2/12/16 - Donuts & Cherry Coke


Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2007
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Appleton, WI
Good Morning Everyone,

Surprised to get here so late and not find a donuts thread. Busy morning at work so far, so I can't stay too long.

Getting ready for Gena's birthday party tomorrow. Monday (on her actual birthday) she and I are going for pedicures, since they have the day off of school for President's Day.

Have a wonderful weekend everyone!!
Thanks for starting donuts, manda. The board was down for awhile this morning.

Sunny and a little warmer today. They keep changing the Valentine forecast,
It's going to be a wet no matter what is coming.

manda, I hope Gena has a great party and enjoy Monday's day off.

I hope everyone will have a nice rest of the day.
Morning all. It is a beautiful day. Noel will be unhappy as it is really very warm, even for me, this February. But I will enjoy eating lunch on the patio.

I will get a picture of my little Forever Yours beans. They are HUGE!!!

It is Friday and I have a long weekend ahead of me. Can it be 5 pm yet???

And good news yesterday that Days signed another contract so it will continue. I just hope the current stories start to make sense.

Happy Friday.
Yep, could not get on here for a while this a.m. So good morning from a rather chilly up north. Thankfully, not below zero, but only 6 above, sun comes out sporadically, and it looks rather hazy out on the snowcovered lake, which MAY mean it is snowing, Sometimes it does that, and moves in from the east, rare, but does it. We are to get really frigid tonight.

Have not been getting much sleep at night, woke up at 2:30, again at 5:30, stayed in bed, trying to get back to sleep again, which I managed for about 5 minutes, lol. This 5-6 hrs. per night is got me really dragging today.

We may get more snow maybe not. Ooops, the haze is gone, guess is was the snow being blown around by wind. Lots of snowmobiles out there, but there are activities going on every weekend this month up in this neck of the woods......with the huge ski race in a couple weeks, I guess.
Anyone else as sick of debates,campaign rhetoric as I am?
Beyond bored with the political harping. I understand the need for folks to spread their word, but this time around it just seems to be so much more this year. And in AZ, I'm not allowed to vote here in AZ, as I'm in a party that doesn't have a candidate. In the past, I could go to the polling place, sign in and then request a ballot for the party I wished to vote for. Well, that was removed, as the party in power thought too many of "us" would go vote for the weaker of the two candidates, making it easy for the other party to win. Not that it ever happened, so I get to sit this one out. Joy.
Well, that is weird. Is this just the primary, Robin? I mean you ARE able to vote in the national next November, right?
That is a very strange law. I mean what if you "changed" your party affiliation for a month or so? Whatever happened to secret ballots, and no one knowing who you vote for?
I wondered if the board was down, or if I was blocked from the site at work. Glad it was just the board being down. I'd be so bummed if they blocked the site.

Robin, those voting rules are weird.

Barb - yes I'm very sick of all the campaign stuff already, makes me glad I primarily watch TV via my DVR, so I can fast forward through all the commercials.
Yes, I could change my party affiliation and vote in the primary. And I can vote in any general election. I generally vote absentee, meaning by mail, but those don't get counted unless the race is close. But when I used to travel so much it was the only way I could vote.

Now if you go to vote, when you sign in, you must have a government issued photo idea and a valid voter registration card. I've been allowed to vote in the general without it. But a person of color next in line needed it. I asked why she needed it and I didn't. The answer was if I didn't move to the voting area, I would be escorted out. The California girl in me said it wasn't fair. I voted and left, and lodged a complaint against the polling place.
Good afternoon.

Just a break between conference sessions. I am learning new things & that always makes me happy. We close after a dinner meeting & then the long drive home on a narrow road at night. I miss my family.

And ROBIN, you can enjoy the heat for us both. Here in Tucson they're predicting 92-94F for Phoenix beginning Tuesday. I hate the weather here.

Take care everyone.
We just found out my daughter is having another girl - so excited! Little December hasn't been real thrilled about a baby joining the family but said if the baby is going to come she wanted a sister. Maybe this will help the addition to their little family.

46 and overcast and predicting rain all weekend but better then what most of you are experiencing!

Have a great day
Good evening all,

Congrats Shan!!! Wonderful news!

I actually love all the campaign stuff. Perhaps it is because my major is very politics-oriented. I have two favorite candidates, one from each party, but I'll say my opinion--I might get in trouble otherwise! LOL

Has been very cold here and breezy. We got a light dusting late this afternoon of snow, but it didn't last long and didn't amount to much. I had one class today, then work, but earlier opened up a bank account in the same plaza as my gym, and cashed my checks from work. I have another one in San Diego, but there's no branches out here, so this one is more convenient. Also skipped out on the gym today--will go again over the weekend.

Hope everyone has a nice night.