12/20/2023 - Donuts and a Chinook


Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2023
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Calgary, Alberta
Good morning. It's now official.......we'll be having a brown Christmas. We currently have a chinook coming through and when I got out of bed at 5am is around 1*C (33.8*F) and 2 hours later it is 7*C (44.6*F) and expected to stay around these temperatures until Boxing Day.

Still no wallet even but I am holding out on hope that some good Samaritan finds it and just mails it or drops it off to my house.

Should be an easy week. Today I'm finishing up entering the last of my inspections and that will be all she wrote til the new year.

I have beach vball tonight and tomorrow and will resume in the new year after these games. I am in a 3's beach vball tournament on the 29th so that should help with any indulgences over the holidays.

Have a great Wednesday everyone.
Good morning all.......tho have been awake since 3 a.m. and up and around since 4. Ugh. Ohhh, Muzza, how fun to see "chinook" on here, have not seen anyone use it in some time (guess ya gotta be from up north or out west. And for those who may be unfamiliar, Boxing Day is Dec. 26th........(I used to read so many gothic novels set in England, it became very familiar to me) and originally was to give gifts and a holiday to the servants. Mostly celebrated now in Great Britain & the Commonwealth of Great Britain........enough history lesson. LOLOL
Sun is out, mightly chilly, (26°) have a dr. appt. today......hope it goes well, and I can really get back to normal. Muzza, am sorry that so far no one has returned your wallet, or at least the papers/pics within. Let's hope it just may be the post office holiday delay! Good luck!
Good morning everybody. So far,vit has been a lazy day. Just looking at the beautiful snow, drinking tea, and coloring on my Kindle Fire.

Guess I better get a shower, and get moving for the day.

Muzza, I'd hoped that someone would've returned your wallet by now.

Poirot, your warmer weather is heading here with rain for Christmas.

The name Chinook means snow eater, and comes from the Native Americans who lived along the Columbia River.
Beautiful sunny day, 41 degrees, light wind. I see one lone pigeon on the terrace ledge looking very cold. Maybe I should take up knitting.
Muzza: Didn't realize "chinook" had so many meanings, but in YOUR case, it is a type of wind. Still holding out hope that your wallet is returned.

Poirot - Wishing you well at the doctor's office.

redsquirrel: Enjoy your tranquil day!

Let's all enjoy the day, whatever we do.

I walked earlier than usual to get going on my day. It's cloudy and close to 50 this afternoon.

I picked today to go to the mall. I went to Kohl's early and stopped at Walmart. I was disappointed the mall didn't
open until 11. Penny's opened at 9. There wasn't anything there I wanted. Doors open at 10 at mall for the walkers.
By 10:30, people were there to shop. The woman at the candy shop opened for me to get what I wanted than locked
the door. I got the Chinese meals I usually get. I was able to put two meals in freezer since they give too much.

Muzzaman, sorry your wallet is still lost. Enjoy the rest of the year not working.

rs, enjoy your lazy day.

Poirot, I hope you sleep better tonight.

robin, I hope your drive day going to well.

Wilde Woman, enjoy the sunshine.

I hope everyone has a pleasant afternoon.
Checking in..... at hotel in Santa Rosa, New Mexico..... beautiful drive no rain, clear skies..... temps in the 50's with some 60's along the way.... going to rest a bit then find dinner..... we have on problem in our room..... seems there is another poodle in it..... there is a full length mirror at the foot of the bed...... :rotfl: he keeps looking strangely at Vinnie..... gonna be a long night....
Wilde woman, that's right, our chinooks are warms winds that come rushing down the Rockies to the plains. Also called snow eater, too RS because it can literally melt snow very fast. Where I grew up in Southern Alberta we hold the record for the biggest temperature change. On Jan. 10, 1962, Pincher Creek saw temperatures rise 41 C as Chinook winds boosted the mercury from -19 C (-2.2*F) up to 22 C (71.6*F). Southern Alberta is well-known for its Chinooks that sweep in warm, dry weather throughout the year, but are most appreciated during the winter months.

Poirot or anyone in the U.S.....is Boxing Day (Dec 26) a stat holiday down there?

Robin, enjoy the stay and comforting having 2 poodle guard dogs now, eh? Lol!!
Muzz.... re Boxing Day..... the first year after the OVERLORDS purchased the company was amazing.... it was a Canadian company and we got Christmas Eve, Christmas Day AND Boxing Day off!!! It was terrific, I normally saved my vacation days so I'd be off the week before Christmas and after as school districts don't work then either so I'd get to rearrange the file cabinets or some other stupid make work if I was in the office. Those were 3 days that were all ready paid days off.... a gift of an extra day!!! magical...... Of course being OVERLORDS the next year they realized their awful mistake and only gave us Christmas Day as a holiday.....but that first year..... magical.....
Ya, the days do not sound so different from here then. HAHAHA, Boxing day is spent by many people shopping, exchanging gifts. Boxing Day for me has always been about meeting up with friends, doing something outdoors, larger extended family gatherings.

Robinsnest, I am going to start a grassroots movement petitioning your congress to pass legislation to make Dec. 26th a permanent stat holiday.
Boxing Day during my childhood in British Columbia was for boxing up items we no longer needed and passing them on to the poor. For example: if we got a new coat for Christmas, we could pass on the old one. I chuckle at this now because as a child I never thought of us as poor. I knew that some people had more money than we did and some people lived in nicer houses than we did, but that didn't mean we were poor. But we were pretty darn poor!!