11/12/21 -Donuts - I could use some! LOL


Staff member
Nov 23, 2006
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Tis snowing, very lightly, just began, but sky is so bright, not sure if this will last at all, tho they say, this afternoon is when it really shows up. Who knows. My son, lives middle of state, said he woke up to snow covered everything. Wonder if Mandy got any....My thermometer says 33, so......not sure if anything will last. Sure is not showing up on ground, just in air. This is when one would just love a donut and cup of tea!
Enjoy your day, Hope Kat, Mandy, Robin all feeling somewhat better today. Take care.
Last night I saw that the final episode of M.A.S.H. was being shown, been so many years since I saw it, so I opted to watch. Amazing how many different things I had forgotten, (such as Jamie Farr..Klinger...getting married!). But best of all.........they had a great many of the actors making comments between scenes.......in present day. And yes, they all have aged a lot, white hair, receding hairlines, some has gone thru the pearly gates, tribute to them.
I really did enjoy watching it.
Thanks for starting the thread, Poirot. I don't even want to think about snow but I'm thinking you could be way colder than 33* at this time of year so even if the cold and snow are not desirable, maybe they are not unexpected. I think we're getting down to 35* tonight--gradually getting closer to the hard freeze, which many Texans are hoping will bring relief from allergies. My daughter and her husband are both sick from allergies and my youngest son's whole family has been on the edge. He usually gets bronchitis this time of year. He says they are going to rearrange future schedules to spend the fall away from Texas. Other son gets ear infections, etc. etc.

I don't think I ever watched a whole episode of MASH. May have seen bits and pieces. I think my husband liked to watch it. Long time ago.

I was planning to stay home again today. Still haven't even touched my paper clutter on the table. But some things came up and I think I'll make a "quick" trip to town.

Have a good day, everybody. Good healing to all who are ailing.
It's a beautiful sunny day after the rain and cold front last night. The high only in the 50s
today. There's a freeze warning for tomorrow morning.

This morning, it was raining and my neighbor called. She wanted to let me know the dog didn't
want to go in the rain. She called me later. She put on coat and went out with him. He wanted
to play. I wonder why. I'm glad she's letting him out in the back without a lease.

Today I had my yearly squeeze test.

Poirot, stay safe in the weather if you have to go out.

OC, I hope you can get some of your clutter down.

Wishing everyone a good day and weekend.
Good morning..... I had a great night's sleep..... went to be and 45 minutes later knew it just wasn't going to work..... so I moved to the recliner, where I fell asleep before midnight and slept till 9 am!!!!!!! that was amazing...... Vinnie figured I had slept long enough and took advantage of HB looking/being elsewhere and jumping up on the chair..... Not even going to try the bed tonight..... I mean why bother......

the Challenge of today is to get into a Kohl's to find some gifts for a grandson..... I sent him a text asking what do you want??? His mom has been asking for me.... and nothing.... but I got a bunch of suggestions..... I don't think we will have luck I can't find any when trying to shop online..... but HB seems to think they actually have it in stock they just don't put it online..... maybe....... hope he is correct....

We are starting to put together our December holiday plans...... it appears we may go to the west coast drive back home, pick up the BEAST and head to the midwest..... my son texted last night that he and the family were going to Texas for Thanksgiving and can they stop by to see me and Great-Grandma??? he is just starting to put that trip together..... I won't hold my breath..... but maybe I'll get to see them....

Happy Friday....
Afternoon Everyone,
Today feels like the day that will never end, and I can barely keep my eye open. I actually took a power nap over my lunch break. It helped for a little bit, but now the drowsies are settling in again. We got some really heavy went snow this morning, but most of it was melting as it hit the ground, it felt super cold outside though, so I managed to get Gena to wear her winter coat. Thankgoodness.

Have a wonderful weekend!
I finally got this year garden videos posted. I didn't make as many as years before. Enjoy

Here's the link. The latest ones are posted first.
