10/7/17 - Donuts & more Rain Storms


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Nov 23, 2006
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"mornin' all, yep, began raining yesterday evening, still raining this a.m. Depressing. Still sick, this is even more depressing. @Guy....up in this country, trying to move the proposed moving date back to a later date means one then has to worry about SNOW. No, thank you! Gonna be tough for me, especially because anything I do, tires me very quickly. Which is why I have gotten so far behind on the packing up now. Heck, it tires me to peel potatoes, or wash my face. Still "sleeping" in the recliner chair, so am actually managing a few hours at night. TV is boring, reading is too tiring, and such is life.

I want to shove everything into shopping bags, lol, and just take my chances. Yep, bad idea, I know.

Looks like Gena had a ball at her sock hop, That had to be a lot of fun. Well, managed to get a slice of toast down this a.m. but boy, my coffee drinking is wayyyyyy down.

Hope weather is better for you all. Have a good day!
Happy Saturday!

Yesterday, three of my sweet cousins surprised me with a huge box being delivered to my front door last evening. They had stated a 'late birthday' gift would arrive 'soon'. I actually thought it was a small Christmas tree because it was so tall. It turned out to be a gorgeous orange cicideum orchid!! What a lovely surprise followed by one even bigger. All three of them rang my front door bell! One lives in the Keys, Florida; one in Atlanta and Indianapolis; and the other in Juneau, Alaska! They know how to surprise a fellow cousin!! This made my birthday last week, my weekend, and probably the entire month. There aren't enough smileys to show my joy.:love::love::love::love::love::love::love::love:

We decided to go out and celebrate at the most expensive restaurant in town we could get reservations for while my Hubs tended the kiddos. He was so sweet to offer! Today we are off exploring the state and giggling so much we will most likely have new 'smile lines'. :):):):)

Poirot: oh, lady, you must be absolutely exhausted. I hope you can pack while sitting down. Thank God you finally are getting a few hours sleep in the recliner at night and hopefully the cough medicine is reducing the severity and length of those spells. Does Vitamin B help the energy level at all? Well, take care friend, and hopefully you make a giant step in healing this weekend.

Wishing each of you a fun weekend! I will try to check in today a few times, but when in the mountains we do lose all cell coverage. I'm going to be in the cool pines today!!:love:
Poirot, stress and an illness is taking a toll on you. Are there other options for your much needed help? Maybe you could hire some young people from church or town for a few hours. Take care of yourself.

I am trying to batten down the hatches in preparation for Hurricane Nate. The weather forecast predicts high winds, lots of rain, and possible tornadoes. Par for the course, this will happen in the middle of the night.

Take care everyone.
Poirot, I feel so sorry for you, trying to pack and being so sick. Not sleeping is bad enough but with all the other issues you're facing I know how rough it must be. Prayers will get you through it!

Noel, what a great surprise!!! :clap::clap::wine: Cousins and birthday presents!!! So wonderful!! :hug:to you all!!

kt, Prayers for you and your family to be safe in this storm. I will be thinking of you all.:)

Well, this may not be good. Remmy is acting strange and won't come out of her corner for anything. She has been very sensitive to the weather since a tornado went over the house, the one that touched down near my mother's house and in a community just east of here. I talked to my mother and Remmy's reaction concerns her. Mama is getting her survival items together now, too. Predictions say Nate could become a category 2 hurricane. I think I'll listen to Remmy!
A sunny afternoon after some rain this morning.

kt, stay safe from Nate. Maybe Remmy is understanding the
change in weather since the last time something awful
came by last month.

Poirot, sorry to hear you're still having problems being sick and
trying to pack. Would it be too expensive to hire someone to pack
for you? Be sure and ask around at church tomorrow or call your
priest if you can't get there. Maybe he'll have suggestions.

Noel, enjoy your weekend with your cousins.
It's good you didn't have
to work this weekend.

I hope everyone stays safe with Nate coming by.
Newt: hope your Saturday is going well. And the girls are keeping you company by snuggling at your side.

KT: when animals react differently to weather it alerts me too. They can sense barometric pressures that elude humans. Good to know you and your mom are prepped and ready ahead of time. Prayers for your safety.

Kat: stay safe and enjoy your Saturday too.
Hi everyone. I had a very slow start to the day, and then a super long wait at the pharmacy. I didn't make it to Sam's Club as planned to look at new phones. The small crack on my 4 year old Galaxy S4 is starting to expand so I need a new one before the screen goes.

Poirot, I'm so sorry that you're not feeling much better. I think calling your church for some assistance is a good idea. Maybe they would just ask for a contribution.

Noel, what a fabulous surprise! Enjoy your cousin time.

Kt, definitely pay attention to Remmy. My friend's son is a paramedic in Pensacola, and has to stay there. His family decided to stay home, too.

Newt, it is great that you've felt up to posting lately.

Kat, please send some rain my way. I hate the stuff, but my well needs it.
I won't be going to church tomorrow....I don't believe in going to public places when one is sick, especially when one MIGHT BE contagious. My son arrived for a few days, he won't even stand 5 feet away from me, has to be at least 10 feet. LOL. He brought me NyQuil to help me sleep. Unforturnately (and I won't tell him this) I don't think it goes well with my cough medicine, which does contain codeine.
Poirot, what a relief to know your son is helping. The NyQuil can help you get REM sleep healing once off prescription medications. Glad you are not attempting to go to church or any other errands until feeling better and stronger. Sure hope you sleep and rest more tonight.
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