11/23/2021 - Donuts and a morning


Super Moderator
Mar 24, 2009
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Now appearing in Wichita, Kansas
Good morning, while I always appreciate welcoming in a new day...... I just wish I could have slept in a bit more than I was allowed today. It's a busy day here. I have PT, the BEAST has a beauty appointment, HB has a doctor's appointment and I have to go pick up some holiday items that have finally arrived. And of course I have to worry about my kids who are driving to Austin. They avoided the Arizona crazy drivers and are now in Texas, where I'm sure there are crazy drivers.

I hope your Tuesday is going well......
It's a sunny day where I am. It's in the 60s now. Tomorrow will be in the 40s when
I walk early in the morning.

I cleaned the extra bathroom and one kitchen counter this morning. Hopefully, I
can clean another counter after I post the summary.

robin, I hope your busy day went as expected.

Wishing everyone a good day and evening.
Kat, I wish I could be as methodical and persistent as you. I'm sure you'll get everything done.

Robin, everything about Austin is crazy!! I thought your kids went to the panhandle of Texas.

It's been extraordinarily busy at my house. Son's business partner/friend and wife stopped by on Sunday. Yesterday my daughter and my cousin drove out from DFW for the afternoon. This morning the 4 grandkids and I went and fed my cows and my niece's. I'm teaching the 16 yr. old how to do all of it. He's eager to do anything that involves driving. Is scheduled to get his license next month. Last evening he and his dad went out driving my old clunky junker, which I got running last year mainly for the grandkids to drive, though I like driving it myself at times. Well, while they were out, six miles from home, the clutch went out altogether. Had to leave it by the highway overnight. Someone is coming today to tow it to a shop. The window cleaner guy, for my house windows, was coming this afternoon but he called and postponed until tomorrow morning. He was afraid he'd run out of daylight. We need to go to three towns but I don't see how we're going to fit that in. My son has to work most of the time and with the holiday coming up, time is short. Oh, and did I mention that all of son's family arrived sick? In varying degrees of colds or allergies, sinus infection or whatever. They say they've been battling it since mid October. I woke up this morning with a sore throat and thinking I'd surely caught it but now I feel like I often do with allergies. So many people are saying this is the worst allergy year they can remember. I don't disagree. My house literally looks like a war zone but the 3 boys have just left with their dad to meet the tow truck driver so I'm just chillin'. Granddaughter, 15, stays in my house and reads all the time. The mother stays out in their travel home. And the wind blows, keeping levels of pollens and molds stirred up.
OC... good memory this year they are going to my daughter in law's sister's house. She is expecting twins and isn't really traveling this year. So that entire family is heading to Austin.
I've got all of my errands done. HB is on his way to his doctors. It's cloudy and we have a 15-20% chance of rain...... the cloud cover is change enough for excitement.....

I hope Manda and Gena are doing okay..... along with the rest of Donut posters who have been missing due to life getting in the way.....
Good evening everyone. I'm afraid that I've been among the missing.

Family drama with my disabled middle sister has taken a toll on me. After she let something slip to me while talking on the phone last week, I had to inform my oldest sister and her husband who are guardians for the middle one. (The middle one lives in a senior citizen highrise with some assistance. )
My brother-in-law is handling the problem, but middle sister has gone off on me repeatedly for being "a snitch".

On top of that mess, I have pneumonia again. Meds are finally starting to work so breathing is somewhat easier. Still tiring quickly. Staying home for Thanksgiving instead of going to Pittsburgh. The drive would be too tiring plus I don't want the drama to ruin the day for everyone.

Amanda posted on Facebook that her medicine has finally started working, and the swelling is going down.

robinsnest, how are you doing with your healing and recovery?

kat, you so seldom take time for just you. You work so hard inside and outside of your house plus volunteering.

OC, enjoy your visit with your family. You're another lady who works hard. I know I could never do any of what you do to take care of your property and cattle.
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I spent so many days raking leaves I didn't have time to clean inside my house. Now I need to get that
done. Tomorrow I plan to make rice for Thursday to save time and finish cleaning.

rs, thanks for checking in. I've been thinking about you. Sorry to hear you're sick and your family problems.
I hope you'll try to have a nice day Thursday. Maybe your neighbor will bring you food. Please take care.
I'm doing well in the healing department. PT is challenging but not overwhelming, if that makes sense. I've got the guy who puts my Holiday lights up contracted to do it Saturday. His charges are reasonable, pick an angel off the Salvation Army Tree or similar for two kids.... so everyone has a gift at Christmas. I have several toys in a box that I've been buying throughout the year, for these kids. So he's covered.
Kate kids 25.jpg
this weekend fun.... pile on Grandma.....
Hi guys. I haven't been watching Days so forget to check in. I am staying here for Thanksgiving. My cousin where I usually go said they won't be there this year. So I won't get to see my niece and nephew. Thankfully a friend invited me over for Thanksgiving day. Feels weird not going home tho. Am going to AZ from Dec 15-26 to visit my aunt and cousins. Sunday was 20 years since my mom passed so that was kinda tough but I kept busy and went to a friend's house. Made Spaghetti and meatballs and we all enjoyed it.

Robin - glad to see you are healing well

OC - enjoy your family

RS - sorry to hear bout your family problems. Hope things get better soon.

kat - i need you to come clean at my house. lol

I did get my Christmas tree and some of the decorations up. I had to buy a new string of lights for my porch as when I put up the other one there were 3 sections that were out. I got 2 working and gave up on the last one so threw them out. I didnt put everything out since I won't be here but I like that it looks festive. Hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving.