11/27/23 - Donuts and Cold Weather

Sunny and 48 in NY after a heavy rainstorm yesterday which lasted most of the night.

rfsexton: Hope your temps rise, and too bad about the rain predicted. Dickens on the Strand will, hopefully, go on as planned.

Everyone enjoy the last Monday in November (hard to believe).

Good morning.... boy is the sun bright off snow.... sheesh..... it's sunglasses time just to take the BEAST potty..... it's staying nice and chilly so the snow can harden..... and what melted yesterday can freeze.... I'll need to skate out to the car today.... unpleasant prospect......or wait till after 10am or so.....
hoping Poirot and Red Squirrel are still moving towards the feeling better side of the world......

Have a great Monday....
So good to see you check in, Poirot Hope Squirrel will feel up to it soon too.

Robin, ice is the worst thing! Be careful walking and driving.

Wilde Woman, I hope the rain didn't make problems for you. How I would like to see a heavy rain fall for a few hours here!

Sexton, stay warm with these colder temperatures. Hope the rain doesn't spoil things for you later in the week.

It's sunny here but still cold. It was 20* when I got up this morning. I'd best get a shower and try to get some more bedding washed today.
It was too chilly to walk this morning. It's sunny and in the 40s this afternoon. Warmer
Tues and Wed.

I had my hair appt today. I got a surprise when I found out it was paid for. I found out a
woman and her daughter paid for it. The woman is in her 80s and I've been moving her
trash cans up and down when it's trash time. It was a nice surprise. I went to church today
since tomorrow is my squeeze test. After lunch, I made two frozen meals with turkey, rice
and Chineses veggies. Turkey almost gone or used now.

rf, I hope the rain will stay away when Dickens on the Strand is going on. I looked at the
web site and it looks like a fun weekend.

Wilde Woman, I hope you have a sunny day soon after all the rain.

robin, be careful on the slick surfaces.

Poirot, I hope you'll find someone to help you out at home.

OC, I hope you're taking care getting your house back in order.

I hope everyone has a fine rest of the day.
Phone seemed to be ringing off the hook for about 90 minutes earlier. Played telephone tag with home health care, who called, I called back, it rang for over 2 minutes, then terrible music......ended up just finally hanging up. Daughter called, wants to listen in on my doc visit tomorrow, no idea why, Seems when trying to answer or return a call, someone was trying to reach me! Thus, nothing got done, or completed or whatever. Guess everone waits til 1 p.m. and starts making calls, lol.
That dr. appt. tomorrow is just tooooooo early. But, too late to change it. Don't wish all this on anyone. Meaning the infection, aftermath, dealing with family, medical staff, just too wearying..........