11/25/23 - Donuts and Apple Fritters


Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2023
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Calgary, Alberta
Good morning, spectatorites. Hope you guys south of me are having a wonderful weekend and also hope to hear dome news on Barb. Very odd to not have seen her posting nor let us know if she would be away.

I'm back from a week in Vancouver and my guy lost it when I got home. He ran outside when he heard my taxi pull up and I got so many Kisses, love and he just collapsed at my feet for scratches...........my dog, Watson did the same. HAHAHAHA!!!! Kidding, but the greeting from your dog is better than a spouse. Lol!! The week was a lot of fun despite the one day I didn't work due to food poisoning from the French Onion Soup, the only thing I had for dinner. I could not leave my hotel room. I visited friends, saw my team, hit some nice restaurants.

Today is our 17th wedding anniversary so Mike and I are going to take Watson and hit the mountains for a drive and hike then go out for dinner downtown or cook something new together. Afterwards, start a fire and watch a movie.

Have a great day everyone and please share any word on Barb.
Good morning.... and thank you for the apple fritter..... I love them....... enjoy your 17th hiking and what not......
Yesterday started early and was busy..... last night around 9 as I was moving boxes back to the garage where they will go back to storage on Sunday I found a box I had not yet opened.... you can see just how excited Vinnie was that I had found the hat.....
merry whatever.jpg
we are expecting 3-6 inches of snow today..... so far just cold grey skies......that's why the trip to storage will be postponed to Sunday.... nothing needs to leave the garage today.....

prayers for Poirot/Barb.....
It's sunny and in the 50s again today. I'm going to stay in today to catch up on stuff. The white
stuff gone from forecast Sunday morning.

I got home after my time at small library and realized I couldn't find my phone. I'm not sure when
I saw it last. Thank goodness it was between the seats in car, but I missed it the first time I looked.
It's a dumb phone and I don't use it that much.

Muzza, thanks for the apple fritter. My fav morning pastry. Happy anniversary and enjoy the day.
Is your friend still going to move in with you?

robin, that's a lot of snow. Are you prepared for it? Where you live they will keep the streets cleared.

Prayers continue for Barb.
Muzza, happy anniversary

Boomer had what looked like a seizure this morning took him to the vet of course he was his usual goofy self by then
He is now on gabapentin which treats seizures and pain
He has a heart murmur which he takes meds for
robin, how much snow do you have now? What does Vinnie think about it?
robin, how much snow do you have now? What does Vinnie think about it?
This storm is to bring anywhere fro 3-6 inches. The temp was steady at 32 most of the day so the snow was large and flaky.... now it's 29 and we have smaller flakes..... Not sure what the Average is for Wichita...... but this should melt by Monday...... again per the weather guesser......

It's now deep enough to touch his belly when he runs out in it. He dashed out to do something and ended up jumping straight up..... he then started barking at the snow.... so it should stop now.... Vinnie's had enough.... :rotfl: he gets toweled off when he gets in, I've tried putting his boots on but he hates those even more than the snow..... so that is a struggle we won't deal with any more.....

The sidewalk is covered, guess we will need to get a snow shovel and clear it... same with the driveway..... The street hasn't been plowed either..... all things that will be figured out in time.....
Poor Vinnie. Yep a snow shovel is a good thing to have.

OC, I'm glad you had company. I'm sure you'll be glad when they are gone.