3/12/24 - Donuts and Getting Taxes Done

Good Tuesday morning.... I ended up taking a painkiller last night....and putting the right hand in the restrictive brace.... it's Tuesday so Vinnie is to be at Day Care by 8 he got there at 11, I sort of over slept...... hands are fine this morning I'm able to get my rings back on.... so all is good....
my tax papers are with my tax man...... he will mail them back..... when completed... I wish I had simple taxes but I don't so to the accountant they go each year.....Good luck with the tax man rf..... too bad pets can't be considered family......

Happy National Girl Scout Day
Temps are climbing up fast. We are at 58 now, and the rest of the week will be in the 60s and maybe hit 70. Too fast, no transition!

rfsexton: Good luck!

Robin: Sending healing prayers and good luck with your taxes, too.

Haven't had these cookies in many years, fond memories.

Good afternoon everyone. The sun is a bit warmer today but the wind is still cold. It still made for a nice drive to this morning's school in the northern part of my county. Now I don't feel like doing the reports.

Good luck with your taxes, ladies. Hopefully you don't have any surprises.

WW, I agree that the temp is rising too quickly. I call this pneumonia weather. People were outside in shorts and tee shirts yesterday when it had quit snowing just a few hours before.
That's right, it's Girl Scout day. My mom always remembered since she a leader before she got married.

It's sunny and in the 70s this afternoon. I did some yard work before I took Fenix out. Summary done
and posted. Time to do more yard work.

I'm not sure when I'll get my taxes done. It's longer this year since a financial account was changed and I have
more paperwork to to do. Next year, it won't be as bad. I just have to find time to work on it.

rf, I hope you won't owe any taxes.

robin, I'm glad your hands are feeling better.

rs, I'm glad you had a nice drive day to the school.

I hope everyone has a good afternoon.
EEK, I'm glad y'all mentioned taxes! Yesterday I brought home the paper telling how much I need to pay, with instructions to mail in a check. I guess I laid it aside somewhere and forgot all about it. I don't need to neglect that. Best wishes to each of you who are still in the process of getting taxes done.

Kat it's interesting that your mother was a Girl Scout leader before she was married and had children. I always imagined leaders would be only mothers of the girls involved. My two youngest granddaughters are in scouts now but I never was myself.

Squirrel, I'm glad you enjoyed your drive and I do hope you don't get pneumonia from the weather. I think a lot of people here get sick this time of year due to allergies. Day after day winds blow pollens back and forth, from whatever grows to our north and our south, then add dust from the west.

Wilde Woman, if only you could stay at 70* or below. Ah, those stinking "if onlys" in our lives!

Robin, I'm sooo glad your hands were feeling better today! Oh boy, pets as children/dependents......there's another "if only." If that were the case, I'd be tempted to get a couple of pets myself, even though I really don't want a pet.

Sexton, free tax help, yea! Hope it went well.

I've got a bit of Vertigo today. I feel top heavy. All I want to do is sleep. I haven't been taking naps so much lately, unless I have an especially bad night. I didn't wake up for good until nearly 8:00 this morning. Makes meals and everything later through the day. Each night I think I'll try going to bed earlier but I don't.

Tomorrow the Dish guy comes between 8:00 and noon. I'm interested to hear what he says is causing my signal loss. I don't trust what the people on the phone tell me.
oh my goodness, the ice cream van is driving around already. Seems early. It's in the 70s now. Tomorrow will be warmer.
You never know when the van comes.

The small side of the front yard is raked. I only got half of the weeds out around the mailbox. More later. If I'm able, I'll
rake tomorrow.

OC, I hope you feel better and you have until April 15 to mail off your check. Good luck with the Dish guy tomorrow.
Yes, Robin, let's hope there are no nests and that the Dish guy can handle the surroundings. I think he should be used to such things because people in towns usually have cable or streaming and this whole region has a lot more rural area than town or city. My concern is that he may have to go into my attic, which has no flooring and is filled with the 1950s cellulose loose insulation between the rafters. The entrance is in my kitchen ceiling so it makes a mess when anyone has to go into the attic. Also, I allow that the problem could be a mouse-chewed wire up there. My Dish wire goes all the way across the house in the attic. The last time a Dish guy went up there he told me one entire attic wall was covered in honey comb. Later, when my son went up there he found a snake skin and a dead snake.
Did anyone watch the Oscars? I never used to miss the show, every year. However, did not enjoy last year, so did not bother this year. I don't know any of the actors, the movies, or even the hosts of the show.
Yes, I know many do, and probably had their jaws drop to read I don't......but......such is life.
I watched bits and pieces of the Oscars.... HB and I had managed to watch some of the movies for best picture lots of other films. the Barbie movie was a stick with it it works out, show. Oppenheimer is a good movie but it does take time to sit and watch. The Holdovers was a great movie.
It used to be a not miss thing but this year, my heart wasn't in it.