10/26/21 - Donuts and More Rain

Gosh, do not envy you at all, brave soul. Drive safely......We are in the 20s at night, but high 40s, even hitting 50 maybe this week. (26 this a.m. ) Frost is on the grass then, but eventually the sun does it's magic. Rain is supposed to come tomorrow. Errands today....but should not take long, hopefully.
Morning Everyone,
42* here currently, most of my neighbors had frost on their cars, I did not but I was parked under the tree. Soon enough I'm sure they will switch sides of the parking lot, they do every winter and it's fine with me, Ill take the shady spot in the summer and the sunny spot for the winter, it helps melt the frost and snow off the car.

RS - drive safe, I wish I could send you our sunshine.
Poirot - Brr, stay warm my friend.
Good morning all.....
rs drive safe..... dark and rainy not good......
poirot those temps are scary cold for desert dwellers....
manda... love the switching sides of the parking lot idea.....
yesterday my middle grandson called to thank me for the Halloween card with money..... he was explaining to me that he was going to use half of it and his brother was going to use all of his plus more to purchase something. In the back ground I could hear his older brother saying no that's not right.... LOL....seems younger brother has borrowed money from older brother recently and now they want to purchase this $25 item and alas grandma only sent them $10 each so they are short..... but younger brother has a hidden stash of $40 in his safe.... and borrows without repaying from older brother..... it was an entertaining conversation to be a part off..... my son came on and we talked he explained the entire previous conversation and all is clear as mud other than the boys have enough money to get this item they both want.....

We are "Cold" this morning....61° this morning, sweater weather only going to 77° today, we were 90° yesterday.... the storm that drenched California earlier is bringing us wind and cooler temps.... we will be back to the low 90's by next weekend.... so we will have a good night for Halloween.....

Good Tuesday all......
I walked after 8 again this morning because of the cool temps. My friend's dog saw me and they
came out when I got back to her house. They haven't walked with me for over a week. When
I got home, I raked in my backyard.

It's suppose to be 70s this afternoon. I plan to go out again after I get the summary done. It's
suppose to rain all day Wed and Thurs.

rs, I hope you didn't have any problems in the rain today.

Poirot, I hope you got your errands done in a short time.

manda, smart thinking on where to park your car.

robin, did you have hot chocolate this morning?

I hope everyone has a joyful rest of the day.
I don't have time to read right now, will check back later. It's been another busy day--and a windy one. Welder is here working on my carport. I'm not crazy about welding going on in this wind but it is over concrete and there is a water hose nearby. My mower guy also came this morning. I'm about to follow my niece to town. She has to leave a vehicle there.

We have a possibility of severe storms here tonight, possible hail, tornadoes, whatever.
Got out to do the errands, even got to stop and get some milk. Finally, death certificate came, so now I will be able to contact those needing one. Weather sounds rather nasty your way, OC. Stay safe. Hope RS got back o.k.
Am wearing winter jacket. I have wonderful warm sweaters, which are longer for some reason, that some of my jackets, so....I wear my oldest and most worn one. Ha. (covers my butt, not all do such a good job, only coming half way, etc. ) Ha.
Poirot, I see people these days wearing all kinds of layers of tops, with some hanging out from others, even jackets, so I guess it doesn't matter. Glad the necessary death certificates arrived for you to carry on with business.

Wind is noisy and will get worse in the evening. Welder quit early, couldn't start putting sheet metal on the roof because of the wind.
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My son and grandson went shopping today for costumes..... son was surprised to find the pickings slim?? really??? anyway they were successful. With all they have going on in their lives I hope it's a good Halloween for them.

And no kat I didn't have hot chocolate.... I read that and thought DARN........that would have been so good and warming today....... but I did get to Kohl's to pick up a gift, Pets Smart for the BEAST and Safeway for food and the final gift for my sister's family. All are wrapped and boxed into family boxes.
Robin - I love that you send them cards with money for Halloween. My mom (and grandma too) send my girls cards with money for all the holidays - usually $5 each or so. They love it.