2024 Resolutions - Salem style

Just Samantha

Staff member
May 18, 2010
Reaction score
John: vows to make sure he doesn't have any other new parents lurking about

Konstantin: to permanently situate himself in the K-Mansion

Patch: to toss the Greek grifter out of Salem

Sarah: to screech less

Maggie: to be less gullible

Rafe: vows to travel all the way to West Salem to visit Mami more often

Chad: to win Stephanie back, even though he doesn't really and truly want her forever; he just doesn't want anybody else to have her either

Julie: to put up a "Bad Horton" tree on the Salem docks, so she can put all of the basement ornaments on display for the river rats, most especially Gabi's

Roman: to hire competent and reliable employees for the pub

Sami: to collect all the babies in Salem as her own

Sloan: not to lose her marbles every time Nicole is within 10 feet of Jude

Marlena: to deprogram the brattiness out of Rachel

Justin: to win a case

And on a nice note, Xander: to be the best daddy ever to baby Victoria.
Rory: To get Mayor Paulina to legalize pot in Salem.

Leo: To get poor Dimitri out of prison.

Cousin Angelo Vitali: To make Ava aware that she can still ask for help if bad guys threaten her.

Gus: To get out of prison in 2024 and reunite with Madame.

Everett: To stop being rude to people who say he looks just like Nick Fallon.

Alex: To learn women’s names before bedding them.

Anne Milbauer: To build a political movement that will enable her to beat Paulina in the next election.

Dr. Trippy: To become the next Dr. Daniel Jonas in his medical practice and love life.

Forest Preserve Bear: To make more visits to selected Salem dumpsters.

Harold: To answer the DiMansion door more often.

Gwen: To forget that she ever lived in Salem.

Belle: To take more continuing legal education classes so she’ll actually know what she’s talking about when asked for advice.
Benchie: to get back in the Salem Gossip Game

Kate: to find someone new to meddle with since her kids and grandkids are all scattered.

Kayla: to hire a few more doctors at the hospital so it’s not always her, Tripp, and Sarah doing every operation.

Harris: to grow a personality

Nicole: to cry less

Johnny: to decide what he wants to be when he grows up since he doesn’t seem to have a job or anything since his failed movie.