2/3/16 - Donuts & The Big Snow


Staff member
Nov 23, 2006
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Good morning all, much calmer here, winds have died down some. drifts everywhere, so hard to tell how much, but it sure snowed heavy all day and all last night. But the winds were so strong, the part of the roof I can see out the window here has barely any snow, but there are drifts of it piled up on the sills, and against the windows, in the corners. We are still under the warnings for another few hours, though.
The plows will be having a tough time, for sure.

Hope everyone is fine, o.k., safe, etc. Our schools thankfully decided to let out early yesterday, and the buses were loaded just as the snow was beginning. Weird to see snow horizontal instead of vertical, but the winds were sooo strong.

Have a good one, folks, off for coffee.
Good Morning Barb,

Sorry I didn't stop by yesterday. I was busy finishing the dress alterations since I got an unexpected day off for Gena's snow day. I had enough time and extra material that I also made a purse to match the dress.

Not a lot going on here except everyone trying to dig out of the snow. We got a lot less than originally anticipated only about 6 inches, not that I'm complaining, that's plenty.

Have a wonderful day!
Good morning everyone,

Happy Birthday Ticeland! Hope it's great.

Rainy here but in the lower 60sF, which is much appreciated as the snow will really start to melt! Last night was in the mid-30sF and tonight is supposed to be about ten degrees warmer. Guess the groundhog was right and we may really get an early spring. I have a training session in 45 minutes, and then class later. Will be back on here tonight sometime.

Hope all of you have a nice day.
Morning all. This morning as I walked into the living room at 7:00, the outside temp was 31. Okay, that's a balmy day for most of you. But it's really cold in a climate that isn't used to anything below 50 degrees. Sacramento wasn't all that cold, but at least living there I had a coat. Here, I have light sweaters and my sweatshirt. Anyway, the sun is shining, my shirts are ready to be picked up, and it is one day closer to Disneyland.

Manda, congrats on finishing the dress and making a purse. I hope the rest of the planning goes smoothly.

Happy Wednesday to all.
A cold, cloudy, windy day here.

Last night, I finished watching the Battlestar Galactica the newer TV series. I started
in Dec watching the four seasons. It was interesting, but not the ending
I wanted.
I'm not sure why i didn't watch 10 years ago when it was on.

manda, wasn't it great having a snow day so you could finish the dress :)

Poirot, sorry to hear Winter Storm Kayla is knocking at your door <ha, ha>

I hope everyone will have the best day possible.
Poirot - after watching your storm on the news last night I'm glad to see you checking in. The winds looked awful!

Amanda - glad you got some unexpected time to finish the dress

Days - enjoy your class and your spring-like weather!!

We're to get more snow this evening. They are predicting just a couple inches and then rain the next day so won't be so bad. Last night I watched my granddaughter and when she came into the house she said "Nana, you can see the moon and stars tonight." So of course I ran out back and sure enough not a cloud in the sky. Why can't that happen during the day? It was nice though to see the stars again!

Stay warm
Hello. This day hasn't been so great so far. We had some bad weather and tornado warnings. I'm not surprised since it was 72* when I got up early this morning. The weather radio kept going off, so no point trying to sleep. Then, my mother was admitted to the hospital with a blood clot in her leg. Go away nasty day!

Stay safe folks.
Good afternoon everyone. A crazy day of trying to get state reports done. The one worker that I've mentioned that I'm constantly having problems with has done it again. Her state reports and billing were so screwed up that it took me almost 4 hours to get it all straightened out. Now I have a migraine, and I have almost another hour of work. This is the night for the monthly dinner with friends, but all I want to do is go to bed.

Noel - I'm so sorry that your accounts were ripped off. Any progress with the bank?

Poirot - please keep the frigid temps up there. It got up to 63*F today with rain!!!! Frigid temps are coming tonight with snow.

kt - prayers going up for your mom.

Prayers and good wishes continue for everyone.
Just a quick check in on a very busy day! Unexpected family arriving for a visit. The house needs cleaning and I need to grocery shop for adults. Unless they love pizza, burgers, hot dogs & mac-n-cheese.

Wishing each of you a safe & beautiful day. Hope to post more tonight.
Thank you all for you prayers for my mother. She told me yesterday her leg was swollen and the first thing I thought of was a blood clot. I insisted she call her doctor and he sent her to the hospital for tests, so she was admitted. My niece has been staying with her since she didn't go back to college after the break. I'm glad she was there and hopefully will continue to stay there when Mama comes home. There has been no decision made about whether to leave my dad in the nursing home or bring him home. I'm hoping Mama admits she just can't take care of him anymore.
Just what would have happened to your father, if he had been at home when your mom had to be admitted to the hospital. That is something for your mother to think long and hard about.

The plow finally came, so I should be able to get out tomorrow to dr. & errands. Gad, they just pile up when one is stuck inside. :)
Heya Everybody! :) I hope that everyone is having a great day! Today was an okay day but it has been a busy one. It has been such a busy week and it is only Wednesday. I hope that the next two days are less busy, but I think tomorrow will be even busier than today so I am not getting my hopes up that things will be any calmer then the last few days. Oh how I need Friday.

I hope that the winter storms that are causing a lot of havoc for some of you are ending. We got a lot of rain in our area but no snow as it was really warm. We even had record highs, that is how warm it is here. As much as I love the warm weather I am afraid that this area will pay the price with a nasty and cold spring.

I hope that everyone has a wonderful Wednesday evening!