2-21-16 - Donuts and Sunday


Staff member
Dec 29, 2012
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It's going to be another nice day here. Warm and partly sunny. I probably need to stay
out of my flowerbed today. I have so many inside things that need to get done. I'll probably
have to call
someone to get out the rest of the monkey grass. It's too hard for me.

I hope everyone will have a great Sunday without pain and problems.
Good morning, Kat, and everyone. Getting help on the monkey grass sounds like a good plan to me, Kat. Enjoy your day.

We're cloudy here. Slight chance of rain. full chance of wind. Yesterday the weather was real nice, though cloudy. Feeding cows took all morning. In order to get the cube cart to the community farm store (5 miles) to get the hole in the tire fixed, I broke a mesquite thorn off a tree and put super glue on the tip, then stuck the thorn in the hole and cut off the excess. I was a little surprised it worked. The man who repairs tires never could find the hole or the thorn! My niece and I came back and started feeding but soon found out the cart was empty! So we had to go back to the farm store place and fill it up with cubes. It was afternoon before we finished feeding. As of this morning, that tire is still up, even after getting 2500 pounds of cubes loaded onto it yesterday.

I am probably going to relax today, though there are so many things staring at me, waiting to be done. I hope all of you have a good day.
Good morning. Looks like another nice day here, but we did get a light frost overnight. Probably a good thing, because I was starting to believe Spring had arrived, and I was getting very tempted to start planting some tender plants. Gotta be patient!!!!!!!!!

Wishing you all a very pleasant Sunday.
OC, nice work with the thorn and superglue!

Kat, is your place zoned for livestock? I was reading about goats being used to clear poison ivy/oak in a Massachusetts town. :) On the down side, they would likely find your flowers tasty, too. :)

Y'all have a good Sunday, hear?
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Morning all.

Noel, I am able to get Tylenol down. It does help with the fever and body aches. Last night was dreadful with chills and such. Hoping we don't repeat today.

Lots of sleep. Today I'm going to try hot soup. Not a fan of chicken noodle so will go with minestrone. Hoping for a light at the end of the tunnel that isn't an oncoming train.
Good morning everyone,

Hope all of you that are sick feel better soon. Make sure you drink enough water and take it easy.

Overcast today and 55F. Decent weather compared to what we've been having, but they say another cold front is on the way by next weekend. Got a lot of homework to get done--haven't had time to go to the gym on Friday or this weekend at all. I'm excited for spring break in just two weeks.

Have a nice day, all.
Monkey grass is gone :) But I'm too tired to jump for joy.

When I came back from church, I looked in garage and found a pick axe.
That's all I need to finish the job. I dug down deep to get the roots. Next
project, is to get dirt to level out the spot.

Now I need a massage...

It might have been easier if it was.. the plant is the kind the monkey is in. I had liriope.
The flowers were blue. It's a good plant if you need to fill spots in a yard. Some people
use it as edging. The plant was small when I got it. It took about four years to get big
Probably the size of the one in the picture.
A pick axe--now that's getting down to business! Kat, I wouldn't want to be a weed in your yard! I didn't know what monkey grass was either, but good for you, in tackling and conquering the beast.

Degrassi, homework, ugh. Kat's monkey grass almost sounds like more fun, and it doesn't sound good at all. Glad you get a break soon.

Lil0, it's hard to think there will be more freezing weather, after having lots of warm temperatures, but I bet you will have even more frosts yet, like we always do this time of year.

Robin and Noel, you poor, poor people! Here I was thinking colds and flu probably would be happening in a place that stays warm throughout the winter. You have sure proven that thought to be wrong! I feel so bad for both of you. Praying you will get relief soon.

J.S., MacGyver--I wish! :rotfl:I could sure use some of his skills.