10/5/21 - Donuts and Dense Fog


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Feb 13, 2008
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Steelers', Pirates', & Penguins' Country
Good morning everyone.

I'm sure glad that my 2 schools in the northern county were canceled for today. (Nurse had a family emergency so rescheduled.) Otherwise I would've been on the road in the dark at 7:30 in all of this dense fog. No thank you! Instead will be going with my assistant to her school also in the northern county, but it is a much later start. We don't have to be on our way until 9:00.

Lil0, I hope you can get some answers as to what the new symptoms are from and receive an appropriate treatment.

Wishing everyone a safe day.
Looks about the same here, oddly enough. VEry foggy this a.m. , tho seems to be trying to dissipate currently. Leg still hurts, was given predizone to take for just a week, to help with whatever. In a.m., with food, so, off for some breakfast and lst one.
I have my other meds, plus Tylenol to take as well, I HATE having to take so many.
It's foggy off and on here in the mornings too. Some mornings it gets foggy after I walk.

This morning, I knew it was cooler outside since I felt cold when I woke up. I've been leaving
a window open at night.

I went to the library this morning since the other volunteer still on vacation. I went early
because I knew I would have lots of things to do. When I got there, the librarian told me
the new employee must have done everything since there wasn't anything to do. I was
suppose to take off old movies from the shelves since some are full. She did that too. I
took time and rearranged the movie shelves. I'll study before I do the summary later.

Poirot, I hope the medicine helps your pain.

rs, I'm glad you don't have to go out early and drive in the fog.

I hope everyone has a pleasant day.
Morning Everyone,
I have a less busy morning today, but I have 2 meetings this afternoon and I have to leave early so that Gena and I can make it back to her school in time for the class dinner. They are getting food catered in for all the families to come and discuss all the 6th grade goings on this year, such as the class play, carnival fundraiser for camp, camp, transitioning to middle school, etc. I just hope they have something I can eat, since it's coming from a local Italian restaurant, the food there is amazing, but not good for a diabetic. Maybe they'll have some salad or something to balance it out.

RS - glad you didn't have to make the long drive in the dark.
Poirot - I hope your pain subsides soon. Sending love and prayers.
Kat - I'm sad for you that your volunteer time was disrupted by the new librarian, I'm sure there are plenty of things that need to be done that volunteers can't do, that he/she could have left something for you.

Wishing you all peace today.
morning all...... last night went to bed.... just as I fell asleep a big rumble of thunder followed by rain..... laid in bed listening to it rain.... that was a pleasant change to the normal noise I normally fall asleep to...... in the low 70's this morning and that felt chilly.....
I remember dense fog.... low to the ground thick icky... then I moved to Arizona and it stopped raining in California and the fog has left the state.... hard to make fog if you don't have water......
RS I am glad you didn't have to drive through it. Hope the afternoon appointments go well...
Poirot I hope the meds help your leg....
kat it's going to take some time I guess for the new librarian to find other things to do she did all of that to be busy on her first day once she settles in your job will mount....
manda good luck finding something to eat.... I'm sure there will be salad the trick will be to get it without the dressing so you can put on just the right amount.....

happy Tuesday...
I guess it is already afternoon here so I won't say good morning. It's sunny, will reach 86*. Gradually going up to 95* by Friday and then over the hill and starting downward again. I'm staying in today. Not feeling so well, haven't even gotten dressed, but hey, I did make my bed! I may find a spot for a nap though.
In an attempt to find a food balance, I had chicken fajita soup and salad for lunch. The tuna salad sandwich I had originally planned to get, had chopped olives mixed into the tuna salad, I despise olives, so I opted for something even more healthy.

Robin - I love falling asleep to the sound of rain, I bet it was rather odd for you though.
OC - you deserve a nap, reading about all of your cattle wrangling adventures makes me tired.