2/13/18 - Donuts and Many Thanks


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2008
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Steelers', Pirates', & Penguins' Country
Good morning everyone.

Thank you to all of you for your prayers.

As Poirot reported yesterday, the retinal cancer has not grown or mutated. The specialist was actually shocked that it was exactly the same as 6 months ago. He cancelled the appointment with the ocular oncologist in Pittsburgh for radiation implants, and he'll see me in August for more tests.

Again, thank you for your prayers. I'm forever grateful to have all of you in my circle of friends.
Squirrel: your good news made my day yesterday! Thanks for calling Poirot to give your friends an update. You are still on two church prayer lists [by the name Squirrel] and you continue to be in our heartfelt prayers too. God is amazing!
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Good morning.....weird weather as always, yesterday it was 13 below, today it is 13 above!! LOL, we are to get to 27 above today, chance of snow, and tomorrow maybe up to 40. And then, yep, the warm front moves out, cold returns, lol. Topsy turvy weather for sure. NO sun today, so hoping Lil0's sunshine will be arriving this way in a couple days.

Jumping for joy at RS's news, as are you all, & thanking the good Lord.Hugs all around.

Muzza, your opening is getting so close, can imagine how exited and nervous everyone is getting.

Hey, the guy on radio said we have 10 hrs. and a few minutes of daylight. Doesn't seem too long ago he was saying 8 hours of daylight. Progress, folks, definite progress.
Good Morning,

For the last few hours it has been totally cloudy again, cool, but not cold, and I was hoping for another day like yesterday. Well, the clouds are separating and beginning to burn off so Mr. Blast-in-your-face-Sun will soon make his unwanted appearance. Still, one and a half days of cloudy bliss! What a beautiful feeling!

Manda: my daughter now has the same shoes as Gena!! Thanks for the tip!

Poirot: kudos on your daylight progress but any time you want to ship dark hours my way, I am more than ready!

Blessings everyone!
Morning Everyone,

Squirrel - I'm so happy you are back and that nothing has changed. God surely does answer prayers.

Lil0 - your weather sounds awesome.

Poirot - yes, our weather is crazy, but I sure am thankful for the warm up.

Noel - glad you were able to get the shoes for your daughter. Enjoy your last few minutes of clouds.

I'm so frustrated this morning, so the psychotic woman we kicked out for her disgusting acts and rule breaking, decided to knock on my door at 6:30 this morning to tell me that she plans to report us for discrimination in our renting practices for being racist against blacks and Native Americans. I looked at her and told her to be my guest and try. I couldn't care less what color you skin happens to be (considering she's got blond hair, pale skin and blue eyes, I highly doubt she's native, but I guess anything is possible), all I care about is the lies, manipulations, and rule breaking on my property.

Our first tenant was 1/2 Native American and had mental illness and only left because he was arrested. Our current tenant is disabled. I have a gay brother, nephew and aunt. I have 1 black brother-in-law, 1 Native American brother-in-law , a (now deceased) black aunt, a nephew who's half Hmong, and niece-in-law who's Filipino. Another niece and nephew who are half native, and 2 black girls in my Girl Scout troop. So please prove to me that I discriminate against people of color.

Shoot my best friend is part Native American. I love diversity and individuality, I think everyone should be proud of who they are and where they come from. Sorry to vent, I'm just boiling mad right now and while I know her opinion really shouldn't mean anything, it still makes me totally 100% crazy.
Manda: sorry, but it seems to be vogue to throw the word 'racist' around nowadays without a semblance of accountability. All we can do is know our own hearts and ignore their hateful labels. I am so very sorry this is happening to you, starting your day this way, and insulting your good heart. To overcome, I hope you think every happy thought you know, throw in some good memories and a tune or two, and be happy anyway. To me that is the very best revenge.:hug:
Mandy, agree with Noel......that word "racist" is being tossed out any time anyone has a problem with anything. Someone actually wrote on Facebook that this guy lost a coin toss because he was black, said the toss was racist! A COIN TOSS!!!

I know you are steaming, but I am chuckling at YOU listing all these things IF someone responds to her silly accusations. I could just see the person's face, but that woman's face would be hysterical to watch. Am guessing she won't do a thing anyway. You definitely have too much evidence to her actions and your reasons for eviction.
Thank Noel & Poirot, you've helped me feel better. It truly is rather funny, as I used to scold my father-in-law for his racist rants in front of my stepsons and Gena, and his Native American son-in-law and grandkids. It shut him up pretty fast when I asked him if he hated his grandchildren?

When he asked my why I said, well you say you hate "Indians and Gooks" (his language not mine, it makes me shudder to type it) so you must hate them as they are half those races. He apologized to me and them and said he was wrong and that he loves them very much, but had never thought about it that way.

I told him every race has bad people, but it's not fair to lump everyone into a group based on skin color. He agreed that I was right, we got along much better after that too.
On my drive into work today I had to use those things. Ahhh, what are they called????? You know, those things that go back and forth on the windshield?!?!?!?

Yeah, that's it, wipers.

For about two blocks had a downpour. Then just mist. I still have clouds but it looks like Mr. Sun will be out shortly.
Gee Robin, I thought you were going to say....."turn signals". LOL, one of my biggest beefs are drivers who fail to use them. And yes, I know and realize some folks don't realize they have to turn at the next road/light, or think they put the directional on, and suddenly realize it isn't.

There you are, waiting to pull out on the road, but car is coming, so you wait, only he turns into a road/parking lot before reaching you, never hinting that is the case. And of course, now, you have to wait for traffic in the other direction. Guess that is why some drivers take their lives (and yours) in their hands as they pull out suddenly in front of you, driving at 45, 55, even just 35. Grrrrrr. Glad I have good brakes. LOL

Watched a funny clip of a cop, who was explaining the handy item in their car that many drivers don't realize they have. A wonderful device car manufacturers have installed in cars, and a driver doesn't realize what a terrific aid they have. He points out where it is located, how you use it, and finally tells it's name....the turn signal. He had me laughing so hard, it is nice to find cops with a sense of humor.
RS - great, great news! All our prayers have been answered! I will continue to pray for you and I'm so happy for you.

We have had the most gorgeous weather and that big huge light in the sky has been showing for days now. However, we are being told around 9:00pm tonight we are to get 3-7 inches of snow, depending what weather channel you're listening to. I have been so involved with watching the Olympics. I'm so tired but it only lasts for so long and it makes the winter days go by faster.

Have a great day!
It's been cloudy here all day. The high in the 50s. It's supposed to be nice
Wed and Thurs. Friday winter weather comes again. There might be ice
Sat AM so I'll be doing my Sat errands on Friday.

manda, sorry to hear about your early visitor this morning. I hope she
doesn't come again.

I hope everyone enjoys the rest of their Tuesday.
Poirot - I normally am very good with the turn signals. I was driving in Sacramento with my son last year in the Subaru and at a traffic light in the left turn lane, he asked if my turn indicator fluid was empty. What?? Then I realized my blinker was off. I had used it to get into the lane then since it was a turn left ONLY on the green arrow I didn't have it on.