12/16/20 - Donuts and going to town


Staff member
Dec 29, 2012
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I didn't go out and walk this morning since it's so cold. I may walk later.

I'm going to the post office to mail packages. Then I'm going to Kohl's and
to the mall. I only go to the mall during the Christmas season.

manda, I hope Gena's visit is a good one.

Wishing everyone a sunny day.
Merry Christmas season wishes to each one of you during this busy time of fun & festivities!

Kat: enjoy your browsing the mall and errands. I'm certain you'll walk a good set of miles doing just that today.

Somehow I am behind on my pre-Christmas list. Today Orkin comes to spray for termites -- I never make it more than a year with their service without the termites reappearing. It is a huge problem in the desert areas. I want it behind me so I can relax knowing my house is clear of the buggers.

Just sent my last Christmas card this morning. Received 2 surprise packages this weekend and that was a joyful surprise! Time to plan the fudge, truffles, and cookies preparation before pie baking time next week!
Good morning all.

Last night I took a couple of Advil PM and was in bed sleeping soundly by 8:30 and hit the snooze a couple of times before getting up to appear here at work. Thank goodness only 2 more mornings left to do this. It's a killer as I'm not an early riser.

Santa aka Amazon/UPS/FedEx/USPS dropped off some packages for us yesterday. The Beast loves getting packages as he gets to show off his great guarding/protective service.... or so I was told by HB.

Noel, next year will be our turn to have the termite guys. A couple of years ago we did the property so the termites picked up and went next door, so the neighbor did his yard this summer. I'm sure they have packed up and are moving back to our house. It is such a good use (sarcasm) of my $400+ funds, but you are correct they are a pain in the butt.

I sent my cards out right after Thanksgiving and one was returned. I was able to resend to the correct address. Ooops.

Manda good thoughts for you to have a quiet day and will be able to get the summary and that Gena has an adequate visit with her dad.

It's Wednesday, make the best of it.
Good morning. Sun finally appeared around 9, lol (rises at 7:45 they say, ha), gonna get up into 20s today, so will be warmer at last. Boy, yesterday was out, so cold, my sinus & nose were using up a lot of tissues.

Our little town really goes all out this time of year...

Wow.... that is pretty... love all the lights and garland.... I'm hoping to drag and I mean drag Hunny Bunny from the house into the car to look at lights put up around the neighborhood this weekend..... he is deep into his bah humbug state that it's not funny.... I had ALL of his gifts to his grandkids and birthday presents wrapped since well before Thanksgiving sitting in a crate on the gift table... anyone wanna guess where they are????

One year we made the trip back especially for Christmas and we ended up eating with a friend of his who found out we'd be eating snacks at the hotel as most of Wichita closes for the day of. We didn't even see his daughter on Eve or Day as she had too many other obligations..... Last year we went the day after and he got to spend a lot of time with her.... I spent time with his grandson, we went to see the Star Wars movie that was out and we watched the Mandalorian together..... He and I had a great time.... because well.... I've done the preteen boy thing.

Fingers crossed that with the vaccine and such we can get to see them next year.

Ding email has come in. Whoo hoo something to print off.
Morning Everyone,

I'm in a foul mood today despite the sunshine outside. Gena's aunt pitched an absolute fit over the fact that I won't let her go over for Christmas, all through Facebook Messenger, ending with me calling my attorney so I can get a different supervisor for the visits. At least my hands have stopped shaking. I was just furious before as she was whining to me about it not being fair. Please witch, talk to me about not fair. Not fair is being abused on a daily basis, not receiving the $2486 in child support I've been supposed to get since Dec 29th of last year, or all the other garbage I've had to deal with. Okay, I'm done venting. Needless to say, I'm not particularly hopeful for the visit tonight, but I'm praying that it goes well for Gena's sake.

Kat - good luck at the mall

Poirot - wow that's gorgeous, I wish my city was still like that, I remember shops like that from when I was little.

Robin - I'm glad you got a good nights sleep

Noel - enjoy your baking

Wishing you all a day that's better than mine.
I enjoyed my time out of the house. I got the packages mailed. I left a little earlier
than planned, but it worked out. I was 3rd in line waiting in the lobby and the man
behind me said the line was longer yesterday. The clerks opened up before 9. I bought
gas then on to Kohls.

I was disappointed the Kohl's discount wasn't high when I got it last week. I decided
I would shop anyway. I bought a few things. The woman in front of me decided to
do her purchases with three receipts. There was only one clerk and line started
getting longer. Another clerk opened a checkout. I stayed in my line. When the
woman was finally done, she gave me her Kohl's cash. And I got one. I'll be going
back to Kohl's in two weeks to shop again.

The mall where I live is smaller than some malls. It's only one story high and a lot
of the stores closed. I walked all of it so I got some exercise today. I bought some
candy in a candy store. When I left, I bought two dinners at the Chinese takeout.
I put a lot of in the freezer for later.

manda, I'm so sorry Gena's aunt talked to you that way. Next time she does, why not
mention the money you're waiting for? Maybe she doesn't know. I hope the rest of
your day goes well. I'll pray more for Gena's visit tonight.

Poirot, thanks for posting the picture. The storefronts are so festive.

Noel, I miss my mom's fudge. It's hard to find nowadays.

robin, I hope your day was a peaceful one.

Here is the link to my videos. I took three videos when it was snowing on Sunday.

Wow! When I read some of your posts, I wish I could hug each of you and tell you it's going to be okay. But that's not possible. But, you know what? I'm sending one anyway.

I finished my pies and cookies today. My husband cleaned up the kitchen from EVERYTHING. I married him 55 1/2 years ago and would do it again in a heartbeat. He's definitely a keeper.

Mandy: I agree with JS and the others that we pray your legal issues and Gena's aunt's attitude get better. I don't know the back story but can guess by what I've read. We went through some of that with our son's first wife and his two children.

RN: Hopefully your sleep pattern will continue to improve.

May you all have a blessed and great rest-of-the-day.
My best friend/her family always made those, & I was lucky for so many years to be gifted with those (& other Italian goodies). Alas, I moved way up north, &...no more. I don't bake any more at all, (cookies was it for Christmas) so all you who do so.........BRAVO! Kudos, I know your family & friends are loving it.
P.S. Years ago, I was a moderator for a soap site (ours did not exist) & at some point I began a forum like this one. I just felt that the posters who were around a lot, might like being able to talk personally with others, & they did. However, the owner disliked the idea and eliminated the forum. We already bumped heads over "strong" language & a couple other things. But the last straw happened, I was out of there, &..... Wayne decided to do the same. He got the idea, made the suggestion, and here we are. I am glad we all have a place to let off steam, to share happiness, ask & get advice, just chat. God Bless you all, thank you so much!
Good evening everyone. So far over 6 inches of snow have fallen here. The interstates are closed, and only emergency vehicles are to be on the roads.

I made a quick dash to the little Italian store this morning. I hadn't planned on going until Friday, but I used the last of my milk with my old lady breakfast drink this morning. I alternate between strawberry and chocolate Carnation Breakfast Essential in the morning because I refuse to drink Ensure.

I spent most of the day and evening making pizzelles. These were anise for friends and lemon for family. Haven't decided what flavor tomorrow's will be.

Amanda, prayers continue for you and Gena. I hope your ex does a long long stint in prison, and you can wash your hands of that family. Gena knows that your side of her family love and treasure her.