10/8/2021 - Donuts and Going back to bed


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Mar 24, 2009
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Now appearing in Wichita, Kansas
Today at 4:30 the bus for the California trip showed up outside our house. I had planned to go until I was told there would be no COVID precautions taken on the bus. AS we have the perfect place for parking a bunch of cars everyone showed up to get on the bus and then leave. The BEAST LOVED seeing all these new friends... did I say LOVED seeing all these new friends.... he met everyone and insisted on being petted picked up hugged and general loved on.... little nutball....After the bus pulled away at 5:15 I walked back into the house and after spending a couple of minutes on line went back to bed and slept. So thanks for leaving the Donuts for me to start!!!!

Happy Fall Friday all...
Well hello out there! Anybody around? I went outside this morning and pulled weeds and picked up rocks and other stuff. I got a late start so it was getting hot after about an hour of it but I made a showing. I covered myself up pretty good, even my hair, and I wore a dust mask for a while, until I was getting too out of breath from it--all in hopes of not having to take a shower right away but it looks like I'm losing that battle. The south breeze is stirring up things that had my allergy going before I even went out. So I'm off to wash myself down.

I hope everybody is okay. Until later.
Good Afternoon Everyone,
Busy morning answering questions and in a meeting, I'm late to the party. My plans for tomorrow have been cancelled, the museum we were going to go to for Art Activity Day has been shut down due to a break-through Covid infection, so we'll probably stop by our garden, pick whatever is left to pick, then pull out or tomato cages and plants to get the gardens ready to be tilled for the fall.

Robin- I'm sure sweet Vinnie made a whole bunch of new friends at that blessed early hour of the morning.
OC - sounds like you had a very productive morning as well.

Have a terrific weekend everyone!
I spent an hour doing yardwork after I did studying this morning. I came inside, showered and left
for Sunday school lunch.

robin, are there cars parked all over your street now? That doesn't seem very considerate of them to
come park when you weren't going. Are they coming back today or sometime over the weekend?
Next time, charge parking fees.

OC, I hope you had a relaxing afternoon after your busy morning.

manda, sorry to hear your Saturday plans are changed. I hope you'll find something else fun to do.

I hope everyone has a good evening and fun weekend.
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It's okay having them park on our street. I could have gone, it's just that I want to avoid so many chances of catching COVID. I don't think these folks understand that in California they take COVID seriously. When I went out to dinner in September, they asked for proof of vaccination before allowing us in to eat on the patio. I hope they have fun. I really do.
bUSY day for me....went to bank with my son to get him as a signer on my ckg. acct. Then we went to lunch (early) only with short staff, seems it took forever. Then out to older son's home, where younger son drove older son's car into town to get worked on (he had opened the hood, acorns & other evidence varmints were having some play time), plus brake work. Gonna sell the car.
Back home, find an e-mail from eldest daughter questioning some things she had no right to question, so both me & younger son upset. A friend arrived to offer condolences, etc. Phone calls. Younger son upset, pacing. I am responding to the e-mail. Calls from funeral parlor about obit, tended to that. Friend had left, my son also left.....back to older son's home to try and get rid of junk piled up - putting into garage, which he had cleaned already. (gotta find company to come and take it all to dispose of. )Funeral Director calls, urns finally arrived, they are filled, he is going out to grab a bite to eat before going back to more stuff at office (so late already) So, hubby is home, sitting on the fireplace mantel, currently. The smaller urns that family members requested will be sent in the boxes with the mementos & items requested by them to them via UPS next week. I have yet to have dinner, just am really sooooo tired.
Sorry you were unable to do that trip, Robin, I would have done the same. Glad you have ample parking for all there, & that Vinnie had such a good time.
Sorry Mandy your plans also cancelled, but one never knows what will pop up.
Probably gonna be the same scarcity in posts over the weekend now.
I did get to see some of the lovely, tho fading now, tree color on ride to older son't home & back, which was nice. Falling leaves everywhere. Have to rummage up some dinner or something to eat. Take care all.........
Poirot, I'm sorry your older daughter is questioning you about things. I think that happens
in all families. I hope you found some dinner.
Poirot, thank you for giving that update. I'd been thinking about you today and wondering how things were going. It's too bad that extra stress has a way of coming up at times like this. I hope it all gets smoothed out so that all of you can be at peace. It's good your youngest son has been there to help with some things. I hope you can get some sleep tonight. God bless!