11/18/2021 - Donuts and a bowl of oatmeal


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Mar 24, 2009
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Now appearing in Wichita, Kansas
After a long night of good sleep even if I did get cold at one point and had to go in search of an additional blanket it was a good night. Looking forward to December when it won't be as difficult to side sleep. After PT yesterday went to the grocery store and was able to get a teeny tiny bit of turkey to cook for Thanksgiving. If that wasn't available then we were going to move to lasagna for dinner. Dinner is purchased so we can avoid the crush at the store next week if there is such a thing. I will be making lasagna for Christmas Eve dinner.

Sunny and warm is the order of the day here. We haven't begun to find our former normal temps. The weather guessers are saying maybe next week, we will be in the 70's which is normal not the mid 80's where we are now. Really wish we didn't have this pandemic to worry about as eating outside is really nice at this time of year, but then again we don't eat out much anymore either....

Good Thursday to all.....
Am so glad you got to sleep well, Robin.....wasn't as lucky....awake now since 4:30. The wind is still very active (aren't I polite?). Had early med appt. and just as I walked inside the clinic, heard this loud noise, turned to see a sign sliding/skittering down the walkway . Wind blew it. One of those A shaped ones. This woman was coming along, narrowly missed getting smacked with it. When I was leaving, both signs were inside, thank goodness, the gusts are unreal. It was snowing, too, lightly, but the streets and walkways are white. Radio calls them "snow showers". LOL.
The cold front arrived. It was in the 30s this morning. It's sunny this afternoon and in the
50s. No outside work today for me today. It's suppose to be warmer over the weekend.

Today I was at the library. I started organizing the adult non fiction books.

robin, did you sleep in your bed last night? I'm glad you found turkey for the big day.

Poirot, I'm glad you didn't get hit by the sign.

Wishing everyone an enjoyable afternoon and evening.
No to sleeping in my own bed.... I did some new PT stuff so I was hurting by nightfall. I took some AdvilPM and slept well.... in the chair with the sleeping toddler dog....