Autumn colors where you live in the south. Your description of sunrise is beautiful. Here in the southwest our sunsets are beautiful but the only colors are tan and brown. Enjoy your Monday.

Kt, so nice to hear you are enjoying your weather again. License photos are always so attractive. :sarcasm:
We had a great weekend. The kids fall party was really nice - lots of people. They got the kids a big bouncy Frozen castle so we didn't see much of any children. I got to hold the baby most of the time! Mama kept coming and taking her away but would always bring her back. The weather today is really nice - that bright light in the sky is back for the first time in over a week (not normal for us on the East side of the state) and it's to get to 67 today.

We have already had more rain this month than we normally have the entire month of October.

I with you JS - I despise pajama bottoms in the store or anywhere in public. My husband gets so mad at me if someone is in front of us with them on because I will always say loud enough "When did become ok to wear your jammies in public?" Grown adults???

Have a nice day.
Well, court went as well as it could, I suppose. They have until Nov 8th to be gone. We go back to court on Dec 5th for a rents and damages hearing. Now here's to hoping that they actually leave on the 8th.

Shan - my daughter-in-law is a pajama pants in public person, it drives me bonkers.

kt - Driver's license pictures are the worst.

DaysLady - enjoy your "fall" temps. :)

JS - I wear layers to church, tank tops with cardigans. Some areas are super hot and others really cold. Wonderful old boiler system that we have.
Hi everyone!

The holey jean look is just ridiculous. Work overnight once in a pharmacy and you will see all kinds of interesting clothing. Also apparently wearing bras in the middle of the night isn't possible:rotfl:

It's sunny and 75 here. But I think that cold front Daysd is getting will affect us too because tomorrow drops down into the 60s.

My mom is babysitting my niece at my brother's house and I had to go to town and buy a vaporizer and take it over there. My sister-in-law said last week she needed to get one and still hadn't. She could go get her hair and nails done but can't go get some to help my niece. My dad gave me his credit card and sent me to town to get it. The vaporizer plus the steam medicine was a whopping $20 thanks to my discount. She spends more on Starbucks a week than that. Sorry for the rant but it just frustrates me.

manda, layering is the story of my life. My cardigan and tank top collection is starting to get out of hand.

Hope everyone has a wonderful evening!