10-3-18 - Donuts and Tornado

Yes it is the same as drinking and driving. Absolutey a NO NO. I think the punishment will be the same as driving under the influence. It will definitely be a process that will be fine tuned as this is new territory. The Netherlands seems to be plugging along just fine so likely many models were looked into based on their laws.

I guess each city will determine where you can smoke, eat, marijuana. Many cities are treating it like alcohol in that that there is place to go have drink so there will likely be a place to partake in that. Like cigarettes, cities will have to ban it in public places and determine where it can be used. In Calgary, I think the bylaw will be you can only consume it in your own home but I believe that is being look at to change and allow coffee shops like the Netherlands.

Manada, hope everything gets better for Gena.
manda, thanks for the update with Gena.

Muzzaman, that's interesting how each city is going to have different rules.
Ya, the country has to follow the rules, regulations and legislation framework surrounding this but where it is consumed is being left up to the provinces and cities. It'll be interesting that's for sure. It really will be a cultural shift that will be taking place and what are the implications to legalizing this.

For example, something that is being looked into and will have to be addressed is travel to other countries where it is not legal. So if I were to travel to the U.S., say Montana and I admit that I have consumed marijuana at some point in my life , I may not be able to enter the U.S. Regardless that it may be legal in some states like Washington, Oregon or Colorado, but under federal law it is still illegal and therefore may prevent travellers from entering the U.S.

And I'm just using the U.S as an example of where it is illegal federally but legal in some states because I do not know other countries and the implications. This is just one example that I have read about in the news.

Sorry everyone, I'm a very chatty Cathy today and I mean no offense to anyone named Cathy and am not implying that all Cathy's are chatty!! LOL! Guess you can tell who isn't doing their work today. :):)
Ahhh, Muzza, tis fun having you pop in and out.......you been gone for a few days, so just making up for it.
Had to run out for a few errands, began to rain just as I left. Not too bad. And fortunately had on a rain jacket, as the skies did not look friendly. So, I make 3 or 4 stops, before I go to WalMart, my last stop. Started to rain harder, I took the umbrella to walk from car to store, but boy, my legs got pretty wet, well......the slacks did. Inside the store, you could hear, the downpour on their roof. Egads, plus thunder, lightning, it was coming down so bad. My rain gauge said inch and quarter, (sorry, Muzza, still cannot do centimeters, lol). Lucky me, as I was leaving the store, it all lightened up, nearly stopped, greeter told me to get to the car quick, as it will start up again, this was the lull. (the eye of the storm??) Got to the car, groceries in, jumped in car, bingo, the rains began again. Lucky I don't live far now, so got home o.k. Gotta tell ya, that was some heavy downpour. Not done yet, so they are saying, despite the fact it stopped for about 1/2 hr. now. I still feel cold, wet, and it is still dark out.
Muzzaman, did you get the text alert on your phone today? I read some
Canadians got one. I'm not sure why.
Today was a test message via texting. I found out later it was on TV and radios too. I just
found it watching Days. They talked over the show, but the closed captioning kept going
for it. If it was a real emergency, I wouldn't know until it was too late;
No, I didn't receive any text alerts. Perhaps people living who are from the States living in Canada still have phones registered with an American provider or Canadians that were living in the States haven't switched over to a Canadian provider could be a reason why.

Or signals get crossed? Telecommunications are so globally connected now.

I'm not sure why though.

A friend just sent me this. Pretty much sums up Tuesday. Lol!! Remember, it's Celcius in the video. Haha

let's see....weatherman says squirrelly's tornado is headed here. on a watch for tonight....and then Muzza's snow is possible here on Thursday.....we are such nice, sharing folks...:)
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Okay turning in on a really long day.... My right eye is almost swollen shut from the surgery.....
The meeting at the facility went fairly well..... Hunny Bunny might be able to come home Saturday!!!!!! I'm getting Mr. Gus tomorrow.... he's been locked up way too long.....
Regarding the alert.... it arrived at different times for the folks at our office... which seemed odd..... if it was urgent urgent.... a couple of us wouldn't get the news in time.... depending on what it was being told.... my alert came 3 minutes after the first message and another co-worker got it 15 minutes after I got it

See ya all tomorrow....
Muzzaman, the video is funny. Was your area the only place that got white stuff this week?
Yes, Calgary and south to the Canada/U S. border, which is approximately 4 hours south. Mostly the south western part of the province along the foothills and Rocky Mountains.
My alert went off while I was sitting in husband's room at the nursing home. Then I heard others going off, up and down the hall, a minute or so apart. It was confusing to me because my phone just said, "President's Alert." It didn't tell the reason for the alert. If I hadn't heard earlier on the news that there was going to be something like that, it would have been a concern.