3/14/24 - Donuts and Pi Day


Staff member
Dec 29, 2012
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Good morning everyone. I finally get an office day! Woohoohooo...I feel like Tigger today.

The young meteorologist on my local early morning show recited Pi out to the 50th digit without taking a breath.

I was a math / physics major before changing to secondary ed, and I still can't wrap my head around Pi having over 62 trillion digits.
Sunny and 55, going up to perhaps 70. But then a drop to the 40s again in a few days.

Kat - Thank you for posting about Pi Day.

redsquirrel - I applaud your math prowess. Worst subject for me.

Everyone enjoy the day, with or without a slice of pie. I don't have any here but will daydream.

Good morning and good Pi day to all.....
Math was never my subject a long story but parental abuse was one of the reason.... my oldest is a math teacher, and math nerd..... so I've purchased lots of Pi day tee shirts.....
the northern part of the state had a rough night but we were quiet here....

Happy Thursday Happy Pi Day....
It's been partly cloudy and in the 70s today. Thunderstorms expected later this afternoon. There might be
damaging winds, hail and maybe tornadoes.

I'm suppose to take Fenix out twice today. I waited until noon and took him out, but he didn't do everything. I'll
keep an eye on the weather and see if I can sneak him out again. I'm going to work on taxes this afternoon.

Did anyone have pie today?

rs, I hope you're having a productive day at the office.

rf, do you work everyday at your new job?

Wilde Woman, enjoy your nice day.

I hope everyone has a peaceful rest of the day.
Sexton, are you substitute teaching? My friend here in our community has retired from teaching twice and now she subs two days a week. About your posts from yesterday, I know there are lots of politics in the education system so I won't get into that. I hope you can do your job in peace. My daughter was in a charter school for some years and got out of it starting this semester to go full time at a community college. She'd done it part time off and on over the years.

Robin, I hope you and HB are home by now and with a good report. You are a real sport of a mom to get those PI t-shirts in honor of you math-nerd kid. My husband was a math whiz. He did come in handy at times, especially when it came to homeschooling our son. Glad those storms missed you. I was up early and watching the weather. I wondered about you.

Wilde Woman, looks like you'll need to hunker down or bundle up for the weekend.

Squirrel, yea for your office day! I knew you are extra smart, the way you handle so many things. A math/physics major is more than I can even think about.

Hi, garysgirl!

Kat, a view of this morning's weather had me wondering about you too. I hope those nasty conditions have somehow missed you. Also hope you made progress on your taxes.

Poirot, I hope you're having a good day.

I can't even remember what PI is all about. Math was so awful to me, I have no idea how I ever made it through the two required years of Algebra. I was good at memorizing so I think I must have memorized a lot and then promptly blocked all of it from my mind when the tests were over. I was so relieved to never have to think about that stuff again.

I woke up at 4:00 this morning, still thinking about my new computer system and I knew I wasn't going to be able to go back to sleep so I got up and started my day. Spent most of the morning in the kitchen cooking up some things and also washing my sheets and other things. Then went to town with my niece. We both had farm trailers that needed license renewals.

I've been trying to figure out how to do things on my new tv system. Everything is different--layout, remote control, labeling on remote buttons, fewer buttons. (Why would they think it a good idea to eliminate the "record" button)? I didn't even know if recording was possible and this is of utmost importance to me because I hardly watch anything without recording it first so I can skip the commercials and also so I can watch at times that are more convenient for me. Eliminating some of the buttons only makes it so you now have to go through more steps to get to things, which I don't consider a plus, although the tech guy thought the new, smaller remote with fewer buttons was wonderful. Also, reading the descriptions and information on whatever show you're watching is more convoluted, makes it almost not worth bothering. Then the program guide is completely different. Things are all thrown together with smaller, colorful print, looks messy to me. I'm going to have to move closer to the tv to be able to read it. It's like everything else. I'm out of step with what people apparently want today.

It was a struggle yesterday to get to a place where I was willing to deal with Dish any longer. I had either misunderstood or had been misinformed about the costs when I talked with a phone technician, and later a manager, on the phone last week. I did not want to upgrade at all but in the end there was no choice about that. When the guy came out yesterday he was so sure he was going to be able to fix the problem for me so I wouldn't need to upgrade. He really tried but some connector on the dish outside had burned up and he said they don't even make those anymore so there was nothing he could do. (The new dish is a good bit smaller than the old one. So, the Hopper was unavoidable). He set it all up but then in going through all the disclaimers and agreements on the phone with the Dish people, it became clear that my bill would be going up by $20 a month and it was already outrageous. I got pretty upset and told them on the phone I just wasn't going to do it. I'd have the technician take out what he'd installed and be done with it. Then I gave the phone to him and he began to make some calls and eventually got $80 knocked off. So here I am, upgraded, with changes to learn. I have learned to do some things but still have lots to learn.
I lost power for about 20 minutes when the storm came through this afternoon. There was wind, lightening and thunder.
I didn't see hail. The radar map shows a break in the rain soon. I took Fenix out later than usual and then took him out at
2:30 right before the storm. His mom called and told me not to worry about taking him out again.

robin, I hope HB is ok.

OC, sorry to hear about your Dish. I hope you found the record button. You probably have to set a program on the
screen for show and then hit a button.
I have DISH....and my remote has a button up at the top, says DVR..Now I have recorded programs and watched later. I know I use the Guide button, which brings up all the programs scheduled for various stationsfor the week or more. Then there is option to record the one program, or the series that appears on the screen. (My son was working for DISH at the time I got it, as I used to have Direct TV) I have had it for 3 or 4 years now, so is probably outdated compared to what is being done now. ??????
We are home, all is well..... apparently he broke a tooth last week saw a dentist this morning then his PCP (primary care physician) and she suggested the ER for a CT. scan so we went ..,, this should all be fixed with over the counter medication but they were pleased he listened to his doctor and followed through. It's been an exhausting day..... I think I'll run to Arby's for a Ruben Sandwich as HB isn't allowed to eat he's on liquid for now,,... and Arby's is just down the street......

On to a Friday....