12/12/2021 - Donuts and a cup of Hot Apple Cider


Super Moderator
Mar 24, 2009
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Now appearing in Wichita, Kansas
Chilly here this morning, in the 40's so a nice cup of hot apple cider helps keep the core warm.... the BEAST is keeping the feet warm well actually just the right ankle.... but that's a whole nuther story.......

Got everything done on MY list yesterday..... HB is still working on his list....

I hope everyone has a calm quiet Sunday.
Afternoon all.

This morning, I went to church. It's been over five months since I've been. They had an early service today for the
holidays. I missed the Sunday school Zoom class since I went. I think my first time I missed Sunday school.

It was in the 20s when I woke up this morning. I walked when I got home after church. I'm vacuuming now. I took time
and made my to do list for next week. Monday is a busy day.

My Sunday school class had a nice luncheon yesterday. We had to get there earlier than planned because the small
town we went was going to have a parade. The hostest made apple cider and soup. She used a school recipe for
vegetable soup. It looked and tasted just like it. Everyone else brought salads or fruit. We played a gift exchange
game with the gifts we brought. We regift gifts.

robin, I'm glad you got your yesterday list done.

I hope everyone has a good afternoon and evening.
Good afternoon.........am back from church....interestingly, besides being advent, it is the Feast of the Lady Guadaloupe.........so we had some snacks after church that were Mexican in nature, & gotta say, there was a round cinnamon/sugar thing that was soooo good, and still warm from the oven, they were making them in the kitchen. Churos. Wonderful. A special hot fruit drink, hot chocolate, cookies....
There was also a special blessing for pregnant women, the fathers to be, and families as a whole. Pretty interesting service today. Sun is out, the snow on the streets, parking lots, driveways is melting, which is good, but slushy, and not good when evening comes, as it will freeze and be icy.

I wrote the above around 1:30 p.m. thought it was posted, sorry........but here it is now, lol.
Robin, you and Kat are both so good about making lists and following through. If I would do that, there's no telling what I'd get done. I make lists all the time but they seem to get lost in the shuffle.

Poirot, that happens to me too often--I write in something and think I've posted when I didn't. Your church activities sounded nice.

All this talk of meals and snacks and hot ciders makes me wish for some of it. I keep thinking I'll cook something good but I never do. I went to church this morning, first time in a few weeks. When I came back and turned into my driveway I discovered a cow and a calf that didn't get moved with the others. It's not a new baby though, so not one of the two that was about ready to deliver. I'm not going to worry about getting them across until the next time we feed, probably the middle of the week. Last night I was seeing cows close in on me as I was drifting off to sleep.