11/29/20 - Donuts and rain

And there are patients too weak to do anything! Sick patients get confused easily, are weak, tired, etc. In some areas the use of cells, cameras, etc. interferes with other hospital needed devices. It nice for your area that they apparently have no problem with the usage of electronic devices/programs. Hospitals & nursing homes are currently UNDERSTAFFED because of Covid, some staff works more than one shift, as has happened to Noel in the past, & my cousin here in WI, who works urgent care. But most hospitals try and stay on the safe side. Even in this small town, the hospital is getting overwhelmed.......Patients who need to go to ER or hospital for various things are not going because they don't want to burden facilities, know that Covid cases have been on the rise everywhere. And thus, they get worse before they finally go.
Not in ours, either, Noel.
I didn't realize it was different everywhere.

My friend's dad is in the hospital with an infection. He doesn't have COVID so
she can visit him everyday. I haven't asked if she has to wear a mask or
not when she goes.
My hubby doesn't have Covid, but both hospitals & nursing home have a strict NO visitors in place since he broke his hip mid-September.

I was trying to check on Muzza, as I remember him saying he was taking a break for a while from social media. But I am unable to find that post, which I thought was in Nov., as his last post seems to be Oct. 28th. I know he is a very active person, loves his personal sport playing, so hope all is o.k.