11/13/21 - Donuts and an Outing

Old Cowgirl

Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2008
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Texas, on the Brazos Saltfork
Good morning. It was 31* at my house this morning. Sun is out and it may reach 71* today. I'm going to the far side of the county and beyond for a ceremony at an historic military encampment on the Clear Fork of the Brazos River (Salt Fork is same river, different branch) to honor the Texas Rangers--no, not the ball team! Lol. This is the area where my ancestors settled. I've been there before but it is always a fun place to visit. Not easy getting there though. I'll tell more about it later. Gotta go now.
Good morning..... OC I would like to hear about your trip that sounds fun......
Yesterday HB took me to Kohls. We borrowed one of their wheel chairs and then went shopping for his grandson. He in the past has driven me to the store and then wonders why it take so long to find what I'm looking for, this time he pushed the wheelchair as we went all over the store and on a well this was a bust but lets try the back wall where we found success.... then he brought the car around and I put the walker in the car and got in myself and then we came home. Now to wrap so I can get in the mail. I did purchase something online for him and it arrived. It is easily 3 feet tall I had no idea it was so big..... or I would have had it shipped to their house. Now I get to pay to ship it somewhere else.....OH well......
Going to be a warm day.... I may move out there to sit for a while....

Happy Saturday to all........
LOL, Good morning, and guarantee you would not be sitting "out" anywhere here, it is 32° currently, probably has warmed up some. Last evening it snowed, which I did not notice until going to bed, a bit more when I woke up. Actually not much, but the roofs and grass is all covered. Tis weird how a circle around big trees melts it so quickly. guess the root system is always hungry. LOL. Forecast said sunshine, but no sign of it, and nearly 11 a.m.
Glad you had success at last, Robin, do not envy the wrapping, and sending off at all.
Agree O.C. your outing today sounds wonderful idea, please tells us how it went. I may try to get out a bit later, the streets look "melted", but if icy, not for me, for sure. Watched Open by Christmas last night, and managed to doze off during the commercial, missing the last 20 min. or so. Grrr. Well, I checked, it will be on again today, from 5-7 Central, so........I will tune in around 6:30 and see how it turned out. It was o.k. Not all that "oooh, I Loved it", but there is a bit of a mystery (not murder) so want to know how it turned out. LOL
Hope you all enjoy your day. (wish Kohl's was close by...nope, closest is 65 miles. LOL)
It's sunny, but only 50 outside now. It was 34 when I drove to town to do errands this morning.
I'm staying in another day to rest my foot.

OC, I hope you had a fun day.

robin, I'm glad you were able to go out and shop at Kohl's. I hope the grandson enjoys his gifts.

Poirot, I hope you'll get to see the end of the movie today.

Wishing everyone a fun afternoon and evening.
I WAS gonna wait til tomorrow a.m. to go to WalMart (instead of grocery store when I gt the paper).....however, they are saying 2-4" of snow beginning this afternoon, into tonite, by tomorrow. This means no plowing til it is over, and then it is Sunday........so....I dashed out on the dry streets, I know I forgot a few things, but my tummy was giving me trouble so I ended the shopping, came home, got a pile of mail & after all the phone calls, now I have to sign a zillion papers, and this is only part of it. Ugh.
And then, wonderful State Farm sent a check, refunding a small amount on the ins. on Hubby's car. And they made it out to him!!! I closed our joint account, so this will be fun now. They also let me know what my ins. will be on MY car now. How about it increased $400 year! And then SS returned the marriage and death certificates, but NO info on any change in the amt. of my check. No wonder I cannot sleep at night. LOL
Oh, yes........ as it says in the Bible, and later used by Lincoln, this, too, shall pass.....
Poirot, I hope you won't get too much snow tonight. I hope it will be easy for State Farm
to give you another check.
Good evening everyone. I thought I had posted yesterday. So just checked that thread. Found that I had put it in, but never submitted it. Oh well. Yesterday was another long medical day.

Waited for daylight before going to do laundry this morning. We had freezing rain and snow coming down. I didn't want to take a chance of hitting black ice on the road in the dark.

Locked myself out of the house when I went out to pick up Cindy around noon. When I went to get my hidden key, it was gone!! Cindy doesn't have her car right now so I was going to pay for her to take a cab to my house with another key.
My neighbor saw me ripping apart my porch, and asked what was wrong. Then he told me he put the key receptacle in his garage one day when I left it on the loveseat..then he forgot about it!

Luckily, Cindy was able to cancel the cab. It would've been another 3 hours since there is only 1 cab in this little town.

Finally, Cindy and I made it to a local apple orchard.
I spent way too much at the produce and deli store there, but nothing will go to waste.

Then we stopped at a few craft shows. Nope, didn't see anything worth buying at any of them.

After I came home, I started to put some more things in storage for the winter. Since I had to keep moving my Christmas wreaths around, I brought them downstairs. Then I got tired of moving them around down here so I could clean. Now they're hanging up. I know I'm early, but I don't care. I wasn't going to move them again.
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rs, sorry to hear about your day. I hope you can stay home and rest tomorrow.